Redbrough (chickens): reviews, description and characteristic

The breeding centers for Redbro hens are the USA and France, but young birds of this bird can be purchased quite easily in incubators in both Russia and Ukraine. It is also quite possible to order them in any of the European countries. It is very important that the chickens are transported by special certified vehicles, vaccinated and raised under veterinary supervision.


Hybrid breeds, or, as they are also called, cross, are increasingly attracting the attention of owners who want to breed domestic birds in their suburban area. Redbros - chickens that relate to just this kind. These birds are bred on the basis of two breeds - Malay fighting and Cornish. Despite the fact that they were imported from abroad, chickens perfectly take root in the climatic zones of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

They have a pretty attractive look. Large, with a dense plumage and a large head, with reddish-brown or red, and in rare cases with white coloring of feathers - all these are Redbro hens. Description of pronounced signs of laying hens of this breed: crest of folate or leaf-shaped, saturated color of earlobes, short and clearly defined beak. In addition, the birds have well-developed visible muscles that they inherited from the fighting ancestors, as well as thick legs with well-developed metatarsals.

Redbrow hens


Redbro chickens, whose breed characteristics correspond to the meat-and-egg direction, have a number of advantages compared to other types of poultry. Firstly, they have very high quality and tasty meat. According to gastronomic indicators, it belongs to the highest category, since it is fibrous and non-greasy. In addition, roosters of this breed weigh on average from 4 to 4.5 kg, and laying hens - about 3 kg.

Secondly, Redbro chickens, whose productivity reviews are just excellent, can lay about 160 eggs per year. But some owners call the numbers much more - 270-300 pieces. These birds begin to hike from 5-6 months.

Chickens redbro reviews


Before you get chickens, you must carefully prepare in advance the room where they will be kept, equipment, as well as a place for walking. The old litter with the rest of the litter must be removed, dust should be removed from the inventory and equipment, and then washed and sanitized with a 3- or 5-percent solution of soda ash. Ceilings and walls must be whitewashed with 20 percent lime. After it dries, after about 12 hours, it is necessary to ventilate the room well. When spring arrives, the range needs to be leveled and covered with sand with a layer of about 5 cm.

Redbro Chickens


Now domestic farmers breed of Redbro chickens has become very popular. The point, of course, is good productivity, as well as the relative simplicity of the content, since they are largely similar to Russian species of poultry. As mentioned above, Redbro perfectly adapt to our climate. In addition, as the long-term practice of their breeding has shown, laying hens gain weight faster on our feed than on foreign feed containing protein.

Experts advise that it is better to choose Redbro for breeding, and not broilers. The fact is that the latter have too poor health and they need constant vaccinations and antibiotics. In addition, they consume too much food. Redbros are chickens that are also rapidly gaining weight, but they are strong and resistant to various diseases, therefore they practically do not need vaccinations or antibiotics. In addition, gaining weight quickly, they require less feed than broilers.

Redbrow chickens description


In order for the birds to be healthy, good ventilation is needed. The easiest way is to make a window. The second option is to cut a ventilation hole in the wall and cover it with a frequent mesh so that rodents do not get into it.

The chicken coop should be light, clean, warm and dry, its height - not more than 1.8 m. As for the temperature regime, it can fluctuate within + 2-27 ° C. The presence of drafts is generally unacceptable. In a chicken coop with an area of ​​10 m², it is not recommended to contain more than 20 birds. In the room, the door should be located on the east side, and the window should be on the south side.

In the house, perches are made along the back wall. They can be made of planed wooden blocks with a thickness of not more than 5-7 cm. It is also necessary to equip the nests. To do this, you can use wooden boxes. The width of the nest should be about 30, and the depth should be 35 cm. From the middle, lay it with dry clean hay, straw or wood shavings.

Hens Redbro characteristics


It is no secret that a full and balanced diet in many ways helps to increase the productivity of poultry. Redbros are chickens that adapt well to feed. Adult birds in their diet can have a variety of feeds available in the private sector - grain, herbs, vegetables, etc. In addition, they need to be given crushed chalk and chopped egg shells. But complete and already balanced ready-made feeds remain the optimal feeding option. From the 1st to the 8th week of life, it is recommended to give PK-2, and from the 8th to the 20th — PK-4.

Top dressing

Like all breeds of domestic laying hens, Redbros are chickens that need special feeding. To form a good shell, they need a large amount of minerals. Their lack in the body of the bird can negatively affect the quality of the eggs. They can turn out with a very thin shell or without it at all. In addition, this will inevitably lead to a decrease in egg production. Laying organisms need calcium. It can be either crushed shell or ground limestone. Mineral fertilizing should always be in small feeders and in the place where hens would have constant access to it.


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