Information transfer methods - from parchment to email

From time immemorial, all civilizations have been based on the storage and transmission of information. Over time, the means of transmitting information has changed. It all started with spoken language. Sagas and traditions were passed from mouth to mouth, from which the history of peoples was formed. Then messengers rushed along the roads with letters. After many centuries, they turned into postmen, and telephone communications have firmly entered our lives. Today, paper letters are almost obsolete, and telephone communications will soon completely replace the Internet. More and more people prefer to communicate and exchange information not over the phone, but over the Internet, because it is in them that the fastest ways to transmit information are hidden.

However, despite technological progress, one of the main ways to transmit any information is a document. Today, documents exist both in paper and in electronic form. For the exchange of electronic documents every day, new media are being developed. Here, the first place is taken by email. With its help, the addressee receives a letter almost instantly, no matter in what corner of the globe he is. The operation of e-mail is provided by mail servers, which store thousands of mailboxes - the so-called accounts. In addition to e-mail, information is transmitted using ICQ, Skype and similar programs. There is a more convenient way to communicate - online conferences. Telephone communications Internet conferences have not been replaced just because they need high-speed communications with the World Wide Web.

The process of transmitting information occurs either through computer networks, or through electronic media such as CDs, Flash drives and removable SSD drives. Computer networks have their own classification. They vary in coverage, topology and management. Local networks have the smallest coverage area - in them the distance between nodes is only a few meters. Corporate networks take the second place - they are available within the office or enterprise. The largest are territorial networks, which, according to scale, are divided into regional and global.

Network topologies are divided into three categories. In the bus network, computers are connected to one line, and information transmitted from one computer immediately becomes available to everyone else. In a ring network, nodes go one after another. Information in it is transmitted in a one-way direction. The star network has a central control node, from which lines-rays diverge to other nodes.

There are two types of network management. In the “client-server” type, the network is managed by large servers, and the rest of the computers are client-side and do not affect the network. In the peer-to-peer type, all network nodes are absolutely equal. In them, each user decides for himself which folders or files will be available to everyone. Such networks are very poorly protected from hacking.

All possible methods of transmitting information have one scheme. It includes a sender of information, a transmission channel and a recipient of information. Channels differ in the transmission rate of information, which is measured in bits / s and its multiple values. On the World Wide Web, information sources are called servers, and those who use it are called consumers. Typically, a consumer enters the global network through an optical fiber cable. Recently, however, wireless Internet access methods that use technologies such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth have been introduced. We can’t but forget about mobile networks, because more and more people are using mobile Internet or 3G modems that use WAP or GPRS protocols.

So, the methods of transmitting information succeeded each other until the Internet was opened. As new technologies develop, the World Wide Web will become more accessible until it replaces all other means of communication.


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