US agriculture

The North America region in which the United States is located has a convenient land fund structure and large land resources. Adverse agricultural land and environmental conditions prevail only in Alaska. In the United States, along with Canada located nearby, the world's largest and most productive agricultural complex has developed. This complex covers all areas of crop production and animal husbandry. US agriculture is growing steadily and developing due to the fact that specialized huge agricultural belts have been created here - corn, wheat, tobacco, cotton and the like.

Such developed agriculture allows the United States to be a world leader in food exports. This is achieved through mechanization, modern infrastructure and specialization of production. US agriculture is based on developed farms, which in their work achieve almost one hundred percent marketability. The average farm size in the country is about 50 hectares. Crop USA is a leader in the country's agricultural sector. 2/3 of all areas are occupied by crops of grain crops. The main cereal crop is wheat, but forage crops (corn, sorghum and others) are harvested much more. The "wheat" belt extends almost throughout the country from Texas in the south to the Canadian steppes. Grain collection is over 90 million tons.

The national culture of the United States is corn, its collection of 256 million tons is almost half of the collection of all countries of the world. The bulk of corn is intended for feeding livestock. There is a "corn" belt in the central plains (Illinois, Iowa and surrounding areas). It is the largest corn district in the world. Among the oil crops, a special place is occupied by legumes. Their collection is constantly growing and reaches 70 million tons: this is 3/5 of the world volume. These crops are used both for livestock feed and for nutrition (soybean oil and other products). Also, US agriculture has a long tradition of growing cotton; it was the main export commodity in the 19th century. Cotton is grown in Texas and the southern mountainous states on irrigated lands, mainly long-fiber, high-quality varieties are cultivated.

US agriculture attaches great importance to the cultivation of sugarcane and sugar beets. In the western states, sugar beets are mainly grown, and sugar cane is grown on the Gulf of Mexico and the Hawaiian Islands; pineapples are the main crop in Hawaii. Almost all citrus fruits and flowers are harvested in California and Florida. The country ranks first in the world in tobacco production. The main tobacco cultivation area is Virginia with Richmond, which is the "tobacco capital." On the southern coast of the Great Lakes, California has vineyards and large gardens. In addition, agriculture in the northeastern United States ( Maine) is the largest bilberry growing area in America.

In total agricultural production, about 2/3 are livestock products. This area is highly productive, as it is provided with a powerful forage base. The United States cattle breeding specializes in breeding beef meat and dairy. Pig production is also widespread, with a corn belt specializing in it. The most industrial area of ​​agriculture in the USA is the cultivation of meat chickens (broilers), up to 4 billion broilers are grown per year. US agriculture is large-scale and produces a variety of products, due to this, not only provides its own needs for food and industrial crops, but also produces large volumes of products for export.


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