We select the rhyme for the word "kiss"

A beautiful poem dedicated to a loved one will be a wonderful gift for any holiday. Unfortunately, not everyone is given a poetic gift, but to develop writing skills and independently create a touching short poem or even a whole poem is available to anyone. It’s enough to show a little patience and use simple tips. This cheat sheet will help you find the right rhyme for the word "kiss".

Set of good rhymes

A young couple

It doesn't matter which poem you decide to write, sad or funny. The main thing is to write from the heart, then the correct rhymes for the word "kiss" will certainly be found:

  • fight;
  • dance;
  • paint;
  • keep up;
  • to grieve;
  • to stay;
  • to possess;
  • float away;
  • to worry;
  • to wish;
  • to spend the night;
  • visit;
  • claim;
  • to roam;
  • to conjure;
  • to command;
  • to break;
  • fly out;
  • to interpret;
  • to perplex
  • prosper;
  • Rejoicing
  • rage;
  • dictate;
  • exist;
  • answer;
  • to interpret;
  • keep up;
  • pamper;
  • to bloom;
  • to name;
  • blaze;
  • to live;
  • to hibernate;
  • to mature;
  • to approve;
  • to cope;
  • mature;
  • feast;
  • hurt;
  • to burn;
  • march;
  • to cease;
  • stand up;
  • to confront;
  • bed;
  • to panic;
  • to be;
  • lag behind;
  • to see clearly;
  • succeed;
  • to rest;
  • get used to;
  • send;
  • to call;
  • to rivet;
  • to charm;
  • cheer;
  • hack;
  • to exclaim
  • flirt;
  • become obsolete;
  • to grab;
  • to govern;
  • to lose;
  • come to life;
  • to blunder;
  • cool down;
  • to teach;
  • to tear.

Other word forms

Autumn kiss

Love words can be changed at your discretion, so that the poetic stanza sounded more smoothly. Instead of “kissing” you can use the word “kiss”, the selection of rhymes in this case will be slightly different:

  • pampering;
  • a curve;
  • any;
  • live;
  • I dance;
  • to whom am I;
  • I scream;
  • I interpret;
  • bandage;
  • I draw;
  • I’m fighting;
  • someone else’s;
  • fierce;
  • raging;
  • grieving.

Love lyrics are the most sought after genre of poetry. Poems of his own composition will melt the ice in a relationship, will be an excellent congratulation on the holiday or will help to ask for forgiveness from a loved one.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45381/

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