Why do people wonder how to crack passwords in mail?

Email has long replaced us with regular mail. And it’s clear why. Letters, unlike regular mail, do not lie for weeks at sorting points and most often come safe and sound. It is so insulting to receive the long-awaited news in a crumpled, torn envelope. By e-mail, you can send not only text, but also photographs, and many other interesting information.

In all ages, information was valued very highly. Huge amounts were paid for stolen letters. Not without reason, the famous phrase “who owns information, owns the world” was coined by the Rothschilds themselves. And today this phrase does not lose relevance. Timely information received can cause both incredible success and collapse. But such information is protected very strictly. And it is interesting only to a few specialists and interested parties.

On mail there are mailboxes of completely ordinary people. It is unlikely that the secret correspondence of spies takes place there. However, many people are trying to figure out how to crack passwords in mail. Most often these are wives and girls who want to read the correspondence of their gentlemen. There are situations when men also want to know the correspondence of their lady. This and offended employees who want to take revenge on their superiors. It happens that such a subject doesn’t just get into the chief’s mail, but also erases all correspondence.

So, such people should remember that crawling into someone else's mailbox, they commit a criminal offense. Because a mailbox that is password protected is privacy. And private life in our country, as you know, is protected by the Constitution. The most severe punishment is provided for in Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for damage to the contents of another person's mailbox and can reach five years in prison. So before you try to "ruin" the life of an enemy, think about how not to ruin your life.

But not everyone is ready to sit and select passwords for the necessary mailbox. Therefore, in various forums you can meet the repeating question many times daily - how to crack passwords in mail. There are also lots of programs that supposedly help their owner to seize the coveted password. Do not rush at them like a hungry mouse on cheese. A program has not yet been created that would be able to crack someone else's mailboxes. Even assuming such an opportunity that a hacker, knowing the principle of e-mail, found a gap in the mail server through which you can gain unauthorized access. He can write a program that will take advantage of this gap and distribute it. But it all takes time. And on mail servers, programmers are also not in vain eating their bread. The administration will instantly find out about the weak point of its system and eliminate it.

To a magical question in the vastness of the network, how to crack passwords in Mayle, how various swindlers hurry to fire on butterflies. For a small amount (and sometimes a very decent one - it all depends on the scammer's appetites), he promises you a mailbox and provide a password for access to it. Most often, the fraudster asks him to transfer a certain advance, after which he safely disappears. The maximum that you can wait for is a letter supposedly from the victim's box. In fact, scammers, using free servers, simply mask the outgoing address.

But there are real situations when you need to access the box. On the forums, quite often questions are asked how to remember the password in mail. The person changed the password and forgot it. The answer to the secret question is also not to remember. So he is tormented by the search for an answer to the question of how to crack passwords in mail. In this case, it will be easier to start a new box. We all lose something in this life and find something.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45378/

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