Feed for trout: composition, features and stages of feeding

The popularity of feed for rainbow trout is due to the fact that from 1973 to 2006 the share of this species in the fish market of the Russian Federation was constantly increasing. Russia is in 6th place in Europe for trout production. Climatic conditions and environmental characteristics allow you to grow this fish using numerous rivers and streams flowing around the country.

general information

Currently trout is being sold at the same level as carp. The difference mainly relates to sales markets. Demand for rainbow trout remains in the country all year round, and carp is a fish most often eaten seasonally. Due to the popularity of these types of fish feed, there are a variety of them.


Trout belong to the salmon family. In Russia, the most common species is rainbow trout. It belongs to aquatic inhabitants, resistant to temperature changes in the environment, and characterized by rapid growth rates. An adverse feature is its sensitivity to viral diseases. As a rule, its breeding is carried out near rivers, streams or streams with a fast current and cold water.


In special ponds, individuals are prepared for spawning. The start time for this process depends on temperature, sunlight and other natural characteristics of the habitat. The fish, as a rule, lives from 3 to 5 years, and the sex ratio is 1 male for 5-10 females. Females and males matured for breeding are selected. Attention is paid to their body weight and state of health. About 2,000 eggs can be obtained from a female at a time. The amount depends on the size of the individual (about 1,500 eggs per kg of fish body weight).

Rainbow trout females reach puberty at the age of 3 years, and males - 2 years. Spawning on farms lasts from May to September.

Fry development

The development of eggs takes place in incubators. These are rooms in which special devices are located where acceptable environmental conditions are maintained.

Various incubators are used on farms. Any of them supplies a sufficient amount of oxygen-enriched pure water without suspended solids and contaminants. Plaque in a dirty environment surrounds caviar, depriving it of oxygen access, and also creates ideal conditions for the development of pathogenic microbes. For this reason, the composition of the feed for trout is selected so that it does not settle in the water.

Trout fry food

It is worth paying attention to the speed of the flow of water flowing among the fertilized eggs. Too slow a flow leads to insufficient oxygenation, and too fast can cause turbulence, which prevents the development of eggs. Each of the devices has a lid that protects the eggs from direct light.

The duration of incubation depends on the temperature of the water. Maintaining a temperature of 4 to 10 Β° C allows you to get fry after 34 days.

Fry feeding

The fry from the setters and cable trays are moved to a new environment. Trout weighing at least 40 grams is selected at this stage. Trout fry should be balanced. Most often, the offspring appears in early spring.

Trout fry

The fry, after reaching a certain body weight, are transferred to new containers. They are kept there until their weight reaches 200-500 grams. The entire production cycle lasts two years.

Where is fattened

Trout is fed in longitudinal ponds measuring 25x5 m with a depth of more than a meter. The inflow and outflow are protected by a fine mesh, which does not allow the fish to get out. The mesh needs to be cleaned often, since algae and leaves settle on it, which makes it difficult to supply fresh, oxygen-rich water.

Sometimes this type of fish is bred directly in the flowing river or source, only nets are installed that prevent the escape of fish. This type of solution does not guarantee the appropriate quality of trout content, and may also pose a safety risk in case of intensive production. There are fish farms focused on trout breeding only of a certain age. However, the greatest efficiency is observed in farms specializing in the production of fish at all stages of its development.

Trout starter feed


The composition of the feed for trout is necessarily balanced. It satisfies the demand of fish for components such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Granular trout fish food of animal origin is especially popular. We are talking about meat, offal and animal fat. There is also the use of starter feed for trout based on flour, wheat bran, yeast.

When determining the dosage, it is necessary to take into account factors such as water temperature, fish body weight, oxygen content in water, and water pH. An important role is played by the quality of feed for trout.

An important factor affecting growth rates is the frequency of feeding. The younger the fish, the more often you need to feed it. After birth, the fry must be given food every half hour. Older trout food can be provided twice a day. Giving can be carried out manually or mechanically by means of special automatic machines. The advantage of automatic feed for trout is the reduction of time and labor. The disadvantage is the limited control over the state of fish’s health.

Trout fish food

Live trout food

Feeding live food is very popular. For trout, it has many advantages. This is a natural way of feeding fish, which increases its vitality. Providing a balanced and satisfying diet is very important. The range of live feeds is quite large, but choosing the right food is not always easy. For example, red mosquito larvae are often used for this purpose. They have a characteristic red color, which is associated with the oxygen content. Fish love this food, and thanks to the red color they immediately notice. In a cool place, the larvae can be stored for one to two weeks.

Feed "Biomar" for trout


Biomar feed for trout is popular. This manufacturer is one of the leaders in this market segment. He produces more than 30 varieties of feed for various types of fish.

Additional recommendations

Trout today is bred, as a rule, in pools, natural reservoirs and in special systems created artificially. It is important that the fish always receive a balanced diet. This directly affects the speed of its development. Trout is a predator. Feed mixtures for it are special. They necessarily contain carotene. It is noteworthy that initially the meat of this fish does not have a reddish tint - it is this element that colors it.

Trout feed composition

Typically, the food used is wet or dry. Granular is popular with breeders. A set weight of 1 kg of fish requires about 2 kg of dry food. When it comes to wet food, it requires about 6 kg. At the same time, even effective feeding does not bring special results if there are no suitable circumstances. It is necessary that the water be with a sufficient concentration of oxygen.

Typically, imported feed costs about $ 2 per 1 kg. About a day, one adult eats food in the amount of 10% of its body weight. However, this indicator is directly affected by the conditions of its detention. Contrary to popular belief, it is dangerous to give too much trout food. This can lead to a slowdown in its growth. It is most beneficial to breed one-year-old fish, whose weight exceeds 250 g. Young individuals need to be fed about seven times a day, and adults - no more than 4 times a day.

It is worth considering that this fish adapts very well to various conditions. Depending on the environment, it is able to change its color. Not only in different waters, but also in one stream, you can find fish that differs in color from others. Trout is often grown in artificial reservoirs, because only about 10% of fry survive in the natural environment.

Reproduction in the natural environment occurs in the spring, but on fish farms it can occur all year round.

Rainbow Trout Food

For the selection of food, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which this species of fish is bred. It is recommended to use fishmeal (up to 50% of the diet), as well as milk (nonfat, dried), blood or bone meal. Trout should consume a lot of protein, especially juveniles. In blood flour, this component is not quite complete, which must be considered by breeders.

In addition, cake and meal (flaxseed, sunflower, and so on) can be added to fish feed. However, it is not recommended to give her a cotton cake due to the presence of toxic impurities in it. Be sure to add fodder yeast to the diet, which is the source of many vitamins.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45385/

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