Permanent grammatical signs of the verb

The verb in the school course of the Russian language is always considered after the nominal words. In this order of study there is a certain logic. The grammatical features of the verb are unique, because, unlike nouns, adjectives and numerals, this part of speech is conjugated. That is, the form of inflection, and, consequently, morphological features, the verb significantly differ from other significant words.

What is the uniqueness of this part of speech? What is the answer to this given by the grammar in the Russian language?

grammatical signs of the verb
The verb means that you can not "touch". Using this group of words, the meaning of an action or, in a broader sense, a process is conveyed. In the lessons for simplicity of perception, children are told only about one of the hypostases of the verb: that he answers the questions β€œwhat does he do?” or "what will he do?" one or another subject. But, for example, the words "sleep", "stand", "sit" mean, rather, a condition, rather than an active action.

Be that as it may, the constant grammatical features of the verb are common to all units of this group.

The first morphological feature of this part of speech is species affiliation. If with the help of a verb an action or process is described that assumes completeness, then we have before us a word of a perfect form.

  • arrived - completed action - Sov.v .;
  • I read - the action will be completed - Sov.v.

And vice versa, if completeness is not supposed, then the verb is of imperfect form :

  • I write - an action that does not imply completion - nonsov.v .;
  • painted - incomplete action - nesov.v.

verb signs
Grammatical features of the verb, such as transitivity and recurrence, can be considered together. Actually, transitivity is the possibility of combining with a noun or pronoun in the accusative case without an excuse (much less often - with words in RP, for example, when negating):

  • read the newspaper;
  • crossed the river;
  • built a building;
  • did not write a letter.

Verbs that cannot be used in speech with words in V.p. without pretext, are intransitive:

  • break the habit;
  • pin hopes;
  • sympathize with a friend;
  • cherish time.

Words that end in the postfixes β€œsya” or β€œsy” refer to return words. Having determined this characteristic of the verb, we can immediately conclude that it is intransitive:

  • laughed at himself;
  • washed his face with water;
  • dissolved in acid;
  • to be of the opinion.

Russian grammar
But the permanent grammatical signs of the verb do not end there. As we recall, the uniqueness of this part of speech consists in its special change in faces and numbers. The conjugation of a verb is determined by its indefinite form, namely, by the end. The inflections in the present and simple future tense depend on what type of inflection the verb belongs to. The second conjugation traditionally includes words that have an ending in the infinitive "it", the first includes all other forms. At the same time, one should not forget that, as in almost any rule, there are also exceptions: 7 verbs on the β€œet” and 4 on the β€œbelong” belong to the second type.

So, such signs of the verb as type, transitivity, recurrence and conjugation are indicated in the morphological analysis as constants.


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