Weaknesses of people and their influence on character and destiny

Human weakness ... What is human weakness? Inability to refuse, in the suppression of one’s own opinion, in lack of will, weakness ...? Or maybe these are bad habits? What stops prevent us from "going" further in life? We will talk in more detail about the track record of human weaknesses and their influence on character and fate.

Man is the very concept of imperfect. Probably each of us is deceiving if he says that he has no worries and fears. Strength and weakness of a person - like day and night, husband and wife "live" together, from time to time they come in front. Yes, like in a school physical education lesson. Who has grown over the summer, he is ahead. So it is with strength and weakness. Depending on the external situation, either the force sticks out its self, then the weakness.

Certainly, the acceptance and awareness of one’s weaknesses is the first step towards overcoming them.

strength and weakness of a person

Now think: do those very weaknesses interfere with your life? How do they interfere? What would change if you would say goodbye to them forever? Yes, yes, as with a random companion on a trip: they talked and parted forever. Let's look in more detail: which specifically highlight the weaknesses of people and how insidious they are in relation to the fate of man?

Bad habits

One of human weaknesses is bad habits. Moreover, men and women treat them differently. For example, men, although mostly in vain, try to fight them. But women who are by nature stronger than men in spirit, indulge their weaknesses. Moreover, the excuse is more than strange: self-love.

The problem of a person’s weakness is that he urges them. Moreover, it does not cause special harm to loved ones. But it inflicts itself? And if you think globally and expand the scope of the question a little? What about those who are going to live off your weaknesses? Will begin to manipulate you and thereby achieve success? And you ... will remain that very doll on a string - a puppet for the rest of your life.

weaknesses of a strong person

Arranges? We think it is unlikely.

So, if the awareness of the danger of one’s weakness has come, then we will also consider typical weaknesses.

Uncontrollable fear

All problems come from childhood. This proposal has become so constant that there is no need to clarify in detail. Fears are our feelings, feelings that predetermine the sad outcome of any actions. For example, doom, death.

what is human weakness

If you look at this phenomenon on the positive side, then during fear, the instinct of self-preservation awakens. That is why in a critical situation, many people remain alive and well.

However, if we talk about far-fetched fears that are not related to the instinct of self-preservation? For example, the fear of loneliness. Paradoxical as it may seem, the fear of being single became the “true friend” not of 40-year-old women, but of 20-year-old girls. Paradox? Paradox.

Fear of being misunderstood, fear of public speaking, publicity, fear of having a lot of money. In many ways, these types of fears conceal many internal complexes. They must be disposed of as quickly as possible. In the work of psychologists, there are a number of techniques for working on your fears. If you continue to torment yourself with doubts, fears, what will your consciousness soon turn into? While some boldly plow open spaces, you will continue to sit still ... Not having achieved anything and nobody in life.

Envy and greed

Even without an emotional background, these words are immediately perceived negatively. But what if a person every day torments himself with envy and greed for another? Definitely, these concepts are strong human vices.

human weakness problem

They must be eradicated from their internal state. They certainly won’t make your life happy, on the contrary, it’s even more unhappy than it is. Moreover, realizing the envious feelings for the other, you unconsciously emphasize your own worthlessness, self-doubt. And this makes you vulnerable and easily accessible for external manipulation.


Fast food, quick snacks at work, an abundance of varied food are factors of human weakness. Many people simply forget about the harm, if in front of their eyes a delicious burger. Overeating is the scourge of our time.

human weaknesses

Perhaps this was laid down genetically when our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers literally died of starvation. That is why in childhood we were told: "Until you reach, you will not leave the table."

Although there is now a cult of healthy eating, lifestyle and sports, many still do not follow the diet and the amount eaten. It turns out that food controls us? Or maybe it should be the other way around? It's not about refusing food. Not at all. The essence of the issue is overeating. Food should be balanced. If you are ready to be a hostage of food, then continue to overeat.


What is laziness? It seems to be a familiar concept. And immediately you can’t formulate it. Try it for yourself: what is laziness for you?

Rather, laziness is a lack of desire to do something. This concept is closely related to inspiration. This is just the result of your mood, mood, motivation and purpose.

For many, laziness did not turn into a mood today, but into a constant habit. Unfortunately, laziness is one of the weaknesses of a strong person. This habit is destructive for us.

man without weaknesses

Imagine that laziness has “woken up” in you today. She literally "doesn’t let you" get out of bed. You lie all day and “stuck” stupid TV shows. And so every day. In six months, who will you look like? For a degraded person who is overweight without a goal in life and a desire to change something. The habit of seeking excuse is also part of your laziness. Do not wait until inspiration dawns on you or forces external circumstances to do something! Get involved right now! One has only to try to say goodbye to laziness - and you will see how you will feel tomorrow.


Among the weaknesses of people, “indifference” must be singled out separately. This feeling can be characterized by a popular saying: "My hut is from the edge, I don’t know anything." This is about the position in one's own life, and about the fading of interest in everything and everyone.

people's weaknesses

Detachment, the lack of empathy and empathy, the desire to do good and seek justice - all this can sink into oblivion, if you do not start to fight with yourself.

Indifference is a conditional installation of the fact that nothing can be changed in life, everything is a foregone conclusion to us from there, from above. Perhaps this philosophy holds true. But aren't you building your own destiny? Is she really not up to you?

Flattery and lies

Flattery and falsehood are completely interchangeable synonymous concepts. Is not it? Immediately I recall the Fox and the Hare from a Russian folk tale about a hut. And if you imagine: how many such "foxes" surround us. And how many of us, greedy for flattery? We often succumb to “flattering” provocations, hanging our ears, listen to “good” about ourselves, and then we agree to do absolutely not our job. Of course, you can help out a comrade, you even need to. But when are such “flattering” requests permanent? Often we find ourselves simply doing our job for another person.

people's weaknesses

What is the difference between flattery and a compliment? Complex issue. Probably the fact is. A compliment is a springboard to emphasize observation. But the pathological invented lie about yourself “beloved” is a common pastime of many people, mostly young men.

Lies and flattery are the weaknesses of people who are difficult to get rid of, but possible. Real life puts in its place both liars, who after a while get confused in the testimonies, and lovers to flatter. You just need to remove the noodles from the ears and throw it away.

people's weaknesses

Preliminarily turn on the rational brain, pick up “noodles of milk” when you listen to the next compliment-flattery.


Acquiring all sorts of addictions, a person begins to work to satisfy them. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, masturbation - this is not the whole list of typical human addictions.

people's weaknesses

A person shows his weakness and loses self-esteem and self-confidence even more, when once again throwing, he returns to the starting point.

To betray oneself is an unpleasant inner sensation after “only one cigarette”, “just one glass” and “just one time”.

I = crowd

Dissolve in the crowd and live like everyone else - the illusion of a normal life. In the real state of affairs, the picture is different: a man swims through life in an unknown huge ship, at the helm of which an unknown captain. At the same time, the passenger (that is, you) cannot dictate the destination.

Dependence on parents, lack of opinion, self-doubt, lack of self-control and self-discipline, eternal doubts between “good” and “bad”, liberty or excessive soldierly strict parenting, psychological complexes, misconceptions about the roles of men and women, poor adaptation in society and the contradictory spirit is the weaknesses of people that lead to the thinking "I = crowd."

people's weaknesses

Soon, this type of thinking becomes a habit.


This is one of the qualities that destructively affects the character and will of a person. This mainly happens with drug addicts, alcoholics and women (although it is strange to put the latter in line with the former). It is they who make the world a bunch of complaints, while demanding a lot. This is a manifestation of a person’s weakness. In women, this is a cocktail of inertia, “drinking” it, she pities herself.

people's weaknesses

Indulgence in relation to oneself is a kind of permissiveness. Where will she lead? Definitely not the successful and happy life everyone aspires to.

Dislike of effort

Failure to take the necessary efforts that need to be made forces a person to look for an easy way. However, he forgets that there are no easy ways in life. The value of the acquired is directly proportional to the difficulty of obtaining it. Re-read the previous sentence again and ponder.

people's weaknesses

A weak-minded person does not need willpower, hardened spirit and constant vigilance. He lives as it is convenient for him, society and power. That is, like an amoeba that lives at the bottom of a freshwater reservoir with polluted water.

A person can hardly live without weaknesses. Each of us has them. However, everything needs a middle ground.

If life is realistically accepted, then character weakness is a common disease that affects many young people. Yes, they are on the risk list, because they are just starting to look for their "I". And partly the adult generation has long given up on themselves, respectively, on their lives and their children. Weakness of character and the manifestation of weaknesses have long become a habit. Fear of new difficulties, excessive custody of “mother’s skirt”, dependence, easy earnings, lack of physical strength and internal energy are signs of weakness that must be addressed.

people's weaknesses

You do not want to be in life that very simple “degraded” amoeba living at the bottom of a polluted reservoir without a purpose in life?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45361/

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