Tomato Gift of the Volga region: grade characteristics

There are many different varieties of tomatoes. Some of them are intended for cultivation in greenhouses, others - in the open ground. There are varieties that grow under temporary film shelters. Among all varieties, the gift of the Trans-Volga region is very popular. It is grown not only in summer cottages, but also on an industrial scale.

Tomato "Gift of the Volga region"

Appearance story

The variety was bred in Russia, in the North Caucasus Federal District. The organizer of the launch is the Volgograd Experimental Station VNIIR. In 1992, the variety was officially registered in the State Register.

Initially, the tomato Dar Zavolzhye was developed for cultivation in the Central and North Caucasian districts. However, it is successfully grown in other regions of the country.

Grade description

A plant of a determinant type, i.e., has limited growth. With its growth, there is no need to pinch the top. The tomato itself will stop growing as soon as it reaches its maximum (70-80 cm).

The central stem is thick, medium leaf. In the process of growth on the bush, stepsons are removed. The Tomato Gift of the Volga region has light green leaves, medium size. The inflorescence is simple, with 4-6 flowers. The variety is highly resistant to adverse environmental conditions, various diseases, including alternariosis, septoria.

The first flower brush is laid over the sixth leaf, the next - every two leaves. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology from one bush, you can collect about five kilograms of fruit. The mass of tomatoes is an average of 90 grams. Fruits are rounded, smooth. There are pink and red species. The first crop is removed 100 days after germination.

Tomatoes perfectly tolerate long transportation, which is why the variety is widely used in industrial cultivation.

"Gift of Zavozhie" tomato description

The Tomato Dar of the Volga region has a dense structure, which is why the variety is positioned as a salad. Although many summer residents use the variety for canning. In this case, the taste is not lost.

Grade Features

According to the reviews and description of the tomato Gift of the Volga region, it is worth highlighting the following advantages:

  • long-term storage of fruits;
  • perfectly tolerate transportation;
  • high and stable yield every year;
  • high taste.

The advantages include the possibility of using the variety not only for the preparation of salads, but also for canning and other types of processing. The fruit produces a delicious, thick juice.

The plant gives friendly shoots. With proper agricultural technology, bushes develop rapidly. All seedlings grow at the same rate. Fruits ripen evenly, amicably. Sizes of tomatoes are even, the same size.

When ripe, the tomatoes do not crack. However, with strong fluctuations in night and day temperatures, tomatoes can crack. To avoid this, plants are covered with temporary shelters at night.

Variety disadvantages

The disadvantages include only a negative attitude in high humidity and stunting at low temperatures.

Like most nightshade, the tomato variety Gift of the Volga region with high humidity begins to hurt. Most often, the plant is affected by late blight.


There are two types of varieties Gift Trans-Volga:

  1. With red fruits.
  2. With pink fruits.

They differ only in yield and shade of the fruit, but otherwise the species are the same.

Pink tomatoes have slightly lower yields.

Variety of tomatoes "Gift of the Volga region"


Characteristics of the tomato Gift of the Volga region is unique. The fruits are not just rounded, but conical in shape.

Tomatoes are medium in size, about seven centimeters in diameter. The mass is even, about a hundred grams each. With good care, the mass can be more.

In unripe form, the fruits have a pale green hue. The stalk has no darkening. In ripeness, the fruits become bright red or a beautiful pink color (depending on the species).

The pulp is tender, juicy, with lots of seeds. They are located in seed chambers, of which up to six are in fruits.

Agricultural technology

According to the description, the tomato variety Dar Zavolzhye is preferably grown in seedlings. For this sowing is best done in mid-March or early April. Upon reaching two months of age, the bushes are planted in a permanent place.

When growing seedlings, you should correctly select the timing of sowing. They depend on the approximate date of planting seedlings in the exhaust gas. If you plan to do this in early June, then you should sow in April. With early planting, seedlings are sown in March, and in some regions in February.

When sowing seeds sprinkled with a layer of soil (3-5 mm) and monitor the humidity. The top layer should not dry out. To do this, boxes with seedlings are sprayed from the spray twice a day.

At a temperature of 25 degrees, the seeds will germinate for about 7 days. The gift of the Volga region belongs to those varieties that sprout quickly and together.

Tomatoes "Gift of the Volga" characteristic

So that the seedlings do not stretch during the growth process, it needs to provide good lighting. Natural light is best suited, but not always enough. In order for the plant to develop correctly, seedlings are placed on the windowsill, arranging additional illumination (daylight should be at least 10-12 hours).

As soon as the first real leaves are opened on seedlings, seedlings are sprinkled with soil (about 1-2 cm). This will allow you to grow additional roots and make the plant more resistant.

As soon as the bushes are 50-60 days old, they are planted in a permanent place at a distance of at least 50 cm. Further care consists of watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening.

Plant nutrition

The gift of the Volga region needs to be fed. Most often, natural and mineral fertilizers are used for this. Mullens are classified as natural (bred at the rate of 1 kg per bucket of water).

Two weeks after the landing, the first top dressing is carried out. The second is held two weeks later.

You can feed tomatoes with saltpeter and phosphorus-potash fertilizers. It is recommended to carry out mixed dressings: to feed tomatoes with saltpeter and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in one day. After two weeks, these fertilizers are given again, but the dosage is halved.

Tomato variety "Gift of the Volga region" description

Subject to agricultural technology, you can get a good crop of tomatoes. Watering the plants is necessary infrequently, but abundantly. Watering is done under the root. If necessary, the earth is loosened.


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