Klintsovsky truck crane plant: history, description, products

Klintsovsky Autocrane Plant JSC is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of crawler and wheeled mobile cranes . Every fifth domestic truck crane is produced under the brand name โ€œKlintsyโ€. Surprisingly, such a reputable engineering company is located in a small cozy provincial town of Klintsy, Bryansk region.

OJSC Klintsovsky truck crane factory

From workshop to factory

The progenitor of the Klintsy truck crane plant is a machine and tractor workshop, founded in Klintsy with the goal of repairing mechanized agricultural machinery and vehicles in 1928. Perhaps it would exist in our days, helping farmers to repair equipment. However, the war intervened in the fate of the enterprise.

Specialists along with tools and equipment joined the ranks of the mobile repair base. Following the front, workers repaired tanks, guns, vehicles, and various mechanisms. They gained invaluable experience. They met victory in Czechoslovakia. In 1946, the former workshop was reorganized first into a mechanical-repair, and later - Klintsovsky truck crane plant.

Klintsovsky truck crane factory

Above the roof

Clinicians collected the first truck crane in 1962. It was a run-in at other enterprises 7.5-ton model AK-75. However, factory engineers gradually delved into the nuances of technological processes and soon began to design and produce equipment of their own production based on serial trucks of the ZIL family.

Since 1969, the team has been producing truck cranes with twice the carrying capacity - the MKA-16 model is capable of lifting 16 tons of cargo. However, the 6.5-ton cranes of the KS-2561 series, designed for agriculture, became a real hit. They were not very powerful, but they were cheap, unpretentious and easy to maintain. About 2,000 units were collected annually in Klintsy. The upgraded version of KS-2561M and today is manufactured on an all-wheel drive chassis ZIL-131.

Not a single crane

Truck cranes were not the only products of factory workers. KAZ was the leading creator and manufacturer of cargo scales in the region. The maximum weight limit of some models reached 10 tons. They were used in agricultural organizations to account for harvested crops and other purposes.

Since the 70s, the plant has been producing a wide range of suspended overhead electric cranes with a length of 3.5-24 meters for industrial enterprises. These products have always been awarded the Quality Mark.

JSC Klintsovsky truck crane factory

Change of eras

The collapse of the USSR, fortunately, did not lead to the collapse of the enterprise. In 1992 the world saw the โ€œeight-tonโ€ KS-2574, equipped with hydraulic control. In 1999, the KS-35716 model (12.5 t) was picked up the baton, manufactured on the basis of the traditional ZIL and a new chassis supplier, MAZ.

On June 11, 1998, the company was transformed into OJSC Klintsovsky Truck Crane Plant. A year later, the company merged with the Galich Autocrane Plant and LLC Kudesnik (engaged in sales) into a single holding. This allowed the accumulation of funds to expand production and its modernization. In particular, 2 new workshops were created: metal structures and assembly.


Cranes of the Klintsovsky truck crane plant are a complex combination of the most sophisticated engineering solutions, because they must lift loads weighing tens of tons to a multimeter. Some models are able to "toss" a tank on the roof of a five-story building.

The designers are faced with the serious task of the optimal combination of load capacity, the weight of the crane itself and the length of the boom. Not every plant is capable of correctly compiling these key parameters. Specialists from Klintsy, a small town in the Bryansk region, succeed masterfully.

For example, in the new 25-ton crane KS-55713-1K4 of the Klintsovsky truck crane plant, thanks to the introduction of new solutions, the boom length was increased from 28 meters to 31. That is, payloads can be raised one floor higher. The working part almost did not put on weight, which means that the lifting mechanism, as before, can be installed on the wheelbase of KamAZ or KrAZ. After all, the main advantage of this type of technology is mobility.

Klintsovsky truck crane INN


Klintsovsky truck crane plant (TIN 3203000428) specializes in the production of:

  • Truck cranes (including gas-powered) with a lifting capacity of 16, 25, 40 tons.
  • Crawler cranes (36, 40, 50 t).
  • Lifts.
  • Special cranes, including military ones.
  • Manipulator installations.

The company is a frequent participant in specialized exhibitions. For half a century, the team produced about 50,000 units of lifting equipment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45370/

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