What are the terms in Russian: examples

Often we come across words that are incomprehensible to us. The question immediately arises, what are the terms in Russian? It should be understood that these words can be attributed to different groups. Some of them may have original meaning. The study of terminology, in general, significantly expands the vocabulary of a person and his horizons.

The concept

So what are the terms in Russian? This is a word or phrase that calls a special concept from a certain sphere. All of them belong to the same category of vocabulary.

what are the terms in Russian

We can assume that terminology is a system of all terms that exist in the Russian language. This vocabulary is developing quite quickly and indicates the internationalization of the fund, as well as the specifics of national-language use.


The characteristic features of terms are their uniqueness. Unlike words from general vocabulary, they are not expressive. This means that such words are devoid of emotional color, not related to the context. As mentioned earlier, the terms are included in the vocabulary section, which forms the system of concepts of a certain area of ​​science, production, etc. Their main characteristic feature is unambiguity, systematicity, and stylistic neutrality. It is believed that terms can be not only nouns, but also verbs, adjectives and adverbs. They are able to move into general vocabulary. Or, conversely, simple words turn into terms because of context. It also happens that the concept enters into several terminological systems at once and becomes a homonym.


What are the terms in Russian and what is their classification? There is no established systematization yet. You can only define some types of terms in the Russian language: highly specialized and generally accepted. The first is used by people working in a certain field. The latter have long entered the literary language and are understandable to everyone.

what are the terms in Russian examples

It is worth noting that in addition to highly specialized (medical, scientific, military, legal), there is a certain group of foreign terms in Russian.


Groups of terms in Russian are also difficult to define. For example, it is possible to classify linguistic definitions into the following groups:

  • The degree of abstraction. This may include universal, unique concepts that indicate a certain phenomenon, or specific concepts for a certain group of languages.
  • Belonging to the system of terms. This group contains traditional definitions that are called scientific concepts, as well as individual ones that have an author's concept.
  • Inner form. This should include motivated and unmotivated terms. The former were created in a natural way, the latter arose as tracing paper and borrowing.
  • Genetic trait. The original Russian terms, borrowings, mythonyms and ethnonyms are located here.
  • Composition. Consisting of one or more words.

It is worth noting that the last group of terms refers directly to the linguistic group.


Medical terms in Russian are often borrowed concepts that have their own analogs in Latin. The vocabulary of doctors originates from the pan-Indo-European language, which became the basis for pan-Slavic.

medical terms in Russian

It is believed that medical knowledge was stored and collected by the priests-wise men. Even the word "doctor" itself has common roots with the verbs "grumble" and "speak." This is due to the fact that then only sorcerers, sorcerers, witches, etc., could cure medical terms in Russian, a significant amount has reached us. Despite the popularity of Latin concepts, many common Slavic words are familiar to us even now: hip, spleen, larynx, disease, pus, ulcer, cramp.

At that time, there were also many names of diseases. For example, if you are a fan, this is current asthma, kamchug is arthritis, and epilepsy is epilepsy. It is also interesting that now it is difficult to find an analogy and identify such ailments. The meaning of terms in the Russian language, such as, for example, "lymph nodes", previously had a name, which is also familiar to everyone - "corn." The same thing with the word "gland", which meant "tumor". Over time, it so happened that medical terms were divided into 4 groups: original Russian, borrowed classicisms, Western European and Latin.

words terms in Russian


Scientific terms in Russian occupy a fairly large place. This is due to the fact that science can be biological, mathematical, physical, etc. Each group needs its own system of concepts and notation. So, it turns out that such terms in Russian are a shaky and vague “shelf”. The more interpretations a word receives, the more incomprehensible its meaning becomes. There are some terms that have more than 100 concepts. And this is already misleading everyone.

It also happens that the term acquires everyday meaning, and loses its original definition. Due to the so-called everyday workload, a word such as “offer” becomes ambiguous. In this case, researchers prefer to use borrowed terms. Having chosen a foreign word, when it is translated, all household definitions immediately disappear.

meaning of terms in Russian

Scientific words in Russian, like medical ones, are mostly based on Greek and Latin words. There are several scholars who believe that a thorough study can determine the underlying languages: Russian and Arabic.


English terms in Russian quickly and widely came into use. This is due to the expansion and popularization of the computer world, technology, etc. Football concepts can be considered one of the striking examples. When you know what terms are in Russian, examples will give a visual description. Many words came to us from English. They have long been memorized and are familiar to all Russian-speaking people. For example, even a schoolboy knows that a blow from a distance of eleven meters is called penalty - a penalty, in a word. “Goalkeeper” also has an identical analogue in English, although in Russian there is a synonym - “goalkeeper”. Offside is the familiar “offside” to us all, and the “referee” is our Russian “referee”.

Something similar happened with the English term in technology. "Computer" is a long time ago familiar word for everyone. The same thing has happened with a smartphone in recent years. The touch screen for many has long been a “touchpad” or “touchscreen”. Those people who are well versed in computers know such concepts as “authentication”, “account”, “nickname”, “news”, “laptop” and many others.

groups of terms in Russian

A similar phenomenon occurs with terms in the economy. Such words are known to everyone: "export", "import", "dividend", "discount", "market", "inflation", etc. In business, everyone knows the concepts: "budget", "deposit", "director" , “President,” “conference,” “deadline,” “consensus.” In general, in the field of finance and business there are a lot of English terms that are included in the Russian language dictionary.


Like English, foreign terms in the Russian language have been rooted for a very long time. Of course, of all the overseas words, the English group is perhaps the largest. Nevertheless, the formation of the lexicology of the Russian language was also influenced by French, from which we borrowed words such as “battalion”, “department”. Similarly, from German, many terms fell into our military group: “soldier”, “headquarters”, “officer”. As mentioned earlier, part of the definitions came from Latin. In addition to medical ones, many of them fell into the group of scientists: “formula”, “radius”, “evolution”. Greek also influenced the Russian language. And he gave us words related to science and art: “geometry”, “philosophy”, “comedy”, “poetry”, etc.


When you know what terms are in the Russian language, you should pay attention to such a concept as professionalism. These are special words that people in a particular profession use. This concept differs from terms in that they are specially approved words that are officially legalized in a certain science or profession. Professionalisms are semi-official words; they do not have a strict definition. Most of these concepts can be attributed to colloquial speech, as well as to hear them in jargon or vernacular. Examples of such words are the professionalism of polygraphists: typesetting, layout, hanging line, etc.

Interesting terms

So, you know what the terms are in Russian. Examples on the Internet are easy to find. But there are a number of terms that few people know. At the same time they describe things familiar to us. For example, the cry of a child is called "vagitus." The point between the eyebrows got its term - "glabel". If you accidentally and deliberately spit out food, know that you made a “chunk”.

scientific terms in Russian

Politicians, in turn, were also given the concept of “snolligosters”. In addition, this term can be called those who put higher personal good than their duties. At the same time, the membrane between the nostrils is called “callumella.” There is another interesting term. When we repeat the same word several times, it loses its meaning. This process is called Jamaisu Vue.

The rest of the toothpaste on the tube is called "nerdl", and the loop in which you put the belt in is called "keeper." When you get hungry and your stomach starts rumbling, know that this is a "colliveble". If you have “goosebumps” or chills from your favorite song, then you have a “frisson”. There are countless such terms in Russian. Moreover, dozens of new concepts appear every day that may be unknown to society for decades.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4547/

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