How to sculpt dumplings quickly and efficiently? How to sculpt dumplings?

How to sculpt dumplings quickly, beautifully and efficiently? This question is of particular concern to those who often like to make such delicious homemade products. It is worth noting that today there are several ways of how to make a huge number of semi-finished products with different fillings in a few minutes. What kind of options for the formation of dumplings are in question, you will learn from the materials in this article.

how to sculpt dumplings

Cooking dough

The correct and quick modeling of dumplings depends not only on the skills of the cook, but also on what dough these products are made of. Typically, such a dish is prepared on the basis of eggs, a small amount of water and wheat flour. This base is used for modeling dumplings and for dumplings. However, some housewives believe that egg dough is too harsh, especially for sweet toppings. That is why many of them make such a dish based on kefir. Although experts argue that the presented method of making dumplings is not entirely true, since during the heat treatment they quite often fall apart and become not very beautiful.

Cooking stuffing

Before you understand how to properly make dumplings, you should decide on which stuffing you want to cook these products for lunch. After all, this or that formation of semi-finished products also depends on this factor. For example, if you make dumplings with berries, cottage cheese and other sweet products that have a liquid consistency, then you should fasten the edges of such products very strongly. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a not very attractive dish, consisting of an opened dough.

how to sculpt dumplings

What methods of sculpting dumplings exist?

You can make such a dish in different ways. And the choice of this or that method depends only on the desire of the cook. So, someone likes dumplings with a “pigtail”, someone prefers to wrap semi-finished products in the form of traditional dumplings (“ears”), and for someone the form does not matter at all.

To please everyone and everyone, we decided to describe in detail several simple, but at the same time popular ways of how to sculpt dumplings. Which of the forms is the most attractive and high-quality, it's up to you.

Weave “pigtails” from the dough

methods for sculpting dumplings

This method of forming the presented semi-finished products is the most popular. But, despite this, not every housewife knows how to weave a “pigtail” correctly. To correct this situation, we decided to talk in detail about how to do this quickly and easily.

After the dough is rolled thinly, it should be cut into circles with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters, and then put any filling you like in the middle. Further, the edges of the base must be joined together and well pinched with their index and thumb. After that, starting from the left side of the dumpling, you should wrap the corner with your right hand, and then, picking up the formed protrusion, again do the same manipulation. As a result of such actions, you will get a kind of “pigtail”, which will not allow the filling to go beyond the limits of the test during the heat treatment of semi-finished products.

A simple and easy way to form products

how to sculpt dumplings photo

Only inventive housewives know how to sculpt dumplings quickly, who do not want to burden themselves with the long and painful weaving of “pigtails”. To do this, they roll out the dough into a long layer 12-15 centimeters wide, and then alternately lay in the middle the filling in the amount of one dessert spoon so that the distance between them is exactly 6-7 centimeters. Next, the base must be folded in half so that the product placed in it is directly in the fold. After this, it is necessary to take a faceted glass, and then cut out with it even dumplings in the form of crescents. It is worth noting that such an unusual way of creating convenience foods is only suitable for those products that are made from thick fillings (mashed potatoes, mushrooms, meat).

The most beautiful modeling of dumplings

dumpling maker
Many housewives are accustomed to form such a dish, relying only on their efforts and skills. But what to do to those who decided for the first time to cook homemade products with a filling? For this, experienced chefs recommend purchasing a special device for sculpting dumplings. Such a device is a plastic form, which looks very much like a trap for large animals. Typically, these devices are sold in packages that include 4 devices of different diameters. The principle of their action is quite simple. Even the most inexperienced housewife, who has acquired a special device for modeling dumplings, will be able to use it to make a huge number of beautiful and even semi-finished products.

So, in order to cook flour products with filling, roll the egg dough thinly, and then cut it into circles of the same diameter as the plastic mold. After this, the base must be carefully laid out in the device, and in the middle part put the filling in the amount of 1 or 2 dessert spoons. After this, the device must be closed, with a little effort. As a result of such simple actions, you will get very beautiful and even dumplings, which will differ from the store products only in taste (of course, for the better).

The original way of forming products

How to sculpt dumplings without skills and special equipment? If you decide to make such a dish for the first time, but at the same time you have neither the device mentioned above, nor the special desire to comprehend the basics of weaving “braids”, then we suggest using an ordinary table fork. Thus, it is necessary to roll out the egg base, cut it into circles, put the filling in the middle part, and then not very tightly pinch the edges. Next, the resulting semi-finished products need to be laid out on a cutting board, lightly sprinkled with flour, and nicely crushed with a fork as if you were making pasties. It is worth noting that this method of forming dumplings in terms of simplicity and speed is practically no different from where a plastic mold is used. Moreover, such dumplings will turn out to be strong and reliable, since the filling in them will never go beyond the limits of the test, even if you cook the semi-finished products in boiling water for a long time.

To summarize

Now you know how to properly make dumplings. You can see photos of some methods in this article. It should be noted that no matter which of the presented options you choose, in any case, such a dish will turn out to be tasty and satisfying only if it is prepared with love and tenderness.


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