How to fill out a job application and get the desired place?

Finding a job is not always easy, but it’s much more difficult to get an interview and interest a potential employer. To simplify the selection of personnel, many companies offer all applicants to fill out a standard form. Why do you need it if you already have a resume? How to fill out a job application form and ensure that it is you who are invited for an interview?

Is the profile really scary?

How to fill out a job application form correctly
Many applicants, having seen a list of template questions, feel serious competition and often already at this stage refuse to apply for work in this organization. And this is a big mistake, the questionnaire is used solely as a tool for screening low-skilled employees. If you are asked to leave general information about yourself, this does not mean that dozens of other specialists will fill in the same document besides you. Never refuse this procedure, you spent your time on a visit to the office or correspondence with company representatives, so bring the matter to an end. Instead of finding out how to fill out a job application, some people prefer to send their resume. This is also the wrong policy, any organization has its own rules, and if you plan to work in it, you must follow them. If you think that in addition to the questionnaire, a resume is important, just pin it to the questionnaire or send two documents together by e-mail.

How to fill out a job application form: general provisions

Application form filled sample
If you fill out the document by hand, write clearly, you can even use block letters. Try also to follow the rules of the Russian language and not to make corrections and errors. At the time of filling, concentrate on the questionnaire. It is desirable to answer the truth and only the truth. Some companies specifically suggest that applicants fill out a questionnaire in which some questions are related. This is a kind of test for honesty and reliability of information. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to clarify them with the specialist who issued the list. It will be even better if you are given an example of a completed application form for work. Make a cheat sheet at home - write down your previous work biography with the dates of dismissal and employment up to the day, do not forget about the contacts of senior officials from previous places.

Special tricks of filling out application forms for work

An example of a completed application form for work
Many employers like to confound job seekers with questions about the personal. Hobbies, height and weight, strong personality traits - all this may include a job application. A filled sample in such places may have dashes. What to write? Most importantly, never leave lines blank or put dashes. But greatly exaggerate their merits is not worth it. If you don’t have a hobby, write about your previous hobbies. The same applies to personal qualities, you can talk about your punctuality or responsibility. How to fill out a questionnaire for work if you are asked to tell about your negative aspects? It’s also better not to lie, but it’s not worth frightening a potential employer too much. Write 1-2 and not too serious. It is better to prepare for an interview in advance. Think over the answers to all possible questions, think about what you would personally ask if you were hiring.


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