What is a pattern? The meaning of the word, examples and patterns of various patterns

Pattern - this word sounds very unusual for many people. It is often used in various fields of professional and social activity, which creates some confusion in understanding the meaning of this expression. But in fact, everything is quite simple. Patterns, indeed, surround us everywhere and can be very different.

Meaning of the word pattern

To understand how capacious this word is, take a look in the dictionary to clarify the translation. And what do we see? The English word pattern is translated into our native language, as:

  • model or template;
  • sample or example;
  • drawing or pattern;
  • system or structure.

Here are the meanings of this concept! There are patterns in programming, in psychology, in design, and, finally, in nature itself. Here in it we are now going to look for patterns.

Natural patterns

The pattern is

In nature, it is full of various harmonious systems, ordered structures, diverse and at the same time endlessly repeating patterns. It has everything - order and disorder. Now we are interested in precisely the order or all kinds of natural structural formations. You may be surprised to learn that the natural pattern is waves in the seas and oceans, dunes in the sand, bubbles in soapy foam, spirals harmoniously twisted in mollusk shells or beautiful snowflakes. In addition, each snowflake is unique and inimitable, and inside it consists of repeating symmetrical patterns.

And if we look at plants or trees, then, again, we will see in them countless repetitions of the same forms. Such natural patterns are also called fractal-like patterns. The latter include mountains, coastlines, patterns on animal skins, geological faults, etc.

Patterns in Psychology

A psychological pattern is a robust behavior model for living individuals. Take a closer look at the people around you, you will see that they all behave differently in different situations, but each of them adheres to its own, so to speak, style. Having understood some patterns, it will be easier for you to communicate with people. You will not expect from them that which they cannot give, and vice versa.

Meaning of the word pattern

For example, you notice that your friend has a conservative approach to life. He does not like any changes and surprises, meticulous and picky. You decide to give him some unusual creative gift for his birthday - this is a bad idea, because it contradicts his attitude. His model of behavior in such a situation is discontent and annoyance. There are tens and hundreds of similar examples. Take a look at the patterns of human behavior - this is a very useful activity!

In psychology, there is still such a thing as hypnotic patterns. These are special repeating verbal expressions that help to immerse a person in a hypnotic trance. And often the person himself will not even guess about it. Such techniques are often used in NLP. Manipulators are well versed in such techniques. Milton Erickson is considered to be the inventor of hypnotic patterns .

Patterns in Architecture and Design

How to make a pattern

Everything is simple here. Look at any building: you will see the repeating architectural elements that were designed by the designer. Of course, it is better to look at the old mansions, which are abundantly decorated with beautiful stucco, columns and other architectural delights. However, you can take a look at an ordinary apartment building, because windows, balconies and loggias are also architectural patterns. And here is another good example: a design pattern is a pattern on wallpaper, on fabric or on linoleum.

When we go to some sites on the Internet, we see that they have a background that consists of some kind of repeating motifs. It can be floral or geometric ornaments, patterns based on textures of fabric, wood, metal - but anything! Such background patterns are precisely the work of designers. Moreover, in order to learn how to make cute seamless backgrounds, it is not necessary to graduate from an art school or school. This art is within the power of any computer user.

How to make a pattern

In order to create a pattern yourself, you will first need to install one of the graphic editors on the computer. CorelDrow or Photoshop fits perfectly. With the help of these programs, even a beginner, having acquired certain skills, will be able to create almost professional seamless backgrounds. You can also make a pattern in Illustrator.

Illustrator pattern

The whole process of creating a picture can be completed in 6-7 consecutive steps. In order to master this art, we recommend that you study one of the lessons on creating seamless backgrounds that are available on the Internet. At first, it’s better not to chase complexity, but rather prefer simple compositions consisting of elementary geometric shapes: circles, squares, triangles, etc.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45369/

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