Tomatoes Grushovka: description of the variety with a photo, characteristics, reviews

Gardeners annually try to find new varieties so that they not only have an attractive appearance, but also delight in taste, have a variety of subspecies. One of these varieties is Grushovka tomato of domestic selection. It has several subspecies: black, red, yellow. This variety is a real decoration of the beds and the table. This is due to its special appearance resembling a pear.

Tomato grushovka reviews

Grade description

Tomato Grushovka refers to self-regulatory varieties. As soon as 5-7 brushes are formed on the bush, they stop their growth.

Tomato Grushovka refers to mid-ripening varieties with a maturity of 105-110 days. The variety is suitable for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses. With the latest cultivation method, you can harvest a large crop. The bush itself grows to 100 cm, and in open ground - about 60 cm.

The variety requires mandatory garter. With proper agricultural technology, you can collect up to five kilograms from a bush.

Grade Features

Tomato Grushovka is not picky about special growing conditions. According to the description, the fruits weigh from 120 to 200 grams. Tomatoes are in the right shape, suitable for preservation and fresh consumption. The fruits are similar in shape to a pear. They perfectly carry transportation.

Grushovka tomato photo

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews, tomato Grushovka has many advantages. These include:

  1. Unusual shape of the fetus.
  2. High, stable yield. Weather conditions do not affect the fruit ovary.
  3. The tomatoes are fleshy, with a pleasant taste.
  4. Universal purpose of the fruit.
  5. The plant is highly resistant to nightshade diseases.

Deficiencies of the variety are not identified. Tomato Grushovka has a pleasant taste. According to reviews, photos, ripe tomatoes can weigh an average of 140 grams. Fruits do not crack, are well stored and transported. They are ideal for processing, preserving and fresh consumption.

The main advantages of the variety are that it does not need special conditions for its cultivation. The bushes are characterized by low growth, a strong vertical trunk and do not need garter during the ripening of the crop. The root system is located close to the surface, which ensures the rapid absorption of nutrients and water. The variety is resistant to drought, does not require pinching. Tomato tolerates transplant.

The description of the tomato variety Grushovka says that it has virtually no flaws. The declared yield is 5 kg per bush.

Tomato Grushovka

Growing Features

To get a high-quality crop, you need to pay attention to the seeds, properly prepare them before planting in the ground. Agro-industrial enterprises actively use various growth stimulants, disinfectants, antifungal agents.

At home, seeds are also pre-treated. Seeds suitable for sowing should be selected first. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of salt in a glass of water and place the seeds in this solution. Those that remain on the surface are unsuitable for sowing. The settled material is removed from the tank, washed under running water, and then placed in a pink potassium permanganate solution for fifteen minutes. After this procedure, they are washed under running water, dried.

Orange pear

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Seeds are sown approximately 65 days before the date of the proposed planting of seedlings on the bed. Sowing dates are calculated individually for each region.

In order to sow seeds, it is necessary to previously prepare the soil, containers. They must be disinfected. Soil is poured with boiling water or calcined in the oven.

Seeds are planted in nutrient soil to a depth of 2 cm. From above, they must be sprinkled with a substrate and moistened. To accelerate the germination and prevent drying of the earth, the boxes are covered with glass or film. Crops are placed in a well-lit place.

After the appearance of the first true leaves, the shelter is removed. With the advent of 2-3 real leaves, the sprouts are picked. If this is not possible, then the seedlings are sprinkled with soil.

A week before the intended planting, the seedlings are tempered. To do this, they take it out into the open air, gradually increasing the time. It is best to plant seedlings when warming the earth to a temperature of at least 15 degrees. The distance between the holes should be at least 40 cm, and between the rows - 70 cm. No more than 5-6 bushes are placed on one square meter.

Tomato Grushovka reviews photos


According to the description, Grushovka tomato belongs to unpretentious varieties. Watering plants is necessary in the evenings, before sunset or in the early morning. In the daytime, watering should be avoided so as not to provoke late blight of the fruit.

So that crusts do not form on the surface of the soil, it is necessary to carry out loosening. This procedure not only helps regulate the level of humidity, but also delivers air to the roots of plants.

To get a good crop, you need to make fertilizing. The first is carried out two weeks after transplanting seedlings. During this period, a complex mineral fertilizer is introduced, including potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and other useful elements. The working solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions. You can make a nutritional composition by mixing boric acid, ash, iodine. All ingredients are mixed, the resulting solution is watered bushes at the root.

With a lack of watering, flowers, ovaries can fall. Excess moisture leads to the development of various diseases.

Rotten foliage, manure, compost saturate the plant with carbon dioxide, which is necessary for growth. And so that weeds do not grow on the bed, they are mulched. Also, this method helps maintain the level of moisture required by the plant. For mulching, mowed grass, straw or other material is used.

Tomato Grushovka description

Power shortage

To get, as in the photo, Grushovka tomato, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of diseases, treat it from pests, and also make fertilizing.

With a lack or excess of nutrients, the color of the leaves, their shape changes. It can also affect the quality of fruits, their appearance, taste.

  1. A lack of phosphorus is manifested by a change in the color of the foliage. She turns purple. Veins begin to dry, acquire a rich purple hue.
  2. Yellowing leaves, small size indicate a lack of nitrogen.
  3. Pale yellow tops, dry foliage are symptoms of iron deficiency.

In addition, macrosporiosis, viral mosaic, vertebral rot can occur in tomato.

Grushovka grade tomatoes

Tomato Disease

The most common tomato disease is photofluorosis. Brown spots on fruits, leaves, stems speak of it. The disease quickly affects plants at low air temperatures. If signs of the disease appear on the plant, it is urgent to remove the affected bush, the rest are treated with late blight.

It is best to deal with late blight, conducting preventive measures. It involves controlling the level of humidity, ventilating the greenhouse. A sharp decrease in air temperature must not be allowed.

For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to use biological preparations. During the picking of seedlings, as well as when sowing seeds in separate containers, Trichodermin or another drug is introduced into the soil. After planting in the greenhouse, the seedlings are shed with “Gamair”.

According to the characteristics, tomato Grushovka is highly resistant to a variety of diseases, but there are situations when plants are affected by brown spotting. This disease occurs due to increased humidity and a sharp cooling. Signs of the disease are brown spots with a gray coating on the leaves. These are fungal spores that are easily tolerated with contaminated soil, fallen leaves, on human clothing.

To prevent brown spotting during the growing season, the bushes are treated with Fitosporina-M solution, diluting two teaspoons in 10 liters of water. Re-treatment is carried out after ten days.

If biological products prove to be ineffective, they are treated with copper chloride or Hom. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after two weeks.

Another common disease is a mosaic of tomatoes. As a rule, it affects late varieties of tomatoes, which were bred a very long time ago, and the Grushovka variety is no exception. He is often affected by this disease. When infected, the color and shape of the leaf changes: dark, yellow spots appear, the sheets wrinkle, curl. If symptoms of the disease are detected, the affected bushes are removed along with a lump of earth. The remaining plants are treated with Farmayodom or other means.

Grushovka tomatoes grade description


In order to grow healthy tomatoes, it is necessary to conduct preventive treatment of plants in a timely manner, as well as strictly monitor the irrigation rate. With good care, you can collect large crops of delicious Grushovka tomatoes.


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