Relationships: what to do if a loved one does not love you

There is probably nothing worse (except death and disease, of course) than unrequited love. This is one of the most excruciating forms of mental suffering. Especially sharply, with an anguish, hard and dreary, it proceeds in adolescence, which rarely anyone passes without such a murderous and all-consuming love. First love, namely it is often unrequited - it is an age-related illness, which, fortunately, passes along with childhood years of life. Getting older, we are no longer subject to emotional storms, although love without reciprocity can happen even at a fairly respectable age. And if the first love , due to the specifics of the age with its maximalism, has already been experienced and rather quickly forgotten, then a “mature” unrequited feeling can sometimes even be more difficult. What to do if a loved one does not love you? Stay or drop it? Both options are difficult enough to perform.

what to do if a loved one does not love you

What to do if a loved one does not love you?

There are no universal answers to this question, just as there are no two identical people in the world. The most “simple” options for developing such a relationship are parting or continuing torment for one side. The gap, of course, is painful and sometimes very difficult to experience. However, it is similar to shock therapy: at first it’s scary, but then it’s good. It is because of the fear of this initial, temporary pain that so many women do not dare to take radical measures. They prefer to stay in this relationship, hoping for an illusory reciprocity, than to change something in their lives. No one can be condemned here, everyone has the right to control his fate as he pleases. If you decide to stay, then what to do about it? If a loved one does not love you, but does not want to lose him, but also wants to get reciprocity from him, then it is worth staying.

words to beloved guy
But you need to be patient, prepare for agonizing and soul-tearing expectations and days when a faint hope for tender feelings to manifest on his part will smolder. In addition, what else to do if a loved one does not love you? Work on yourself and change in order to at least interest in yourself, which can then transform into something else.

What you need to do to win love

"To conquer" is a word with a tinge of aggression, but it is customary to say it when they want to get favor from their object of love. If you decide to do this, choose a tactic, resorting to which, you can wake up passion in him. It should include such elements as work on one’s appearance (change of hairstyle, make-up style, body shape improvement), work on one’s behavior and attitude towards one’s man. What does this mean? Speak nice and gentle words to your beloved guy when meeting and in private.

how to call a loved one
Men are not indifferent to compliments and praise, just do it as if casually, in no case intrusively. What is the name of your beloved? You can traditionally: “cat”, “bunny”, “sun”, “beloved”, “you are my hero”, “the only”, “unique”, etc. The main thing is that the timbre of the voice exudes tenderness and affection. Let him know that he is the best man on earth. Of course, you won’t be able to break the path to his heart with just compliments, but this will be one of the most important components in the strategy. And everything else will have to be selected based on the characteristics of a particular man.


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