How to respond to an insult witty and polite: examples of phrases

You don't know how to respond to an insult witty? Unfortunately, not all people can immediately come up with a beautiful phrase that will put the opponent in place. In hindsight, a clever idea may come, but a spoon is good for dinner. So that the next time you don’t get into trouble, read this article and remember phrases that may be useful to you in a situation where you are confused and will not know what to say to an angry interlocutor.

Do not take to heart


Are you a very sweet and modest person? Then it will be difficult for you to exist in this world. People of this kind of temperament are so complex that they take any insult to heart. It should be understood that sometimes the interlocutor, who openly insults you, has nothing personally against you. It speaks of aggression and rage, and the brain is sleeping at this time. It is not necessary to think that everything that flies out from the lips of the opponent is pure truth. A person is trying to put moral pressure on you, and at this moment he can assume that all means are good in the fight. How to respond to an insult witty? No need to get lost and think for a long time on the topic of where you are so guilty and what is wrong with you. Better say: "Sorry, is that all?" Such a phrase will cool the fervor of your offender and help you save face. All that needs to be done is to get the arrogance from a person who cannot control his words. For this, the phrase: "I had a better opinion of you." Speaking will help you stay the winner and show that you do not accept insults at your own expense. Many people perceive this phrase as an indicator of high self-esteem of the person.

Shame man

witty quotes

The psychology of adults is not very different from child psychology. Remember how your parents raised you in childhood. They shamed you for the wrongdoing, and you no longer wanted to cause inconvenience to loved ones. A similar philosophy will work with adults. How to respond to an insult witty? It is necessary to tell the person: "Rudeness does not suit you very well." Such a statement will help a person understand that you have a good opinion of him, and the person will be ashamed of his behavior. Shame is a good lever of pressure on a person. If you learn to use it correctly, you can work wonders.

What other phrases are there to awaken a person’s conscience? You could say, "Why are you trying to look worse than you really are?" The main thing in this situation is not to lose your head and stay within the bounds of decency. Do not blame the person and do not raise your voice. Speak in a casual tone. A similar approach combined with the right phrases can work wonders.

Make it a joke

Humor is a great tool that helps put the boors in place. If you cannot find the right words, just joke. A good statement helps defuse the situation and in most cases helps to resolve the conflict right away. How to respond to an insult witty and beautiful? "You are not too original, next time, maybe it will turn out better." This phrase is well suited for any situation. True, you need to use such statements wisely. If you see that the person is on the platoon, it’s better not to start it, otherwise you will only aggravate the conflict. But if a person insulted you and didn’t even notice this, then you can safely joke. For example, if someone made a not very flattering remark to you, say: “You are very attentive, valuable quality.” Such an approach will show the offender that you do not have an inferiority complex and you are not at all offended by insults.

Politely remove the offender

witty and polite

There is nothing wrong with interrupting a person who is trying to insult or humiliate you. Listen to the uninterrupted stream of speeches that degrade your dignity is not worth it. How to respond to an insult witty and polite? You can prepare a few phrases like this: "If I need your advice, I will find you." Does this approach seem rude to you? If you really did not ask the opinion of the person who decided to express it to you, then you should not get lost. Be reasonable and do not be afraid to fall in the eyes of the interlocutor. It will be worse if you stand and flow around the mud that you are being watered. Have respect for yourself and learn to competently remove from yourself people who are unpleasant to you. What phrases can help you in this endeavor? Say: "Where did you get that I'm interested in your opinion?". When you are offended, you need to make it clear to the person that it’s unpleasant for you to listen to someone else’s inflection and that you don’t intend to tolerate boorish attitude towards your person.

Be logical

how to respond to an insult witty and beautiful

No need to beat around the bush. If it’s unpleasant for you to talk with a person or you don’t like to listen to what your opponent is telling you, say that to him: “Do you want to offend me? Why?”. This approach is quite natural. Crush the offender with intelligence. No need to try to come up with some kind of stupid excuses. If you can’t translate everything as a joke, then try not to fall into the dirt with your face.

What other phrases can I say when referring to a person who is trying to humiliate you? "Thank you for showing interest in my person, but you obviously do not think what you are saying now." Cool down the fervor of a person with logical arguments. This will help you show the person that you can control the situation and are mentally much wiser than your opponent.

Be above the offender

how to wittyly respond to an insulting phrase

Are you rude? This does not mean that you should be rude in return. How to respond to an insult witty? Quotes from all kinds of films and books will help you find the answer to this difficult question. Well, if nothing sensible in the moment comes to mind, you can always say: “Like everyone, I also have bad days. Do not get upset, you will succeed.” Such consolation may not sound too appropriate, but a person will understand that you are not angry with him and do not dislike him. And for many people this is very important.

It seems to you that the person with whom you are conducting a dialogue does not respect you? No need to go to his vocabulary. Try to continue the conversation in the same cheerful frame of mind in which you started it. Remember that kindness must be genuine, not fake. How to respond to insults witty and polite? For example, if someone wants to go ahead of you in line or just crawls to where he shouldn’t, say: “Yes, of course, go through. Let there be luck on your side.” Such a phrase will cheer up and defuse the situation.

No rudeness

how to wittyly respond to an insulting phrase

There is nothing easier than to ruin a relationship with a person. Therefore, always think first and then speak. How witty to respond to an insult? Examples of phrases may be: “A weak attempt, maybe rudeness is still not yours?” or, “I hope you're just trying to look worse than you really are.” Rude in response to abuse you should not. Similarly, you will not prove anything good, but only put yourself in an awkward position. Try to control your vocabulary and not only do not checkmate in your speech, but try to get rid of even rude words. The cleaner and more beautiful your speech will be, the more respect you can earn from your surroundings.

Do not add oil to the fire

phrases examples

Want to look appropriate in any situation? Then one should not kindle the fire of aggression with sarcasm. Do you have anything to say about rudeness? First, think about how your interlocutor will respond to your answer. No need to add oil to the fire. Not sure how to witty respond to an insult? Phrases like: "Yes, you also have hearing problems" will be clearly inappropriate. Such words do not help the situation, but only exacerbate it. Do not add yourself problems in life and be more prudent.

What else should not be said? "Do you want a polite answer or the truth?" Sarcasm may be appropriate, but not in such a rude manner. It's too easy to be offended by such phrases, which is what people who are not used to being offended do. Therefore, try to be polite and not to cross the limit.

Humble correctly

Do you understand that a person is being carried in the wrong direction, and want to cool the ardor of the interlocutor? How to respond to insults witty? An example of the correct answer: "Do you always have such a poor fantasy or is it a bad day today?" After such an expression, a person will be lost. Of course, very vulnerable natures can be offended, but if you pronounce the phrase with a smile, and not a serious mine, if necessary, you will manage to translate everything as a joke. Remember that sarcasm is acceptable, but direct insults should be avoided. No need to point out to a person his or her shortcomings, especially physical ones. And also it should be remembered that in no case should you insult relatives.

What other phrases can I parry the insult? Example: "Do not stop talking, maybe this is how you get to smart phrases." Try to say all this in an even tone and without sarcasm. But you should not focus on the mental deficiencies of the interlocutor, especially if he has them.

Do not give vent to emotions

How to learn to respond to insults witty? You need to restrain your emotions. If you allow yourself too much, then after a quarrel you will have a very unpleasant feeling in your soul. Conscience can torment a person for a long time, even if it was not he who initiated the conflict. Therefore, always think about those words and phrases that you use in speech. For example, the phrase: “Your opinion is very valuable, but not in this situation” is quite acceptable in any situation, but sarcasm like: “Probably, it’s hard for you to love nature, given the way you acted with it”, it can turn to your side. Therefore, always think what and to whom you are talking.

Always think about the consequences

Before you say something to a person, think about how your phrase will affect your relationship. You will always have time to lose a friend, but remember that making a new acquaintance is always more difficult than breaking up with a person. You think how to answer an insult witty? Remember that sometimes it is better to remain silent. Sometimes this option is the most difficult, but the most effective. Do not assume that, bearing a grudge, you act like a coward. The fact is that sometimes even the most beloved people get tired and behave inappropriately. In this situation, at least one conflicting side must think soberly, and there is nothing wrong with the fact that you will think soberly. Therefore, before another malicious or sarcastic remark comes off your lips, think about whether you are ready to sacrifice friendship for the sake of a momentary whim. If not, then refrain from answering, let the opponent cool down, and only then continue the conversation.


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