What is a pedant and what can be good in it?

We all differ from each other both in relation to work, to duties, pleasures, and in sociability, and in the ability to cope with stress, and in many other characteristics. Any quality brought to the point of absurdity can be a disadvantage. But it can also be a person’s dignity, depending on the circumstances in which it manifests itself. For example, cuticles are easy to recognize. He does not hold money, painstakingly does not know how to earn. Restraint is alien to him. And who is a pedant, you will understand right away. This is a man who appreciates order and thoroughness in everything.

who is the pedant
He is usually strict and accurate, he is not late and does not keep himself waiting.

Who is a pedant at work and in a team? A bore who is forever guilty of disorder and disorganization, or an excellent highly skilled worker? It all depends on many parameters: on the team itself, and on the characteristics of the profession, and on the severity of the qualities. The pedant man is methodical and consistent. Empty dreams, ranting, demagogy are not characteristic of him. As a rule, he loves extreme accuracy and clarity. That is why such a person can be entrusted with painstaking routine work and be sure that he will perform it in good faith. There are pedants and cons. For example, these are usually slow people. They do not want to rush and do anything in haste - this is a plus. But with their meticulousness and attention to sometimes insignificant trifles, they can plague anyone.

Who is a pedant, you will understand in his office.

man pedant
Perfect order on the table, not a single extra piece of paper, all documents are sorted into folders. He will not tolerate dirt or dust and will do the cleaning often and thoroughly. Such a person greatly appreciates the rational organization of the workplace and strict discipline. He will not be distracted by trifles if he has not completed basic tasks. He is also not inclined to waste time and is able to effectively manage it.

And in love, in close relationships, in the family - who is a pedant? Remember Hippolytus from The Irony of Fate. This character very clearly represents this type of personality. He will not allow himself to go on a date not "in full parade." For all its gallantry, such a gentleman can be overly straightforward, and sometimes even old-fashioned. He does not like swagger and restraint. Although he does not have a quick mind and sense of humor, he is reliable. Such qualities as excessive exactingness, stinginess, the desire to teach and control homeworkers may also manifest in the family. However, the very meaning of the word "pedant" (from the Italian "scientist-bookworm, the next dogma"), was once

meaning of the word pedant
synonymous with "strict mentor". He clearly follows the once established daily routine and requires others to observe the regime. He has everything planned, and there is practically no room for surprises.

One can criticize such a person for the lack of a “flight of thought”, for low creativity or inability to relax. However, it is worth remembering that there is no ideal in which all the best qualities would harmoniously combine. And pedants are good performers, teachers, leaders. If you have chosen such a person to be your life partner, you can be sure of his reliability. At least out of respect for the established norms and rules, he will not neglect his duties and will try to do everything in the best way. Pedants need to be helped to learn how to relax and take life a little less seriously. In general, no matter who fate faces us, in any person you can see and evaluate the best qualities, and not pay much attention to shortcomings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45367/

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