What are the texts in Russian, genres

By text we mean a human thought fixed on a certain medium. In a narrower sense, this is a coherent and sequential transmission of characters. The text exists in two forms (written and oral) and is determined by such signs as semantic integrity and articulation (otherwise, the selection of fragments in its composition). One sentence cannot be considered as text. There should be at least two of them.

what are the texts

Styles and types of text

Let's consider what texts are. Russian language distinguishes the following styles:


Used for simple communication, where the author can share his thoughts in an informal setting. Example: “Hello, friend! How are you? I’m doing fine, I got a new job and now I don’t have time at all. ”


  • Publicistic. This style is characterized by logicality, emotionality, appraisal, invitingness. The main feature is the socio-political vocabulary. Words are emotionally colored, solemn vocabulary and the use of short sentences are inherent. Example: “Nikolay Petrov, the head of Mosgorbank, was sentenced to 6 years in prison for embezzlement of 330 million rubles.”
  • Scientific. It is distinguished by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of communication between statements, the desire for accuracy and conciseness.
  • Formal business. Means of written communication, which is used in the field of legal relations and management. Example: "With this receipt, I, Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich, undertake to return the money in the amount of 500,000 (five hundred thousand) rubles until 03/01/2016."
  • Art. It is used exclusively in fiction using all the wealth of vocabulary, a variety of styles, emotional speech. This style is aimed at conveying the feelings and thoughts of the author. Example: “Over the river, a fog was quietly spreading, like a fresh milk. The birds in the forest almost died down. Another June morning began. ”

Text Types

Initially, the text was to convey the opinion and impression of the author about what surrounds him, about people and events. In this regard, we consider what texts are of the type:

  1. Storytelling. The text tells about events that are interconnected by a time sequence. A distinctive feature is a certain structure: the tie, development, denouement. The story is built from the first or third person, using verbs of the perfect form of the past tense.
  2. Reasoning. A text containing the study and study of specific objects and their relationship with each other. A certain pattern and logical structure are traced. The main idea is the thesis, which is formulated at the beginning of the text. Next are the arguments and evidence that confirm or refute this thesis. In the end, conclusions are drawn.
  3. Description. A text that has a consistent image and characterization of events, objects, and people. You can trace the listing of characteristic properties and features inherent in the main character. The text is characterized by homogeneous definitions, additions, circumstances, the use of metaphors, comparisons, epithets and other expressive means of the language. The main task is to create an opinion about the described subject or hero.

what are the texts russian language
What kind of texts are by type, we found out, now we will consider what genres are divided.


Genre is a form of speech organization that distinguishes and characterizes types of text. The genre also distinguishes the nature of speech activity and the form of its use. For example, the genre of interviews is dialogue, the genre of journalistic articles is a monologue. Moreover, an article is a written genre, and a report is an oral genre. There is also such a thing as an interstyle genre, where one genre can belong to several styles: an interview as a genre can be attributed to both an official business and a journalistic style, and an essay, essay or article can be attributed to both scientific and journalistic style.

what are the texts of grade 2

Consider the genre of text. What are the literary genres regarding styles:

  1. Fiction includes genres such as a novel, a story, an essay, a story, a fable. This also includes the lyrics in all its manifestations.
  2. The educational literature includes tutorials, lessons, textbooks and manuals - in other words, those documents that are available for study.
  3. Historical literature includes all genres devoted to past events and key moments in the history of mankind. These are historical essays, poems, dramas, compositions, etc.
  4. The scientific literature includes narrowly focused texts on specific topics. These are reports, monographs, popular science articles, notes, reference books, essays, encyclopedias, practical tips, memos.

Digital text

What other texts are there? In the era of digital technology, such a concept as digital text has appeared. And if before the Internet served only as a means of searching for information, now on this resource you can find whole libraries with different types of texts. Today, not only newspaper and scientific publications are digitized, but also masterpieces of world literature. Now you don’t have to go to the library or bookstore. It is enough to go to the Internet from any device and find the publication of interest.

what kind of text are

Studying in elementary school

A detailed study of the text begins in elementary school, when the teacher introduces the children to the types of sentences, establishes the connection of words in these sentences. Next is an introduction to the text and consideration of the topic “What are the texts”. Grade 2 in this lesson will not only get acquainted with the structural features of the text, children will be asked to compose it themselves, highlighting the main idea and topic. Particular attention is paid to building dialogue.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45466/

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