Industrial parks are territories for the placement of new industries. Creation, management and service

To accommodate new production in the territory, which is provided with infrastructure and energy, industrial parks are specially organized. This education must be equipped with all the necessary conditions of an administrative-legal plan. It is managed by one or more specialized companies.

industrial parks this


Industrial parks are special industrial sites where independent enterprises from different or one industry operate. The territory for all enterprises is common, because the production facilities that shared its infrastructure are very often interconnected, because they jointly create added value and use the services of a management company - private or public. For chemists, industrial parks are the so-called chemical parks, in which enterprises have much closer industry ties.

There is an Association of Industrial Parks, where uniform documents are developed, including for non-profit partnerships. Industrial or industrial parks are also a specialized complex managed by a single operator of a number of real estate objects, where it is primarily a land plot, then production, administrative, warehouse and other structures and premises. Transport and engineering infrastructure has been established throughout.


Of the mandatory features, such an industrial zone should primarily have land with a specific type of permitted use, that is, industrial. Capital construction of the main specialized facilities should be completed. Engineering infrastructure should be established. There should be a management company.

A special place is given to legal conditions. As mentioned above, practically all points of existence of the industrial park should be legally agreed: by land category with the type of permitted use of buildings, by registration of approvals regarding fire and environmental safety. All requirements and norms established by law must be strictly observed, including the rental of industrial premises must be formalized by law.

engineering infrastructure

Competitive conditions

For the successful operation of the industrial park, many components are necessary: ​​this is the abundance of labor resources, and geographically close sales markets, first of all, transport accessibility (here the best integration of all available types of it - from road and rail to air and water). Engineering infrastructure should be well developed, and energy resources should be even redundant.

Residents of permits and administrative procedures should be able to simplify the procedure for passing them. Premises for production in a well-equipped industrial park are extremely adapted and modernly equipped. Employee housing and social infrastructure cannot be far away. An industrial zone usually has the ability to diversify or expand production. The work of a successful industrial park involves the most advanced engineering solutions.

Industrial Zone


The first creation of an industrial park took place in England in 1896. A prominent financier Ernest Hawley bought ten hectares of Manchester Canal, and then began to think about how to dispose of this land. He quickly built a room for production, but - again - not for his own. The idea to create an industrial park was formed gradually. First, transport and engineering infrastructure was created.

Then the financier decided to lease the land owned by him to industrial enterprises. The case got off the ground, and a bit later Hawley started selling plots. So the first in the world practice industrial Trafford Park was born. In 1910, it was here that Henry Ford brought his American dream - the first automobile factory in Europe, and ten years later, more than three hundred companies took an example from it and moved their offices and facilities from America to Manchester. So industrial land was developed by enterprising people.

industrial rental


What is the creation of an industrial park for its owners? This facility management is the management of facilities in a special form of outsourcing, when participating enterprises can, by concentrating their core business, benefit by defeating competitors in a variety of ways. Both synergy and the economies of scale work here, when the infrastructure is capital-intensive, spending on necessary services is reduced, since enterprises are located compactly.

A development or management company carries out facility management, that is, even the fire protection at an industrial park can be its own. All positive factors are used, including the location and location of the industrial park, which increase its attractiveness and reduce its own costs of maintaining production facilities. There is an opportunity to expand the business, opening new production facilities, since the rental of industrial premises in the park is much lower.

In Russia

From the beginning of the sixties of the twentieth century, the concept of an industrial park began to be used more and more actively. In Russia, they began to appear only in the post-perestroika time, which was associated with the automotive industry and the development of the chemical industry. In the vast majority of cases, western companies opened industrial parks in Russia.

Unfortunately, in unsuitable territories, literally in an open field, almost without using ready-made production sites, there are a lot of them with the closure of domestic industry in the country. In addition, the status of the industrial park in Russia has not yet been fixed by law, but the Association has already been created, and things have moved forward. The main thing is to connect the appropriate services so that sanitary and environmental safety is observed, the use of harmful and hazardous substances is under control, and water use is carried out according to the rules.

premises for production


World practice divides existing industrial parks into three main models.

1. The park, which contains an infrastructure management company that provides enterprises, in addition to production facilities, with a number of services and the entire infrastructure. Most often, such a management company owns an industrial park, but this is not a prerequisite. Its services are part of the free market, if the framework agreement does not provide for the mandatory use of the services provided.

2. Separate industrial parks, often small ones, attracting companies for external services or entrusting the management of infrastructure to firms that have established their production on their territory.

3. Industrial parks with an anchor investor (major user), which performs all the functions of infrastructure management.

Energy Supply and Waste Management

Energy is considered here not only as electricity, but also as all other necessary materials that are distributed through the pipeline and cable networks: gases (hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, compressed air and so on), water (special, necessary for certain industries, cooling, desalted, technical, drinking and so on), refrigerants (ammonia, freon) and the like. Steam production has a special role, because in industrial parks its production is not limited to the needs of steam heating, there are many production ones that increase the efficiency of work, CHP.

Waste recycling is also one of the most important tasks of any management company, since this should be done in a qualified manner, since industrial and household waste can be found on the territory of industrial parks, but often toxic waste, the disposal of which requires special furnaces. We also need our own treatment facilities for industrial effluents.

facility management


Experts have come to a common opinion on what is the competitive advantage of industrial parks. This, of course, is the provision of the infrastructure for all production facilities, since the success of the implementation of this project and all production periods depend on this. Arrangement of areas for several industries helps to save infrastructure costs, it is much easier to attract investors to cooperate with industrial parks of such a plan.

Developers often underestimate the complexity of issues related to the organization of infrastructure, so there are long-term construction projects, and empty parks cannot work for industry efficiency. An industrial park must have an investment appeal. And only competently built infrastructure can make it such. Conventional industrial sites are precisely the lack of supply of necessary services and differ from industrial parks.


An industrial company located in an industrial park does not have to deal with safety or waste management or logistics on its own. The owners of the park or the management company take care of all this. Despite the fact that firms from different or even from one industry function here, the links between them are unshakable due to the general production processes. For example, a company receives raw materials and produces a certain material, another picks up a chain and makes a semi-finished product from it, after which a third company produces a finished product from a semi-finished product.

The minimum of movements makes it competitive due to a very attractive price. Companies located in the same territory do not spend so much on services from the infrastructure of the park, since the costs are divided into all and get much less than if everyone organized their own infrastructure. Efficiency is growing, since all efforts are directed only to the production of products. The focus of industrial parks is conceptual, residents use specialized services. The level of services provided by infrastructure management is consistently high, and the business environment is favorable.

trafford park

About Support

At present, Russia has a huge need for support and development of industrial parks. The state begins to take care of this, providing subsidies and tax benefits, special loan programs. Quite successfully, such parks operate in Kaluga (Grabtsevo), where the Volkswagen plant is located. There, the total area of ​​the park is more than seven hundred and thirty hectares, and only about seventy are still free.

You can also cite the industrial park "Vorsino" as an example , where facilities for production were received by such plants as Nestle, NLMK, Samsung and others. There is a well-developed park in the territory of the special economic zone - the Baltic Industrial Park (Kaliningrad), even its own port complex will soon begin to work there. Such successes are explained by experts due to the fact that there is a mandatory and most serious state support. Local projects, supported only at the regional level, are developing not so fast and not on such a scale.


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