How to learn to stand in the hands of a person who has never played sports?

It would seem, how does a person who has never played sports learn to stand in his arms? However, everyone can master this skill. This publication will help beginners and describe the basic exercises to achieve your goal.

To achieve this skill you need good physical preparation: strong arms, normal body weight and good flexibility. The trainee must feel the center of gravity and overcome the fear of falling within himself. These simple secrets allow a person to master the exercise.

How useful is a handstand?

how to learn to stand on hands

Some people think this exercise is not good. For this reason, there is no desire to master it. However, such people are very mistaken! Standing on the head and hands gives many useful effects that improve the body. In yoga, this type of training is actively practiced to normalize blood circulation in the thyroid gland, which improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system. If you perform push-ups from the upside down position, then the muscles of the back, abdomen and shoulder muscles will develop. After you learn how to stand in your arms a beginner who has not previously done anything similar, imagine how much he will improve his physical shape?

Preparatory exercises

Before starting a handstand, trainees should master bench presses 20-40 times a day and pull-ups on the horizontal bar. So the muscles of the hands will become stronger and can withstand such a serious load for them. Still need to work out somersaults in the fall, which will help prevent the occurrence of injury.

Fighting Fear

learning to stand on hands

The appearance of fear is a normal reaction of an organism that has never been in a position where the weight of the body drops sharply on the hands. Ask your partner to help temporarily fix the pose when the legs are at the highest point. After that, drop them on the mats or mattress. Repeat several times so that the body is convinced of their safety.

Wall stand

The next exercise should be practiced near a high vertical surface. It is necessary to approach it, observing a distance of 30-40 cm, so as not to damage the head. Palms should be shoulder width apart. Next, you need to push off slightly with your feet and stand on your hands, resting your heels against the wall. This sequence of actions does not allow falling, which many people fear. Thus, one can understand how a person who has never before been engaged in acrobatics will learn to stand in his arms . Repeat this exercise until it starts to work out on the first try. Then increase the stand time to 40 seconds - 1 minute. This is how endurance is trained.

Learning to stand on hand

how to stand on hands

When the stand against the wall and somersault in the fall confidently will be carried out, it is time to study further. Now you need to stand on your own hands, without partners and vertical support and hold in this position for several seconds. It is necessary to ensure that the elbows do not bend, the legs are slightly bent forward, and the knees are bent. In this position, it is much easier to maintain balance and even take the first steps with your hands. The first time the exercise is not always obtained, and the probability of a fall is high. The main thing in this case is to group, not to land on your back. Performing these exercises correctly, you can gradually come to the intended goal.

After you learn to stand in the arms of a person who has never been involved in sports in his life, he will be truly proud! After all, this acrobatic technique is actually very complex, and those who master it can boast strong muscles. To do this is quite realistic for every person. Now you know how to stand in your arms. Train systematically and increase the time spent upside down, and you will surely conquer this spectacular skill.


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