The most beautiful waterfalls in the world: list, name, nature and reviews

It is probably difficult to find a person who is completely indifferent to the beauty of water falling from a great height. The multi-ton power of such a flow is mesmerizing, the play of splashes and light delights with dynamism. Among the amazing natural phenomena, the most beautiful waterfalls in the world have occupied a special place. To their thundering peals as a magnet attracted man from ancient times. Before this natural miracle, the veil of illusions that man is the king of nature disappears.

the most beautiful waterfalls in the world

In this article we will introduce you to the five most beautiful waterfalls in the world. We do not claim that they are more beautiful and majestic. On every continent, in almost every country in the world, there are these amazing natural monuments. Perhaps not so magnificent and powerful, but always surprisingly beautiful. Therefore, describing the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, the list can be increased many times.

The most famous waterfalls in the world

Each waterfall is an impressive sight, nevertheless in the world there are such incredible complexes that you can admire day and night. In our article we will present the following:

  1. Angel (Venezuela).
  2. Niagara Falls (USA).
  3. Victoria (Zimbabwe).
  4. Iguazu (Argentina / Brazil).
  5. Yosemite Falls (USA).

Waterfalls of the world (the most beautiful and famous): Angel

We begin our small overview with the highest waterfall on our planet. It is located in South America (Venezuela). The name of this natural miracle translates as "angel jump." You can see this roaring water stream falling from a height that exceeds the height of any skyscraper in the Kanaima National Park.

Water rushing down with a deafening rumble, forming a semblance of fog. No one can name the exact height of this Venezuelan attraction. According to rough estimates, it is from 978 to 1054 meters.

the most beautiful waterfall in the world

The most beautiful waterfalls in the world are far from always accessible to tourists. An example of this is Angel. It is extremely difficult to approach a kilometer-long steep wall, which is very tightly blocked by a dense tropical forest intertwined with thickets of vines and shrubs. It is for this reason that surveyors, trying to measure the height of a given waterfall, cut their way with axes. It took them 20 days to cover 35 km.

Today, everyone who wants to see this natural miracle in the rainy season, which lasts from May to November, must get to it by boat in 5 hours. Angel is fed only by rains, so in the dry season we do not recommend trying to get to it. You will be disappointed to see a very small stream instead of a powerful water wall.

Niagara Falls

Perhaps someone will not agree, but in our opinion, this is the most beautiful waterfall in the world. Its name is known even to schoolchildren. This is Niagara Falls. It is located on the river of the same name, at the border of two states: Ontario and New York, which are located in Canada and the United States.

Scientists have noticed an amazing fact - the greatest waterfalls (in width), as a rule, are located on the border of two (and sometimes three) countries. This is not an accident - the water communities stretching out over a vast width are impassable natural boundaries along which official borders between states have appeared over time.

top most beautiful waterfalls in the world

Niagara Falls is by far the most popular among tourists due to its accessibility. They are attracted here by an unusual, almost untouched by man nature. The general complex consists of several waterfalls. Their height is more than 53 meters. The water jets of this giant fall at a speed of 3 million l / s. The nearest town is the city of Buffalo.

To avoid a huge concentration of sightseers, it is better to come to these wonderful places in autumn or spring. This will allow you to enjoy the incredible beauty and grandeur of the waterfall.


The top of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world continues in our article Victoria Falls. He is one of the highest on our planet. In addition, he is known for dividing Zambia and Zimbabwe very harmoniously. The Scot D. Livingston became his discoverer in 1865.

Four years before the opening of this facility, Livingston already knew about the existence of this waterfall. The researcher intended with the help of such amazing beauty to turn dense Africa into a center of attraction for travelers from all over the world.

the most beautiful waterfalls in the world list

Victoria is the highest waterfall on the African continent. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that reaching two kilometers in width, it has a height of 120 meters. Such grandiose cascades are no longer on our planet. It is located on the deep river Zambezi. At the peak of the influx of water, it passes an average of eight thousand cubic meters per second.

Locals call this delightful cascade "booming smoke", meaning the amount of fog that rises to a height of more than 400 meters, as well as for the deafening noise that is heard over tens of kilometers. And the spray flying up a huge column, visible over 50 kilometers. They almost always sparkle with a rainbow. If you want to experience the most incredible sensations, you should at least once stand at the foot of this waterfall.


The most beautiful waterfalls in the world are famous not only for powerful water flows, but also for magnificent natural panoramas. Iguazu is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Objectively, it is considered the most picturesque in the world. In addition, it occupies a leading position in full-flow.

five most beautiful waterfalls in the world

Merging together, 275 cascades form a grandiose complex with a displacement of over 1700 cubic meters per second. Its height is 80 meters, and the width at the base is 4 kilometers. For Europeans, the waterfall was opened in the 16th century by conquistadors from Spain. The river on which it is located, winds, flows, crossing the mainland in a westerly direction for 1,500 kilometers, and then breaks off with a set of waterfalls, which at the drain resemble a crescent in shape.

The hum of Iguazu is heard for several kilometers. The waterfall is the pride of the Argentines and Brazilians. Every year, tens of thousands of travelers come here who want to see this splendor with their own eyes. Due to the existing relations between Argentina and Brazil, the states concluded original agreements: Brazilians are monopolists for helicopter tours, and Argentines are responsible for boat trips.

Yosemite Falls

Describing the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, one cannot fail to mention this cascade. The waterfall located in Yosemite Park is called Horse Tail. Its height reaches 740 meters. In February, Yosemite Falls becomes a "lava of fire" for several days.

Hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to Yosemite Park at this time to enjoy the beauty of the fiery miracle. The secret of this phenomenon is explained by the special arrangement of the rays of the sun. Getting to the waterfall at a strictly defined angle, they wonderfully illuminate the powerful water stream.

the world's most beautiful and famous waterfalls

At first it becomes yellowish-orange, and gradually, when the sun sets, the waterfall turns into a saturated fiery color. Everyone who is observing this natural miracle has the impression that red-hot lava flows out of the rock. It is a pity that even with cloudless and clear weather, such a glow lasts only a few minutes.

Tourists reviews

Many travelers who happened to see the most famous waterfalls in the world note that their extraordinary beauty and power are simply shocking. Interestingly, there is no consensus among tourists about which waterfall is the most beautiful. Each of them is beautiful in its own way and is a unique miracle created by nature itself.


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