A gift is a desire to make it nice

The meaning of the word “gift” is clear to every person, in our own words we can say that a gift is a desire to make something pleasant and cheer up your loved one.

What is a gift?

Not only on holidays do people give and receive gifts. They are made from the heart, just like that or for some selfish purpose. Here we will determine what a gift is, what it is and what gift is best for this or that holiday. So, let's begin.

a gift is

A gift is a thing and not only that is presented to a person free of charge, usually not requiring anything in return. A gift can consist of several parts, can be made by yourself. A gift can also be poetry or a song performed directly by a donor to a specific person or group of people.

The meaning of the word "gift"

Anyone knows what a gift is, but it turned out that giving the exact definition to this word is quite problematic. If you take the majority of explanatory or other dictionaries, it simply does not exist, but in the dictionary Ozhegova SI it is determined very superficially, there is a tautology. “This or that thing that was given as a gift was given as a gift.” Consequently, the word “gift” is understood to mean that which is given free of charge, on the basis of any considerations.

gift value

For most people, choosing a gift becomes a whole problem, it takes a lot of time, patience and strength.

Gift classification

Gifts for different holidays are different from each other. A standard gift is something that can always be useful. A small souvenir, a picture that can be hung in any room, or an interesting book. Such gifts can be made as just a sign of attention or a compliment.

More expensive gifts are made on occasion. If you are going to visit or receive guests at your place, take care in advance about how to compliment.

New year present

Gifts can be made with your own hands: what a person made himself for the addressee. It can be: knitted mittens, a painted picture, a bouquet of sweets and much more. The gift itself is not important. The value of the gift and the attitude towards the addressee is what really matters.

Holiday Gifts

A birthday present is often always given to a person based on his hobbies and hobbies. If a person likes to cook, is engaged in culinary art and is fond of cuisines of different countries, he can be presented with a book or a certificate for some master class, for example, on the preparation of French cakes. If the birthday man is engaged in indoor plants, collects cacti, loves his garden in the country, he will be pleased to receive an unusual potted plant as a gift.

A gift for the New Year, as a rule, is symbolic. Here you can delve into the history of the holiday, give Christmas garlands or souvenirs.

Gift what does it mean

Winter accessories are also suitable here: mittens, hats, scarves.

On March 8, usually give bouquets of flowers and sweets. Something light that is always useful to a woman, as a rule, try to avoid gifts that can offend the addressee somehow.

For Easter or Shrovetide usually give gifts based on tradition. For example, on Easter it is customary to give colored eggs or Easter cakes. And on Maslenitsa they invite to visit pancakes.

For each holiday come up with something of their own. After all, a gift is a reflection of your feelings.

Why give gifts?

When a significant date comes, each person subconsciously understands that a small gift should be a congratulation. The value of the gift is different. Many give gifts so as not to feel guilty for a particular situation or misconduct. It is very easy to “untwist” such people for a gift. Jealous wives or children are happy to use this. It is enough for a person to just hint that he is offended or angry, for example, for lack of attention. A busy husband immediately runs to the store and buys a gift, which means that after some time the ice will melt and it will be forgiven.

Another type of donor is best characterized by the saying "All the best is for children." When a mother, giving up all of herself, depriving herself and infringing herself on something, gives all material resources for the benefit of the family. More often than not, everything ends with hatred of the one for whom they "sacrificed everything."

Very often now love is bought as gifts. Generous donors, forgetting about their feelings, try to buy love and fidelity, but, unfortunately, they do not subsequently understand why they are abandoned by mistresses who are littered with cars and fur coats. Here on the "buyer of love" must find his "seller of love." Such pairs are strong and durable.

Gift what is it

Apart from love, freedom is also bought for gifts. Usually these are avid bachelors who do not want children and are not going to part with their status. And in order to keep the chosen one near him, they easily part with money for her sake. Gifts here are very generous and almost daily.

Gifts not worth giving

A gift is primarily a sign of attention. It is not necessary to wait for a holiday or some date to please your loved ones. A gift can be given just like that, and this is due to the fact that, for example, the work week has ended or a good deal has been concluded, or just a good mood.

There are a number of gifts that are undesirable to give.

Personal hygiene products. This is an invasion of personal space.

Means for losing weight, medicine. This may remind a person of his illness or deficiency.

Underwear. Your taste may not coincide with the taste of the person to whom you are going to present clothes. They usually give just a gift card to the store.

Pet. Without prior agreement, you should not give a person an aquarium, kitten or hamster. This can affect the whole person’s life, it can disrupt the already planned rest and cause a lot of trouble.

Be very careful when choosing a gift for religious people. Gifts (for example, any pictures) can offend a person.

Many men are not enthusiastic about flowers, sweets, handkerchiefs, socks. Women do not like smoking kits or alcohol. Think carefully about wedding gifts, you can’t give an empty wallet - it’s moneyless, or a mirror - loneliness.

A gift is, first of all, a pleasant surprise. Try to avoid misunderstanding on the part of the addressee and give him first of all a good mood.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45459/

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