Aphorisms and quotes about suicide

Quotes about suicide occupy an important place in psychology. Many people at least once in their life thought about suicide, or at least casually became interested in this topic. Of course, not everyone would like to commit such a desperate act, but thoughts themselves can arise during periods of failure, even among self-sufficient and apparently prosperous people. This does not mean any mental pathology, but testifies only to a perfectly developed imagination.

quotes about suicide

There is nothing more sad and at the same time life-affirming than quotes about suicide. Any person sooner or later individually understands the meaning of their existence.

“Things seem durable when a person dies” (D. Kilmer)

In many cases, people's lives seem like an incredibly fragile thing. We never know what tomorrow awaits us, what events can happen and how they will affect the worldview. Compared to human life, some items benefit significantly. They can serve for years and at the same time remain in their original form. Quotes about suicide show how often a person is defenseless against the circumstances of his own destiny. Only one who really knows how to work on himself, becomes truly strong, able to deal with difficulties.

quotes about suicide with meaning

Sometimes people are surprised at how long certain things can function. Various interior items, souvenirs , toys can be stored for years and centuries. Which, of course, can not be said about people. A person ages quickly enough, not having time to enjoy life properly. The saddest thing is that an absurd accident can deprive the joy of existence. For this reason, many people value and love life so much that they try to enjoy all its possible benefits here and now. And this is the right position.

sad quotes about suicide

Life passes very quickly. If you do not appreciate every moment, then soon it turns out that there is nothing to remember. You must try to perpetuate the bright minutes and not focus on the bad.

“Everything can be experienced except death” (O. Wilde)

People very often complain about the injustice of fate. It seems to them that they are suffering in vain. In fact, many tend to exaggerate and dramatize what is happening. You should think about it when you begin to visit painful thoughts. Sad quotes about suicide, like this statement, are always devoted to the problem of understanding the meaning of one’s own existence. There is nothing in life that cannot be fixed.

quotes about suicide in English

While we are alive, everything is possible to change. An interesting feature is the fact that people often come to comprehend the enduring value of their being precisely when something out of the ordinary happens to them. Only after going through the appropriate tests, they understand how good they are in life. Quotes about suicide confirm this.

“If a person could realize death in its entirety, then he would die immediately” (O. Wilde)

The more we think about something that scares us, the less moral strength remains in order to really rejoice. Realizing the finiteness of his existence, a person cannot feel happy. If he constantly reflects on such issues, he will soon not have the strength to just live. Without a goal, it is impossible to develop harmoniously, to move in the direction of the desired result. Only having secured your own support, you can feel complete self-confidence.

“Life and death go side by side, but know nothing of each other” (E. Krotky)

No matter how much a person lives in the world, over the years he does not come close to understanding what will happen to him at the end of his earthly journey. The inevitability of impending death is scary. But in reality, we never encounter it. The person does not have the opportunity to realize the moment of departure from life, because consciousness ceases to function. It is important to realize this, then it will become easier to look at the world. It turns out that life and death never intersect or collide.

suicide quotes

If every person really thought about it, then many fears would really disappear. The problem is that we sometimes speculate too long. Doubts and fears usually overcome those who tend to over-dramatize everything that happens.

“Tomorrow never comes, the eternal lasts today” (G. Landau)

Many people have a habit of putting things off for later . Thus, they try to avoid unpleasant duties. In most cases, the problem is not solved, but simply postponed in time. The fact is that a person is so arranged that he is trying by all means to get away from all displeasure. It does not occur to him that by doing so, he makes his life unbearable. After all, you have to constantly face what you really want to get away from. If a person is categorically not happy with his life, then it would be better to try to change the depressing circumstances than to refuse to pass important lessons of fate. Unfortunately, not many people understand this. Some people are so afraid of difficulties that they completely cease to act and move towards their intended goal.

“Everyone Dies Alone” (H. Fallad)

Throughout life, each of us seeks to gain maximum understanding and disposition from others. The presence of other people becomes a prerequisite in order to feel happy. However, a person is faced with his death individually. After all, each has its own circumstances and opportunities.

Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it - “Death is not the opposite of life, but its part” (H. Murakami)

Many people really believe that these concepts are antonyms. In fact, death is a component of life; it does not exist separately from it . That is why we must try to fill our existence with joy and enduring meaning. Quotes about suicide (in English or in Russian - it doesn’t matter) emphasize the undeniable importance of being. It is important to understand what you live for, what your main task is. It is her that must be solved in order to feel completely satisfied and happy person.

quotes about death and suicide

Only in this case comes the feeling of complete self-sufficiency. Quotes about suicide are of great interest. They should be read in order to begin to comprehend the enduring value of life. A person who knows how to rejoice, in fact, never misses, does not torment himself and others with disturbing thoughts.

Thus, quotes about death and suicide always make you think a lot. As a rule, a person begins to reflect on the finiteness of his existence as a result of certain events or circumstances. Usually a certain age still contributes to this. Just because no one will look on the net for special quotes about suicide. We all strive for happiness .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45415/

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