Professional competencies of teachers

One of the areas of modern research in the psychology of labor and personnel management is the competence, qualification of employees. Professional competencies are a circle of professional issues in which an individual is well oriented. Currently, workers with deep professional and personal qualities are considered the most popular in society. Situations in the modern world impose requirements not on specific knowledge, but on the qualifications and literacy of people.

Professional competencies

In everyday life, along with the term “competence”, the concepts of “qualification” and “professional competencies” are used. After analyzing the content of these definitions, we can conclude that they differ in volume, composition, structure. The most acceptable is the interpretation of the content of the word "competence":

- knowledge system in action;

- personal qualities and properties;

- Integration of ZUNs providing professional activities ;

- the ability in practice to realize their potential for activities in the professional sphere and to recognize responsibility for its result, the need to improve in work.

Considering the professional competencies of the teacher, the following components are distinguished:

- motivational-volitional, including values, a desire to work with children, motivation to learn new forms and methods of work;

- functional, characterized by the presence of knowledge and skills, possession of pedagogical technologies;

- communicative - the ability to communicate, interact, clearly and clearly convey the idea to students or pupils, the possession of business communication skills;

- reflective - the ability to analyze the results of your work to determine the potential of professional and personal growth, various kinds of achievements.

formation of professional competencies

The formation of professional competencies is the basis of professional qualities of an individual, which are integrative in nature, are considered in the aggregate; their prerequisites are formed already at the stage of vocational training in a higher or secondary special educational institution. The completion of retraining courses at continuing education courses should be considered as a process of development and deepening of competence.

Professional competence is one of the most important components of a specialist’s personality. Currently, much attention is paid to the training of qualified workers in the education system.

professional competence is
In recent years, the influx of people without special education in preschool institutions has increased. Low wages, a great responsibility for the health of children, an increase in the range of responsibilities does not contribute to the replenishment of staff with high level of professionalism. The introduction of new FGS in education requires the presence both in schools and in pre-school educational institutions of people with high professional competencies, for the formation of which there is a developed network of postgraduate special training.


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