Windows 10: a problem for the computer

Modern operating systems come out in a slightly unfinished form. And many users say that Windows 10 is a problem for most. This is not the operating system that is currently capable of winning the hearts of society. Is this all true? Or just another excuse not to change the usual "Windows 7" or "Windows 8"? Let's try to find out if there really are so many crashes in Windows 10? And what character are they?

windows 10 problem

Installation process

The first thing a modern user is faced with is installing an operating system. And Windows 10 in this regard brings a lot of inconvenience. After all, the user will have to try pretty hard to get a brand new system.

Problems installing Windows 10 occur "once in a while". For example, you have to completely change the partitions of the hard drive. If you had an old version of Windows before reinstalling, you will have a hard time. In addition, very often this process fails. And the Windows 10 operating system is initially installed “crookedly”. During this phenomenon, various systemic problems will appear. So be prepared for this.

If you update

There are often problems with updating Windows 10. It is worth considering - this process was initially proposed to all users with new versions of Windows (license) in automatic mode. In this scenario, problems are minimized. Only about an hour is enough to update.

Otherwise, you will have to somehow produce this process yourself. The main thing is that on older operating systems, problems with updating Windows 10 happen all the time. For example, users complain that this process cannot be implemented at all. And indeed it is. If you have an old version of Windows (below the "seven"), then you can get a "ten" only by installing a system with formatting a hard disk.

problems updating windows 10


Suppose we figured out a point like an update. And now, it would seem, you can safely work with a computer. But this is not so. Users note that in Windows 10 the problem is on the issue. The most common occurrence is a malfunction in the sound.

Many complain about this failure. And there are many reasons for this behavior. All this, of course, is not very pleasing to users. Indeed, in most cases, you have to either work without sound, or put the old system on the computer. In general, quite radical ways. Therefore, not everyone is ready to work with Windows 10. What other surprises can you prepare yourself for?


Of course, to malfunctions of the connected equipment. Do you have a problem with it on Windows 10? Do not be surprised, this is normal. It's no secret that this operating system is not yet of special quality. Yes, it is universal (suitable even for smartphones), but there are flaws in it. And they too often make themselves felt.

The thing is that Windows 10 is a new system. And a large amount of equipment is incompatible with it. Therefore, do not be surprised that you suddenly refused to connect a camera or keyboard with a mouse to a computer. Users note that often only the latest models of this or that equipment work with Windows 10. So, there is no need to rush to install the operating system. In most cases, you can really face the rejection of gadgets from work.


Another point that we pay attention to when discussing new products from Microsoft is nothing more than the presence of drivers for Windows. And huge discontent appears among users. After all, as it’s not hard to guess, there are very few compatible drivers with Windows 10.

windows 10 internet problems

This means that many functions on the computer will not work. Just like equipment. The lack of drivers or their incompatibility can cause Windows 10 problems with the Internet, sound and even graphics. Not the best phenomenon, is it?


Disappointment awaits and fans to play games. Windows 10 is a problem for gamers. Why? Everything is easy and simple. After all, users have been warning for a long time - most games, programs and applications simply do not start on Windows 10. And there are no ways to deal with this situation.

This is especially true for fans of the so-called "old school" and emulators. We'll have to completely forget about the existence of old games. They will not start under any pretext. Even most new applications refuse to work with Windows 10. Emulators also do not differ here in stable operation. In principle, this was to be expected. Indeed, each operating system has its own flaws. They are corrected over time.

windows 10 there was a problem

You need to pay attention to the fact that unlicensed software also refuses to run on Windows 10. There are no guarantees that you will be able to run a game or application downloaded from the Internet. Microsoft is assured that this is their way to combat piracy.

the Internet

There are problems with the Internet in Windows 10. The stability of the Internet connection in this operating system, according to many users, leaves much to be desired. If you managed to find a compatible driver and set up the World Wide Web, do not rush to rejoice. After all, the most interesting is to come.

Firstly, fairly frequent connection breaks occur. Often all this is a sign of a “crooked” installation of Windows 10. Yes, the breaks are fleeting and sometimes they do not harm your work. But still, it’s not very pleasant to watch them.

Secondly, browsers with Windows 10 are extremely unstable. And not all users like to use the built-in application. A sudden browser crash should not surprise the Windows 10 owner.

problems installing windows 10

It turns out that our current operating system is a real test of the user's nerves for strength. No, she's not so bad as she seems. But for now, users are trying to avoid this system. Until an update is released that can solve hardware problems and fix system crashes. If all of this does not scare you, then you can try Windows 10. A problem of any of the above types may not occur on your computer. Nobody knows how exactly Windows 10 will work on this or that "machine."


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