Baja California: location, location, features, photos and reviews of tourists

Baja California (Northern) is Mexico's northernmost state. It is located in the polar part of the arid California peninsula. Borders on the state of California USA. Previously (before the state), the lands in the north of the California Peninsula were called Baja California.

The western border of the state is the Pacific coast, the eastern - Gulf of California. The southern border is the administrative border with the state of Southern Baja California. This region spreads over an area of ​​70 113 km 2 . This is only 3.5% of the total area of ​​Mexico. The region is not very rich, so some of the institutions are closed or may close in the future.

lower california state

State history

The first people appeared here 11 thousand years ago. It is believed that they moved along the Pacific Ocean from the north. In the south, Indian tribes settled, and in the north - tribes of the Hokan group. Indians were engaged in hunting and gathering. Tribes in the north, in addition, developed agriculture in the floodplain of the river. Colorado, favored by a more comfortable climate.

The arrival of Europeans in these areas dates back to 1539. These were the Spaniards. In 1697, the first Jesuit colony appeared on the peninsula.

State population

The state of Baja California in 2010 was home to more than 3 million (more precisely –3,155,070) people. This is much more than in the south of the California Peninsula. The state capital is the cities of Mexicali and Tijuana, where ΒΎ of the total population of this region lives. They are located on the northern border of the state, near the United States.

The majority of the population are mestizos: a mixture of Spaniards and Indians. There are also a small number of people of European descent, immigrants from Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Asia.


The territory is deprived of significant natural resources, and therefore extractive industries are not developed here. The electronic, chemical, textile, automotive and woodworking industries prevail. The advantages for the state are its good transport infrastructure: roads and railways, airports and seaports. Tourism, hotel business, car assembly, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing are developed here. Products are exported to the United States and Canada.

Baja California Tourism

Recreation and tourism are important areas of the economy of this region. Three cities located on the northern border of the state: Tekate, Tijuana and Mexicali are the centers of shopping popular in the West. So, Tijuana passes through itself 20-30 million customers a year. There is even a modern direction of tourism: shop tourism. In addition, there is a large children's entertainment center in Mexicali, full of attractions and slot machines. There is also a museum of the Indian tribes "Kukala", decorated in the form of a hat. And for people with strong nerves an arena of extreme entertainment has been created.


Rosarito is a coastal resort with white sand beaches, small bays and cliffs. Many hotels and villas have been built here. Experienced travelers are advised to definitely visit restaurants that are known for their delicious dishes based on seafood. The state has a lot of comfortable beach areas.

Each tourist, if desired, can purchase a Mexican souvenir: a sombrero hat, a poncho, a hammock, tequila or Mexican wine. You can also buy jewelry made of stone.

Major Attractions

There are a lot of attractions in Baja California (North). These are mainly artificial objects built relatively recently. Beach holidays and entertainment are the dominant theme.

Three Head Square - Civic Plaza

This unusual place is located in Ensenada. Its characteristic feature is three giant male heads made of bronze and standing on trapezoidal white pedestals. Between them, ornamental plants grow in pots. The sculptures symbolize the three heroes of Mexico. According to tourists, they look pretty realistic. It also offers a panoramic view of Ensenada.

The size of the area is quite significant, which allows for concerts and other public events to be held there.

Prospect of the Revolution

Of course, he has nothing to do with the Soviet Socialist Revolution. The name was given because it was from here that the development of the city of Tijuana, on which this avenue is located, came. It is a wide street with a very ancient asphalt surface and a wide pavement with artificial pinkish-brown color. Liquid palms do not give enough shade, so it can be assumed that it is very hot there.

Another reason why this attraction is probably not too attractive is poverty. Previously, nightclubs, bars, restaurants, and cultural institutions worked along the street. Now there are only strip clubs with cheap beer. In the past, this place was popular among American sailors.

Diving center "Cabo Pulmo"

This object is located in the very first of the local resorts. It does not at all look like rest areas with modern buildings that are familiar to a domestic tourist. But for diving, this is probably even better. According to experienced travelers, there is everything you need for complete dives in the best area of ​​the Cortes Sea. The staff is well trained and has considerable experience and knowledge of the area.

Gallery "Golden Cactus"

This gallery is known for displaying hundreds of works by American artists. The building itself is very cozy and will leave a pleasant impression. However, due to financial difficulties, this beautiful place may someday disappear.

Golden Cactus Gallery

Casino Arenia

This major entertainment venue is located in the city of Mexicali. In addition to the casino, the building has a restaurant, car service and a cinema. In the main hall are located machines for games. There is also a night club, where often noisy events are held. The restaurant serves classic European dishes.

casino in mexico

Southern Baja California State

This state is less known than its northern neighbor, and, besides, it is not very populated. The climate is hotter and arid. Deserts and semi-deserts are ubiquitous. Here you can look at picturesque beaches, beautiful seaside cliffs, mountains covered with succulents and arid vegetation. According to tourists, these are excellent places for a romantic and secluded vacation, except for such a problem as daily heat.

southern lower california

The capital of Southern Baja California is La Paz. There are mining and food enterprises, there are objects of education and culture. The transport network is well developed.


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