Secular life of Russian stars. Rules of social life and etiquette

In the modern world, all media sources often hear such a phrase as secular life. This concept is completely new for the domestic lexicon and has appeared in the use of Russian people quite recently. Once a couple of centuries ago, so many famous and talented people, court ladies and gentlemen, and, of course, the rest of the rich aristocracy called their lifestyle.

The past foundations of high-class life necessarily included various receptions, joint meals, receptions, salons, and, in turn, courtesy return visits. This all arose in the eighteenth century in Russia and has appeared in our days in a slightly different form.

Code of conduct

Then, as now, there were certain rules of social life. For example, in those days it was considered bad form if people did not have any worries. Since only noble deeds and good manners, such as courtesy and goodwill, could make a real secular person out of an ordinary person.

In addition, all the courtiers had to know several languages, dance art and have eloquence, so that it was interesting to have a conversation with them. If at present any norms of behavior were observed, then, of course, no yellow press could exist, since the social life of Russian stars would not be overwhelmed by such a huge amount of gossip.

But, as it turns out, attending parties, various receptions and premieres - all this is an integral part of the starry world. Celebrities go to such parties not for their pleasure, but for the advancement of their career. So that they are not forgotten by anyone, ranging from producers to journalists. But it’s not enough to be at such events, you still need to have a beautiful appearance. Clothing must certainly be from leading designers, bags of only world brands, branded shoes, and jewelry insanely expensive. All this is the so-called secular life.

Fine sex in a sophisticated world

In the modern world of show business, of course, there are idols. For young, aspiring with a beautiful life, girls, real idols are secular lionesses. These are just amazing women. Because they manage to attend all fashion shows, parties, presentations, holiday concerts and many other events, the visit of which implies their social life.

These active participants should always revolve in the upper strata of society and lead a public lifestyle so that they are not forgotten. Therefore, young ladies are trying in every possible way to imitate these bright and magnificent women.

social life of Russian stars

but on the other hand

In addition to the main components of this world - various events and parties, it also does not do without all kinds of intrigues, gossip, scandalous incidents, as well as all kinds of showdowns and fights. All this, of course, attracts the attention of the public and the public. Only one definite conclusion will follow from this that secular life and etiquette are not particularly compatible concepts.

Just for some, this behavior is a way to have fun, and for others it’s an option to express oneself. Thus, the stars themselves often crave for a journalist to perpetuate their particular trick. But, as is commonly believed, modern social life is a mutual contribution of all the people involved in it, from various media workers to many celebrities.

rules of social life

Who are called glamorous personalities?

The rules of social life and etiquette represent a certain style of behavior that is adhered to in many areas of show business. People spinning in such circles lead a crazy way of life, in which there is little time for rest and healthy sleep.

In fact, there are not so many real secular people, but in the last period of time they so often began to call regular participants in various party events and holidays. For example, it can be the spouses of the oligarchs, artists, fashion models, singers, fashion designers, famous athletes and TV presenters. In general, all those who do not miss a single event.

social life and etiquette

What are the stereotypes?

The secular life of Russian stars has long created new nicknames, which now call all its participants. For example, such as: star person, "majors", diva and many others. But such a term as a secular lioness is considered an individual concept, but quite common in use. For many famous and wealthy personalities, this characteristic has become something like a cliche or an unofficial definition of a star person, who they are often called, than some other nickname. Some women believe that to be a secular lady means to be some kind of bohemian in the world of show business.

Who usually craves such a life?

The fair half of humanity is undoubtedly much more striving for such a lifestyle than the stronger sex. All this beauty, chic, brilliance, luxury and wealth attract girls to plunge headlong into this world of beauty.

But in order to always stay afloat the social life of Russian show business, it is imperative to participate not only in various entertainment events and charity events, but also not to forget about black PR. After all, any scandal or interesting gossip will always attract much more attention of the public and the press than a calm and beautiful lifestyle. Therefore, even the envy of certain people can bring success and once again publicize one or another famous person.

rules of social life and etiquette
It turns out that true social life is colorful parties, dizzying carnivals, called-up points, broadcasts of film festivals, all kinds of charity events, interesting presentations, bright celebrations of name days of various famous people and other chic events that all persons belonging to this beautiful world are required to attend. In a word, we can say that this is a life of chic, glamor and luxury, accompanied by constant intrigue and violent scandals.


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