Hangout is ... Meaning of a word, synonyms

“Haza”, “blathata”, “nativity scene” - all these words are synonyms for the noun “stash”. In the explanatory dictionary of Vladimir Dahl, there is only an assumption from which words this noun could occur. He points out the basis of the verbs “stick” and “stick”, adding a question mark.

What else is a hangout called?

Linguists say: the den was originally called the nativity scene. Most likely, the definition of this word - “a place of crime and debauchery” or “a place where people gather for various unseemly goals” - is associated with the expression “den of robbers” used in the Gospel.

A stash is ... What does this word mean today

stash it

Today, this word means a place where people with criminal goals systematically meet. Most often, brothels are ordinary apartments owned by representatives of criminal groups. Often abandoned places are also used in this capacity - construction sites, warehouses. Huts perform several functions at once: meetings of leaders of criminal gangs are held here, they immediately distribute drugs and engage in prostitution. Often a stash is a place that plays the role of shelters and hiding places.

Common types of hangouts

There are various types of such places. The name depends on what the hangout is for. For example, the place where people gather for the purpose of using any psychoactive substances is commonly called drug prone. Accordingly, alkopriton is a place intended for drinking strong drinks. The gambling hangout is the place where gambling lovers gather. When the owner of the house or apartment where the criminals gather is financially secure and has serious connections in the criminal world, the hangout is called a blathata. Thieves are usually called "thieves raspberries." Just two names at the brothel, where they are engaged in prostitution. This is a "stash of debauchery" and a "brothel."

meaning of the word stash

What is the organization and content of the brothel?

According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the organization of a brothel is actions aimed at its creation. These include finding and hiring premises, equipping them with everything necessary. In addition, the organization of the brothel includes the involvement of people who wish to use it. The contents of the hotbed of crime include its protection and material support. Repair and cleaning are also included. By the way, this usually includes customer service.


Today, criminal liability is provided for the organization of drug traffickers and the maintenance or regular provision of premises for prostitution.

Alternative meaning of the word “hangout”

It is worth noting that the den is not only the place of gatherings of criminal elements. This word has another meaning. A stash is a place where there are a lot of animals, birds or fish.


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