What is useful honeysuckle berry. Application Tips

In early May, on the tall, densely branching bushes with small pubescent leaves, beautiful light yellow flowers appear, calling insects to their aroma. It is blooming honeysuckle. In the middle lane this unpretentious

what is useful honeysuckle berry
shrubs are found almost everywhere. They love to plant it in the dachas, because, growing, honeysuckle forms an excellent hedge. Moreover, it absolutely does not require special attention from gardeners.

Today there are more than two hundred species of this wonderful plant: common honeysuckle or, as it is otherwise popularly called, wolfberry, blue honeysuckle, Altai, Caucasian, Kamchatka, and various types of ornamental. But only a few of them are edible. This species is called “edible honeysuckle” in our country. How useful is this unpretentious beauty?

Sweet taste with spicy bitterness

Dark purple, almost black, barrel-shaped or rounded fruits covered with a bluish bloom. Usually they ripen earlier than other berries, but can “linger” on branches until the end of July. Sweet and sour, sometimes slightly bitter in taste, they perfectly quench thirst and somehow remotely resemble blueberries.

In addition to excellent taste, edible honeysuckle has many other valuable properties. How useful is the honeysuckle berry? Most importantly, it is rich in vitamins necessary for the human body.

Useful properties of the plant

If we consider the usefulness of a plant in terms of its composition, then a detailed listing will take more than one page. After all, honeysuckle berries contain both B vitamins, and vitamins A, PP and C, and carotene, and no less valuable trace elements, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, silicon, oxalic, amber, apple and lemon acid.

honeysuckle than useful
How useful is honeysuckle berry yet? It is a pronounced restorative, astringent, anti-scab, and diuretic. It increases gastric secretion, with the help of it people are used to treat constipation, diarrhea, diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver. Raw berries can be consumed by anyone with high cholesterol.

Fresh and processed fruits are often used as effective multivitamins. The use of honeysuckle in food helps to improve immunity, it is good for overwork, unbalanced diets and physical activity.

And if during a cold you drink a decoction from the valuable reserves of this “pantry of health”, then it will immediately become clear how useful the honeysuckle berry is: the temperature drops right before our eyes.

The fact that the plant is rich in polyphenols is successfully used to relieve skin irritation and inflammation. After all, it acts on the skin in the same way as chamomile, aloe or green tea. A decoction of leaves ideally replaces lotions for oily skin, as it perfectly dries and removes excessive shine.

Ophthalmologists also recommend using this plant. What is the benefit of honeysuckle berry for the eyes? Doctors advise using it after surgery, during the recovery period, as a prophylactic when working at a computer or with other significant eye strain.

With iron deficiency anemia, doctors recommend eating berries wiped with sugar. A decoction of plant branches is used as a diuretic, and the infusion is used as an antiseptic and astringent.

It is recommended that honeysuckle berries be used to treat depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

honeysuckle useful properties and contraindications
Contraindications to the use of honeysuckle

Like any medicinal plant, honeysuckle has beneficial properties and contraindications. For example, it is not recommended for those with allergies. Moreover, allergens are found not only in berries, but also in the flowers of the plant, as well as in the leaves.

Do not eat berries and those who have gastritis, high acidity or an ulcer, as well as during exacerbation of cystitis. For the rest, this plant brings man exclusively benefits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45491/

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