Is warm beer useful from the throat?

Many, having heard the phrase that warm beer from the throat is useful, will be skeptical about it. It is known that beer is a low-alcohol drink that is very popular in many countries of the world due to its special taste and aroma.

Traditional medicine does not call such a method of treatment the best, although it does not put forward categorical prohibitions. In the people, this type of alternative therapy has dual significance. Some people think that warm beer from the common cold and sore throat warms the body, and alcohol-containing substances kill germs. Others mean by this method of treatment only the opportunity to once again drink alcohol.

What are they made of?

The raw materials for the preparation of the named drink are malt, hops and water. There are a great many varieties of beer, and the production of the drink has increased, since a wide range of consumers has many addictions. Some people like the light, others like the dark, and some people prefer non-alcohol.

warm beer from the throat

Benefit or harm

Nowadays, an anti-beer campaign is quite active, which publishes information about its harm, since beer alcoholism is very developed in our country. It is known that any alcoholic drink is harmful, provided that it is consumed excessively. but if you know about the healing properties of beer, then it can also serve as a medicine. In addition, comparing other alcoholic drinks and beer, you can see that the alcohol content in it is low.

Scientists, examining the effect of beer on the body, found that it in small quantities enhances blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, has an anti-stress effect. Beer dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. Also, this foamy drink has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and has a diuretic effect.

warm beer for sore throat

Since beer consists of 93% water, it perfectly quenches thirst and prevents dehydration. The hops included in the composition give it a special taste and aroma, as well as stimulate digestion and soothe the nervous system.

Useful microelements

In addition to the above, beer contains B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. It also contains calcium and phosphorus, which help strengthen bones.

By the way, there are popular beauty recipes with beer for hair and skin.

Existing contraindications

But beer has serious contraindications. So, it can harm people who have:

  • inflammatory kidney disease;
  • heart diseases;
  • infectious diseases in the acute (active) phase;
  • increased body temperature;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension
  • taking medications (alcohol destroys some chemical compounds).

In addition, beer is contraindicated for pregnant, lactating, children, as well as people in old age.

Does warm beer help from the throat?

Few people know that beer helps in the treatment of colds, because it has an antiseptic effect and normalizes the immune system. To achieve an antibacterial effect, it is heated to a temperature of 34-35 degrees. For these purposes, it is better to use light beer with a low alcohol content.

The effect of the therapeutic effect

It is possible to treat the throat with warm beer only during the onset of colds, when there is still no fever, and only there are signs of general malaise:

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue
  • sore throat (as the main symptom).

The use of a heated drink with chronic laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) is very effective. Many singers use such an emergency therapy tool when they need to restore their voice before the performance. Also, beer is used in acute and chronic pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) and tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils).

treat throat with warm beer

We list the therapeutic effects that warm beer has from the throat (recipes for its use will be proposed in the article):

  1. Diaphoretic. Normalize heat transfer so that the body does not overheat during the disease.
  2. Antiseptic. Helps to get rid of extraneous agents (viruses, bacteria) by activating the immune defense. This effect is achieved with alcohol. Thanks to him, the inflammatory processes in the throat subside.
  3. Diuretic. Helps to remove toxins that are produced by the microorganisms that caused the disease.
  4. Soothing and sleeping pills. As you know, in order to recover faster, you need bed rest and psychological comfort. This is achieved due to the content of hops in beer.
  5. Anesthetic. It has long been known that alcohol increases the pain threshold of sensitivity. That is why warm beer for sore throat is very effective.
  6. Vasodilator. To quickly eliminate the common cold, it is necessary to attract immune blood cells, and they will more readily and quickly reach the goal with increased blood flow.
  7. Additionally, there is an effect on the respiratory system - sputum liquefies, thereby purifying the bronchi and lungs from pathogenic microorganisms.

Does warm beer help from the throat

The heated drink can be consumed orally in an amount not exceeding 0.5 liters. It is better to carry out this procedure already in bed, wrapped in a blanket. It is ideal to immediately fall asleep, which will increase the effectiveness of the treatment. You can also use warm beer from the throat as a rinse.

Another way of applying are compresses. To do this, add a teaspoon of honey to a heated drink (250 ml), dip gauze in this mixture and apply it to the throat, then lay a plastic film on top and wrap the neck with a scarf.

If the treatment of the throat with warm beer is right, the positive effect can be estimated even the next day, without giving the disease further development.

Popular recipes

A sick person should be prepared for the fact that a heated drink is not as easily and pleasantly drunk as a cold one. Therefore, the patient should understand that this is a treatment, and not the opportunity to once again drink even warm beer (from the throat or not, what is the difference).

warm throat beer recipe

The recipe for a therapeutic drink is as follows: 0.5 liters of light low-alcohol beer is heated to a temperature of 35-36 degrees. After that, you can add 1 tsp. honey, cinnamon (on the tip of a knife), squeeze the juice of half a lemon, put 3-4 pieces of cloves. A combination of warm beer and milk in a 1: 1 ratio is also effective.

You can achieve sputum discharge using warm beer and milk. Such a recipe helps relieve irritation from the tonsils, as a result - an explosive dry cough softens.

If the disease has just begun, you can use eggs with sugar and beer. Beat 3 egg yolks with 3 tbsp. l sugar and add to the heated beer. Such a cocktail produces a good effect in the treatment of initial stage bronchitis.

Honey and raspberries have long been considered powerful antiseptics and antipyretic foods. They will also help calm the cough and relieve pain. To do this, add 1 tsp of honey and raspberries to warm beer (200 ml).

And beer with pepper is an excellent tool for enhanced heating of the body, including the disinfecting effect on the oral cavity. However, such a drink should not be consumed by people who have problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

warm beer throat treatment

You can add herbal infusions and decoctions to beer. For example, licorice improves sputum discharge. Sage is also used for this purpose. And in combination with chamomile and calendula, an excellent gargle is obtained.

Who helped the treatment

Despite the fact that the effect of folk remedies in the treatment of throat and other colds has been tested by time, it is difficult for a modern person to believe in him. But it is so. And the numerous positive reviews of patients who have tried this method on themselves are proof of this.

warm throat beer reviews

For certain reasons, some patients agree to this method of therapy. Someone did not fit the prescribed treatment, someone may have an allergy to certain substances in medications, someone decided on an experiment.

Many people have tested the warm throat beer as a treatment. The reviews indicate that the procedure is not very pleasant, but very effective, in many respects facilitates and simplifies the treatment process.

However, it should be remembered that all alternative remedies have a number of contraindications. Therefore, before starting treatment with beer, you should definitely get a consultation from your doctor.


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