Reindeer husbandry in Russia: features, areas of accommodation

Where in our country are deer grown? Which breeding areas are suitable? Reindeer husbandry in Russia has always developed in the conditions of a harsh climate - this is how it happened historically. Now this lesson is a combination of scientifically based agricultural practices and traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. In our article, we will talk about the features of deer breeding, as well as about the regions that are best suited for raising these proud animals.

What nations grow deer?

Reindeer husbandry is a traditional occupation.

Historically, reindeer husbandry in Russia has always been referred to as regions with a cold climate. Nowadays, many peoples of the Far East and Siberia are engaged in this type of animal husbandry:

  • Khanty
  • Dolgans;
  • Chukchi;
  • Nenets
  • Mansi.

And this is far from a complete ethnic list. In addition to our country, reindeer are also bred in the United States of America, Canada, as well as Sweden, Finland, and Norway. Here, the Sami are engaged in reindeer husbandry, and not so long ago, the Kvens could also boast of involvement in this type of agriculture.

Deer breeds for breeding

Now you know what peoples of Russia are engaged in reindeer husbandry. However, we do not draw all breeds of deer equally well suited for home breeding. This is especially true of the northern regions, which are characterized by a harsh climate. An ideal option for such conditions would be a reindeer. This breed is divided into four groups:

  • Evenki
  • Chukchi;
  • Even
  • Nenskaya.

It is also worth noting that in the territory of the Russian Federation about 70% of the total deer livestock is concentrated. Of course, at home only a small part is contained, but the northern peoples closely intertwined their lives with these proud animals. For example, almost any native inhabitant of the north will say that his people will be engaged in breeding deer as long as these extraordinary creatures exist in the world.

Why do people do reindeer husbandry?

This question at least once arose for every farmer who was looking for ways to develop his business. It is worth noting immediately that the peoples of Russia engaged in reindeer husbandry do this not just for the sake of observing traditions. Just in a harsh climate, there are practically no alternatives.

Christmas deer.

The list below lists the main benefits of these animals:

  1. Excellent draft power. And indeed it is. The thoroughbred deer is not inferior even to a thoroughbred traction horse. However, unlike these graceful animals, deer are able to tolerate the most severe frosts and work in unbearable conditions for humans.
  2. Great for getting warm skins. The fur of an adult deer is very dense, and the skin is quite thick. This material is ideal for sewing clothes and manufacturing various household items that allow you to insulate the home.
  3. Source of meat and milk. Many breeders will say that venison tastes very sour, and animal milk is almost impossible to drink. However, both of these products are highly valued in the market, and in the harsh North they are simply indispensable for the average person.

In addition, do not forget that deer can provide a person with very valuable material - horns, from which you can make a variety of decorative items. Many healers also use powdered deer horns to treat serious illnesses.

Reindeer herding areas in Russia

Back in 1990, the number of deer in Russia totaled about 2300 thousand units, but today this number has almost halved. Most of these animals are raised in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District and Yakutia. The first region has about 660 thousand goals, and the second - 200 thousand. These figures may seem very large, but as far back as 2011, reindeer husbandry was developed in eighteen regions of our country, and today the percentage of wild deer has begun to increase from 10% to 67%. This means that this type of animal husbandry is beginning to die gradually, despite the assurances of the locals to the contrary.

Reindeer husbandry features

Now you know about the main areas of reindeer husbandry in Russia. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features of this business, especially if you plan to start breeding deer yourself.

Shepherds overtake a herd of deer.

Firstly, this industry is characterized by high mobility. This is due to the condition of pastures and the general availability of feed. You have to constantly move the flock from place to place so that animals can graze calmly. Accordingly, such an economy can be dealt with only in tundra or forest-tundra conditions.

Secondly, the northern breeds of deer perfectly tolerate the harsh climate and adapt well to winter cold, so they will not have to organize additional heated pens. Be sure: if you breed deer in places where there is a sufficient amount of feed, the animals will not freeze from the cold in winter.

And thirdly, animal walking is associated with a rather high risk of loss of livestock due to predators who strive to attack herds. That is why several armed people with specially trained wolfhound dogs are engaged in deer protection at once. At the same time, deer are not afraid of an armed man and trust him.

Can deer drive out cows?

Definitely not. This is largely due to the factors of reindeer herding in Russia. Animals can only be raised in the cold north. Even if an entrepreneur manages to obtain a business permit in central Russia (which is almost impossible), deer simply will not feel comfortable in such conditions. Most likely, the animals simply will not breed.

Cows graze in the meadow

And why displace cattle when it has a lot of advantages over deer? The cost of one kilogram of beef today varies from 190 to 280 rubles. But venison is unlikely to be able to find cheaper than 500-600 rubles per kilogram, if not to go to the region where it is grown on an industrial scale.

What is reindeer fed with?

Deer eating moss

Now you know about the reindeer breeding areas in Russia, however, the forage base is an important factor in breeding these animals. Even if a farmer drives herd out to a pasture somewhere in the tundra, itโ€™s far from the fact that there will be all the necessary herbs that make up the deerโ€™s diet. For example, one of the favorite treats of the reindeer is a very specific lichen lichen, which is also popularly called deer moss. It is this plant that should be part of any diet for growing an animal. Of course, you canโ€™t do without hay in the winter season as well, so feed should be stored in advance using various plants that grow in the northern regions.

Prospects for the development of the reindeer herding business in the northern regions of Russia

Most breeders in the North breed deer for one purpose - to obtain valuable products and resources necessary for living in harsh conditions. However, you can also meet in the tundra and large farmers who came to this region specifically in order to earn money on livestock. And such people can be understood. Today, more and more people are trying to adhere to the principles of healthy eating and refuse fatty pork and beef in their diet. In addition, do not forget about the constant reduction in livestock, so the price of deer meat will only increase.

Reindeer husbandry in the north.

Farmers also contain deer to obtain valuable skins, which have great value in the market. Most buyers prefer to buy a leather jacket or shoes, paying for it three times as much, but so that it lasts several years, and maybe even decades. Deers are a very good source of materials, so selling skins to shoe factories can bring quite good income. Especially if there are more than a dozen animals in the herd, but several.

As for the horns and milk, these products are not as highly valued in the market as the two above, but this does not mean that they have poor quality. From nonfat milk of deer, quite tasty cottage cheese and cheese are obtained. So if you have a good oil mill, the income from dairy products will be very tangible. As for the horns, hunters and collectors who like to decorate their home with various trophies are not averse to buying them. According to local shamans and healers, the horns contain powerful healing power that allows you to get rid of many diseases.

How useful is deer meat?

The undeniable advantage of venison over pork and beef is that it has much less fat. Accordingly, this meat can no doubt be considered dietary. The product will bring particular benefit to those who are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, professional athletes, as well as overweight people. In addition, venison will be indispensable for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, because fatty meat in the diet is categorically contraindicated, and chicken and fish get bored quickly enough.

Deer meat.

As for the taste of venison, it is not much different from beef. Of course, due to the fact that animals lead an active lifestyle, the product may seem somewhat harsh, but this is most often due to its improper cooking. Venison must languish over low heat for at least 2.5 hours. The same goes for the small acidity that many people who have tried venison complain of. You can get rid of this aftertaste with the help of various spices and long cooking. If you at least once manage to try a delicious venison dish, then you are unlikely to give up this delicacy and will buy it in supermarkets from time to time.

Stock footage

If you decide to seriously engage in animal breeding in the northern region, we strongly recommend that you watch a short video, which tells about the interesting nuances of this type of animal husbandry. Also, the material is recommended for familiarization to those people who are simply interested in the culture and life of the northern peoples.

As you can see, living in the tundra is quite difficult, but for a person who is not afraid to work and follows the traditions of his people, this is a common thing. Reindeer husbandry helps to cope with all difficulties and provides the population with almost all the necessary resources.


We hope that now you know a little more about the regions of reindeer husbandry in Russia and the people who are engaged in this difficult type of animal husbandry. Of course, you can try to grow these proud animals in the southern regions, but such an activity will be practically unpromising. For deer, it will be necessary to procure special feeds, which consists of plants common only in the tundra. In addition, no one will allow the farmer to keep large herds. The maximum that is possible is the breeding of several individuals as decorative animals.


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