Aloe juice: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

An excellent healing effect is exerted by the well-known indoor plant aloe juice. Instructions for use of this tool, if purchased at the pharmacy, will help you take it correctly. It is useful for both indoor and outdoor use.

But they cook at home from aloe juice. Instructions for the use of a pharmaceutical drug then will also be needed. At the same time, there are many grandmother's recipes that will prove to be at least no less useful.

aloe juice application instructions


Aloe contains a storehouse of nutrients. These are vitamins A, B, C, E. Among the trace elements stand out:

  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • chlorine;
  • sodium;
  • bromine;
  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • vanadium;
  • fluorine;
  • sulfur;
  • silver;
  • zinc;
  • silicon.

In addition, it includes:

  • tannins ;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • resins;
  • cellulose;
  • catechins;
  • glycosides.

Such a rich composition determines the beneficial effect that the juice has for a variety of diseases.


All types of this plant are beneficial. Their healing properties are concentrated in the leaves. They appear more if squeezed out of aloe juice. Instructions for use contain information about the composition. A pharmaceutical preparation is a canned juice in 20% alcohol. It has a spicy aroma and a bitter taste.
If you try a cut leaf, the taste will be extremely bitter. The leaves are cut and chopped so as to collect more juice. Then it is evaporated in a water bath or just on fire. After removing the first foam, the drug is poured into the prepared containers.

aloe vera juice instructions for use

Similarly, aloe juice is prepared at home. Only the lower leaves of the plant are suitable for this. It is better not to water the plant for a week or more. Then cut, cut into pieces and squeeze the juice, wrapping them in gauze. You can skip the finished raw materials through a meat grinder or use another automated press. Then more juice will stand out.

Therapeutic action

The plant has the following healing effect:

  1. It increases bile secretion.
  2. It has a laxative and antibacterial effect.
  3. Useful for gastritis, enterocolitis, gastroenteritis, constipation.
  4. It helps with burns, wounds with pus and various skin inflammations.
  5. Stimulates and accelerates metabolic processes.
  6. Rejuvenates the body.

aloe juice properties instructions

The whole family can drink vitamin drinks with juice. It will significantly strengthen the immune system, reduce pain, accelerate the healing of wounds and other skin lesions.

In addition, taking the drug lowers cholesterol, normalizes digestion, and cleanses the blood. And for women, it is useful in treating genital inflammation.

Aloe (juice), instructions for use. Analogs and options

In a pharmacy, the product is sold not only in the form of a canned solution for alcohol. Very popular is an extract for injection, contained in ampoules. It is used for inflammation of the respiratory system, female organs, the gastrointestinal tract, and vision problems. Injections are also made with the aim of strengthening immunity, according to the instruction.

For the prevention of skin diseases, an external liniment or gel is used. It helps well with burns, lesions due to radiation therapy, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.

In some cases, the optimal form of the drug for the patient are tablets that are taken for a month. For example, they are prescribed for myopathic chorioretinitis and for myopia.

aloe juice instructions for use medicinal properties

As such, an analogue to the drug does not exist. But there are options for the remedy (" Aloe Wood Syrup ", "Extract", "Gamma Vitamins", "Aloe Vera" and others), where in combination with other useful substances, aloe juice is offered. Instructions for use of the drug with the addition of iron claims that in some cases it can be even more useful. So, it is used:

  • with anemia;
  • iron deficiency;
  • blood loss;
  • radiation sickness;
  • intoxication.

It will actively help in such special periods as pregnancy and adolescence, aloe juice.

Instructions for use: side effects

In this sense, juice can cause a negative reaction in case of an overdose. There is a risk of allergies or increased diarrhea. Heartburn, dyspeptic symptoms, abdominal pain and large bleeding during menstruation can occur.


You can not use this remedy as a laxative for hemorrhoids. It is also extremely undesirable in the late stages of pregnancy and with lactation. If you use it for too long, it can cause a violation of peristalsis of the colon. It is also forbidden to take it for oncological diseases, severe cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, alcoholism, severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys, cystitis and cholethiasis. In addition, individual intolerance to individual components of the drug may be observed.

aloe juice application instructions reviews

Recipes for ailments

How to take aloe juice for various diseases? Instructions for use will help when buying a finished product. But what recipes are used in traditional medicine in the treatment of various diseases with the help of this remedy.

  • With constipation, to enhance the work of the colon, aloe juice is used as a laxative. To do this, take 150 grams of leaves, chop them and add 300 grams of honey in hot form. The resulting mixture is insisted 24 hours, heated, filtered and taken on an empty stomach 60 minutes before meals. In addition to normalizing digestion, appetite will also improve.
  • Fresh leaf juice is very useful for tuberculosis. It should be kept warm, and then add honey and lard. These ingredients, as well as cocoa butter and powder are taken in one hundred parts, and juice - only 15. The mixture is consumed twice a day, dissolving one tablespoon in a heated glass of milk.
  • With a runny nose, the juice is instilled into the nose. Two or three procedures with an interval of 3-4 hours are enough for the disease to go away.
  • If the first stage of cataract is observed, then the juice diluted in boiled chilled water (at a concentration of 10: 1) is instilled directly into the eyes.
  • With ulcerative stomatitis, irrigation is recommended.
  • With erosion of the cervix, tampons soaked in the plant's juice are introduced into the vagina.
  • Aloe juice has a beneficial effect even with diseases of the gallbladder and liver. Instructions for the use of medicinal properties describes, among others, choleretic. In this case, the drug is recommended to be taken by teaspoon twice a day half an hour before meals as a choleretic.

aloe juice instructions for use analogues

Weightloss remedy

Aloe juice has an effect on the body as a whole. It helps to lose weight. Consider how this happens.

It contains substances with a laxative effect. Moreover, the process is mild. After 6-8 hours after taking the drug, the intestine is empty. Therefore, it is not necessary to take expensive dietary supplements or tablets containing chemicals in such problems.

In addition, through the use of funds in the body, metabolic processes are accelerated. This is very important for those whose youth is left behind. After 35 years, metabolism naturally proceeds more slowly. But external stimulation maintains it as before. Thus, the extra pounds are dumped faster if you combine the intake of juice with the right diet.

Helps in this process and increased work of the secretion of digestive glands. Thanks to this, appetite returns to normal, and food processing and bile secretion improve. This is especially necessary for those who love protein diets.

aloe juice application instructions

To achieve a noticeable effect, if you buy aloe juice in a pharmacy, the instructions for use will be as follows. The tool is taken twice a day for a teaspoon. The first time they drink a quarter of an hour before dinner, and the second time - right before bedtime. The course lasts half a month. Let's not forget about the laxative effect that aloe juice has. Therefore, it is better if these days are held in a calm mode, without important events and meetings.

Hair care

In addition to the pronounced therapeutic effect, the plant is famous for its excellent cosmetic effect. It is added to many face care products. Probably there is no manufacturer of cosmetics that does not have at least one drug, which includes aloe juice. Instructions for use, reviews of women who have tested the product on themselves, assure that the curls after its use grow much better and less fat. Some note that they have lost dandruff and have stopped losing their hair.

It is recommended to dilute it in water, and rinse the curls with the resulting solution after washing. If a pharmacy drug is used, then a tablespoon is added to 400 milliliters of water. At home cooking, take 3-4 sheets, grind them and grind. After that, it is diluted in two cups of water, shaken, filtered, hot water added and rinsed hair.

aloe juice side effects

Face care

To this end, ice is made from juice. Buy in a pharmacy juice aloe vera. The instructions for use that accompany it may not contain this recipe. But for the face it will be very useful.

So, take two tablespoons of juice, add to 100 milliliters of infusion from herbs. Various herbs are used, for example, chamomile, calendula, sage and others, which have a beneficial effect on problem skin. The resulting solution is poured into molds and frozen. They wipe the face with ice every morning.

Juice is added to masks or simply rubbed on their face to get rid of acne and excessive oily skin.

However, this tool is not used if there are open sores, inflammation, eczema, dilated vessels, and also if you have to leave home immediately in winter.

Aloe juice helps fight the expansion of veins; various skin defects; rash; dermatitis; psoriasis. It slows down the aging process. Therefore, using moisturizers, be sure to add a little juice to it. Then the anti-aging effect will only intensify.


Do not look at the not too attractive appearance of the plant. Think about the effect of aloe juice. Instructions for use its medicinal properties are described in a pharmacy drug. And there is no doubt in their effectiveness. But it is not necessary to buy a ready-made product. Grow a plant at home. Then at the right time you will always have at your fingertips a leaflet capable of providing first aid for a variety of ailments.


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