Volumetric pectoral. Supersets on the pectoral muscles

You train hard for a long time, but the result is not impressive? Want to make your breasts voluminous and dry? There is a solution, and this is a superset for the pectoral muscles! Thanks to the use of supersets in your training program, your pectoral muscles will be in perfect shape.

Solution for progress

The most famous professionals who have achieved great results in bodybuilding recommend using supersets in their training programs. It is this training method that provides a quick increase in lean muscle mass, reduces the fat layer between the muscles and skin. Thanks to all this, your muscles acquire an unprecedented relief and beauty.

What is a superset?

Superset is a combination of two exercises that are performed without a pause. This type of training provides high intensity, due to which a large number of calories is consumed, fat is burned and muscles acquire volume at a tremendous pace. In this article we will consider the types of supersets for the pectoral muscles for men. As a rule, a training program using this type of training is planned for several months of use 2-4 times a week. At the end of this training cycle, the athlete develops lean muscle mass of the pectoral muscles with minimal fat. The chest will acquire a beautiful shape, becomes embossed and attractive.

Training programs usually consist of several supernets. Exercises are performed one after another, without respite. A pause between supersets is up to 3 minutes.

Examples of pectoral supersets

1) Bench press + breeding dumbbells. 4 repetitions.

Bench Press - 8 reps. The used weight is higher than the working one. Weight is maintained until the end of the workout.

Bench Press

Technique of execution.

For maximum study and rupture of muscle fibers, it is necessary to focus on lowering the barbell to the chest, and not on the rise. Thanks to this method, you maximize the use of the chest muscles, thereby ensuring them maximum growth.

Wiring - 12 reps. The working weight is applied. In the last superset, the weight is the same as in the first.

Dumbbell Arm Rest

Technique of execution.

When doing dumbbell breeding, you need to feel the process itself, determine the most suitable lower stretch point, and perform the exercise as comfortable as possible for yourself. When connecting dumbbells at the highest point, try to squeeze the elbow joints together as far as possible.

This superset for the pectoral muscles is aimed at the power study and stretching of the middle bundle of pectoral muscles.

2) Bench press on an inclined bench + dumbbell bench press from a half-sitting position. 3 repetitions.

Barbell Press - 15 reps. Use a weight that is comfortable for you. In the last repetitions, it is necessary to achieve a burning sensation in the pectoral muscles.

Bench press lying on an inclined bench

Technique of execution.

Hands on the bar are slightly wider than the shoulders. Gently lower the bar to the upper chest and gently lift it up, locking it at eye level.

Dumbbell Bench Press - maximum number of repetitions. Perform the exercise to a complete failure.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Technique of performing superset on the pectoral muscles.

The body and head are in full contact with the bench, the dumbbells are at eye level, and the grip should be similar to the grip of the bar during the press. Hands smoothly fall down perpendicular to the body. At the lowest point, with maximum stretching, we fix the position of the hands for 1 second and begin to rise.

3) The simulator "Butterfly" + crossover. 3 repetitions.

Reduction of hands on the "Butterfly" - 15 repetitions. Used working weight.

Hand reduction on the Butterfly simulator

Technique of execution.

All repetitions must be performed in smooth steps.

Joining hands in a crossover in a slope - 15 reps. The most comfortable weight is used.

Crossover Hands

Technique of execution.

It is necessary to tilt the body parallel to the floor, the legs are bent. Stretch your arms in the crossover to the feeling of maximum stretch. Next, we connect our hands at the lower point and fix the position for 1 second.

The task of this superset is to warm up and pump up the muscles of the chest with blood as much as possible. Usually it is used at the beginning of a training program.

4) Push-ups on the bars + push-ups from the floor. 4 repetitions.

Push-ups on the bars - the working number of repetitions. Try not to lower the number of repetitions.

Chest Press

Technique of execution.

It is advisable to use wide bars, the elbows are not pressed to the body. When performing repetitions, you need to feel the elaboration of the pectoral muscles, and not triceps.

Push-ups - the working number of repetitions. The number of repetitions is constant until the end of the superset.

Push ups

Technique of execution.

When pushing up from the floor to work out the pectoral muscles, you need to position your hands slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. Gently lower yourself to the floor, but do not touch it, fix the position for half a second. Then slowly make the rise, but do not rise to the end, hands should be kept slightly bent, fixing this position for 1 second.

The superset using these exercises allows you to stretch the chest muscle group well, which will serve to further break the muscle fibers, and this, accordingly, activates their growth.

Training Addition

For even faster fat burning, do not forget about running. Take a run at least 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes. Scientists have proven that after 18 minutes of moderate running, the human body begins to actively use body fat to generate energy. Do not forget about healthy nutrition and sports supplements.


The basic exercises for combining them in the superset on the pectoral muscles are described above. There are many variations of alignment. Applying this information in practice, you can determine for yourself the best supersets for the pectoral muscles. As you know, each person has a unique body structure, so you need to feel and analyze each type of training. That is how you will achieve your result with greater efficiency. Experiment!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45349/

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