Skewered snacks

Surely any holiday that takes place at the table, whether it’s New Year, anniversary or a simple birthday, can not do without light and original snacks. These primarily include skewer snacks. They are a lifesaver in cases where some of the guests have already arrived, and you have to wait a long time for the rest, not to languish the guests without refreshments - at this moment skewers are an ideal solution for any hospitable hostess.

Snacks on skewers can be anything, they even combine products that are poorly combined. In order to cook this appetizer, it is also called “canapes”, you will need plastic skewers, they can be found in any store. If you don’t have skewers, and your search was unsuccessful, ordinary wooden toothpicks will do. Wood, of course, is the best option, since products on it do not slide as much as on a plastic stick.

Let's look at a few original recipes to make it clearer what snacks on skewers are like.

1) Sponge cake - banana - strawberry - kiwi - marmalade. Such a combination, of course, will be an ideal option for a children's holiday, where the bulk of the guests are children. And children cannot live without sweets. First you need to cook all the ingredients. Cut the biscuit into small cubes (you can buy a ready-made cake or bake it yourself, one cake is enough), a banana with ringlets, you don’t need to cut strawberries, just pick the ripe berries that are the same in shape and most importantly. Kiwi can be cut into cubes, or cubes, and marmalade can not be cut at all, unless it is large. After all the products are ready, we begin to string them on a skewer or a toothpick. First of all, we string a biscuit (it will sit tight and will not let the rest of the products hang out on a stick), then something juicy (strawberries or kiwi), then the rest of the products, so that the marmalade is the last on the link - it will be a kind of “lock”, which will not let the snack fall apart. You will succeed in such a bright new snack, and most importantly, the children will be delighted.

2) For meat lovers, the following option will be to their taste: cherry - ham - basil - cheese. Ham can be cut into cubes or wide slices. We cut the basil in the same way as the ham in shape. If the ham was cut into wide slices, then it can be wrapped in a cherry tomato, it will turn out quite original. Your canapes will look like this: a tomato wrapped in ham and basil and cheese to fix. Instead of a tomato, there may be an olive or the same cube of cheese. In general, fantasy has no limits.

3) For lovers of seafood, there are many options. For example, ham - shrimp - cheese - lemon - olive. String on the skewer in the same order. Cut the lemon into four parts. Cheese can be anything, the main thing is that it is a hard variety. A very delicate taste is obtained in combination with Adyghe cheese.

4) You can combine fruits with meat. For example, chicken is combined with lemon and pineapple, and ham is good in the presence of sour berries. Here is one of these options: white bread - ham - seedless cherry - cheese - greens. Quite a bold combination and very surprising in taste.

In general, every housewife invents something new, so repetition is probably rare. Skewer snacks can be prepared from any foods you have in the refrigerator. For those who follow vegetarian food, there are also many recipes. For example, you can use a combination such as cherry - fresh or pickled cucumber - olive - greens.

These holiday snacks, the recipes of which are given above, can decorate even the most ordinary table. A bright palette of products will give mood, and an unusual taste will create an unforgettable experience. Bon Appetit!


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