What is a gearbox?

No mechanical motor can function without a gearbox. It is from this detail that the performance of the machine or device depends. How to determine what a gearbox is?

Rotational mechanism

A reducer is, first of all, a mechanism that converts and transmits the frequency of the torque to other devices and tools. This is the transmission link between the rotational devices of the internal combustion engine or electric motor to the final working unit. The main indicators characterizing it are the number of driven and leading rotational shafts, efficiency and transmitted power. On the rotating devices of this mechanism, worm or gear transmissions are fixedly fixed , with the help of which the movement from one to the other is transmitted and regulated. In the holes of the housing there are bearings on which the shafts are located.

We briefly reviewed what a gearbox is. And now we find out what they are.

Instrument Classification

Today, reducers of the following types are used:

- cylindrical, with high efficiency and able to withstand heavy loads;

- bevel gear;

- conical-cylindrical, used in engines with orthogonal arrangement of low-speed and high-speed shafts;

- planetary gearbox, used in the arrangement of the engine and the working unit and characterized by a large gear ratio, as well as compact size and lightness;

- a reducer for a gas cylinder, designed to control the pressure of gas (oxygen, propane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, gas mixture), which comes from a closed tank or directly from the gas pipeline.


What is a gearbox? This is an indispensable and diligent assistant in all spheres of human activity.

The use of gearboxes in industry is very extensive. What is a gearbox? This is a rotational transmission part in various processing machines. Here, these mechanisms are used as increasing the speed of revolutions.

And in automotive gearboxes, gearboxes are used, on the contrary, to lower the engine speed. The softness and smoothness of the course of transport depends on their properly debugged adjustment.

In electrical equipment and household appliances, which include electric motors, these very important reducing and regulating revolutions devices are also used. It is impossible to imagine the design of mixers, food processors, washing machines, grinders, drills without these mechanisms.

Gearboxes are a necessary and indispensable part of pumping systems, treatment facilities, ventilation equipment. They are used to maintain optimal gas pressure in gas-fired installations of brazing, cutting, welding and other treatments.

The gas industry also cannot do without gearboxes. After all, the storage and transportation of gases related to explosive substances is a rather troublesome business. And here the rotational mechanism comes to the rescue. Using it, you can block the access of gas or, conversely, open an outlet for it by adjusting the pressure.

For example, gas coming from a gas distributor exits under very high pressure, which needs to be lowered. Using a network gearbox, it is possible to automatically maintain pressure in a given operating mode.

In the pharmaceutical and food industries, similar pressure reducing valves are also used , which are necessary to maintain constant pressure and adjust it in oxygen pads, blood pressure measuring instruments, cooking, blending containers, and gas mixture storage cylinders.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45444/

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