Nettle seeds: medicinal properties and contraindications

Nettle seeds, like other parts of the plant, have valuable healing properties. Of these, you can make infusions, teas, decoctions, ointments, and other products that strengthen male strength, normalize blood sugar levels, and solve a number of problems in the cosmetology sphere. Grass is also popular at the low price that is offered in pharmacies, but nettle can be grown at home if you wish.

Active substances

All parts of nettle are rich in vitamin C, which can strengthen the body, and also has a negative effect on many diseases. All nettle seeds include not only vitamin C - there are also vitamins of groups B, E, K and other important elements in the composition.

The plant is very useful because it contains natural fatty oil, in which most of it is linolenic acid. This element allows you to improve metabolic processes in the human body, and also reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Nettle seeds

If you take different funds based on seeds, then the aging of the cells will be slowed down. Due to the large amount of this acid, all products made from seeds can normalize hormonal levels.

Seed benefits

Like any other natural product, nettle seeds have medicinal properties and contraindications. According to statistics, many men suffer from diseases of the reproductive system. To help avoid such problems, pharmaceutical companies produce many different medicines and supplements that contain nettle seeds. The plant can improve potency and erection. Nettle-based medications can also be used to treat prostate adenoma and other male diseases.

Nettle seeds medicinal properties and contraindications

Scientists have proven that the plant can increase testosterone in the blood in men, which means that sexual desire will be activated. In addition, seeds can be used for the following procedures:

  1. Used as a hemostatic agent.
  2. Infusions and teas are used to strengthen the immune system, as well as a diuretic.
  3. Nettle can quickly cure cholecystitis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems.
  4. An ingredient is often used to create creams, ointments, and other face and body care products.
  5. Stinging nettle can relieve kidney-related diseases.
  6. Due to the diuretic effect, it is used to relieve swelling.
  7. Seed-based products are used to remove worms and other parasites.
  8. Great for cleaning blood.
  9. It is recommended to drink infusions and teas for people who suffer from diabetes.
  10. Means normalize the menstrual cycle.
  11. Seeds can normalize the central nervous system, and are also great for people who suffer from insomnia.
  12. Using the plant, you can quickly restore the body after diseases.

All drugs where there are nettle seeds should be taken only after consulting a doctor, since the plant is not suitable for everyone.


Knowing the positive properties of nettle seeds, it is also necessary to consider who is contraindicated in taking tinctures, decoctions and other means.

Nettle seed properties

It is not recommended to use drugs:

  1. People with thick blood, because blood clots can form.
  2. It is forbidden to take funds for people who have varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.
  3. Hypertensive patients, patients with atherosclerosis, as well as pregnant women, refuse to take medication inside.
  4. It is forbidden to use nettles if bleeding occurs that is caused by tumors in the uterus.

It is also worth knowing that nettle seeds can enhance lactation in women.

Natural medicine

To increase sexual desire and potency in men, nettle should be used, but not any part of it, namely nettle seeds.

Nettle seeds healing properties

Traditional medicine is rich in various recipes that can improve potency, but if you use seeds, then it is better to prefer the following technology:

  1. You can make a medicine if 1 tbsp. l crushed seeds pour a liter of boiling water and leave the ingredients for 30 minutes.
  2. You will need to drink the medicine 3 times a day, in a volume of 70 ml.

The infusion can significantly improve the functioning of the reproductive system, as well as strengthen health and improve metabolic processes.

For a similar action, you can pour 1 cup of ordinary water 2 tbsp. l seed. Next, the ingredients are boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes, after which the mixture is filtered and a glass of boiled water is added. This recipe can be used not only to improve potency, but also for insomnia. It is drunk to regulate sleep at 50 ml per hour before night rest. You can use the decoction for diseases and cough. In this case, he is drunk a tablespoon three times a day.

Kazakh recipe for potency

To strengthen men's strength, Kazakhs advise using the following method of preparation of the medicine:

  1. 5 tbsp. l seeds, pour 500 ml of port wine from the grapes and let the mixture boil, then boil for 5 minutes.
  2. When the mixture cools down, it must be filtered and drunk in two ways: you can take the medicine once a day, 50 ml or 1 tbsp. l thrice a day.
  3. If there is no port, then it is replaced with wine, but it is better to add honey to the wine. For 5 tablespoons of nettle, you need the same amount of honey. The medicine is drunk on wine in a tablespoon before eating.

Nettle seeds in a pharmacy

To prepare a stronger product to increase potency, you need:

  1. For 0.5 l of fortified wine add a quarter of the seeds.
  2. Tincture should be infused for a month.
  3. The finished product is drunk according to 2 tbsp. l three times a day, about half an hour before the meal.

The course of treatment with this tool is 1-2 months. If necessary, repeat the course, you need to take a break of 30 days and only then proceed to reuse the medicine.

Tasty medicine for male power

Medications do not always turn out to be nasty in taste; on the contrary, they can be very tasty. The described recipe is proof of this. For cooking, it will be enough 1 tbsp. l seed, as well as one banana. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and one such serving is sufficient per day. If there is no ordinary nettle, then you can buy nettle seeds in a pharmacy. This is not a problem today.

Cosmetic products

Many women prefer to prepare face and body care products on their own, and one of the popular recipes for nettles is the following:

  1. Nettle seeds (200 g) are poured with a liter of boiling water, and when the water cools down a little, 2 more tablespoons are added. l honey.
  2. After an hour, the infusion will be ready for use and a means for washing and rubbing the skin is used. A medicine is used for problem skin, as well as a means to strengthen hair.

Nettle seeds for removal

Since ancient times, nettle seeds have been used to remove hair on any part of the body. For the preparation of such a medicine, dioecious nettle seeds must be used, but they must be fresh. It is necessary to fill in 40 g of the plant with 100 grams of sunflower oil and leave for 2 months to insist. After the specified time, you can rub the oil into the problematic parts. This is how nettle seeds are used to remove hair. This is a kind of natural depilator.

Nettle Seeds for Hair Removal

For those who have a lot of blackheads, it is recommended to make an infusion of 20 grams of seeds and a glass of boiling water. You need to take the drug inside for a couple of tablespoons. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Seed harvesting

In all the remedies described, you need to use dioecious nettle seeds, since it is it that is very much appreciated. Its collection is carried out only in a clean area, from July to August. For harvesting, you can cut the stems of the plant, the length of which is not more than 0.5 meters. Nettle seeds, medicinal properties will have only if they are ripe. The stems themselves must be bundled and laid under a canopy for drying for up to 2-3 days. After the specified time, the bunches must be beaten onto an oilcloth or cloth and all the seeds must be collected, which should be left to dry for up to a week.

The finished product can be stored in woven bags or jars. Useful properties will remain for a couple of years.


Using the seeds of the plant as a folk remedy for treatment, you can not only quickly get on your feet after illness, but also significantly improve your health. Taking decoctions or infusions according to the specified recipes, you can not be afraid of any ailment, and men will only benefit from such funds.


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