Lake Lipovskoye. Lake Lipovskoye (Leningrad Oblast, Kingisepp District): reviews and photos

The picturesque Lipovskoye Lake is a natural miracle spread in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. It is rightly called the "little sea". This is the only salt reservoir in the Leningrad region. It is filled with healing waters, in the thickness of which freshwater and marine fish live.

The location of the lake

In the north of the Kurgolovsky (Kurgalsky) peninsula, the Lipovskoye Lake spread out. Kingisepp district, which occupied the territory of this peninsula, overlooks the Gulf of Finland. The lake with the bay is connected by a wide channel - the Lipovka River. Salt water enters the reservoir from the Gulf of Finland along this channel .

Lipovskoe lake

On the west coast is the village of Kurgolovo. The salt lake Lipovskoye is included in the basin of Narva.

How to get there

You can approach the lake from three settlements: Lomonosovo, Sosnovy Bor and Ust-Luga. The road along which travelers move to a reservoir is laid along the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Having reached Ust-Luga, tourists turn to Lipovo and follow to the village of Kurgolovo.

From here they go either along the road laid along the lake, or along the route near the Lipovka River (this route is considered the best). Along the west coast there is also a path leading to Lake Lipovskoye, however its condition is such that cars are hardly moving.


The pool of the reservoir covers an area of ​​5.3 km 2 . The coastline stretched for 7 kilometers. Width keeps within 700-800 meters. The central part of the lake is the deepest, the water column reaches 5-6 meters there. In the north, the depth of the reservoir does not exceed 2, and in the south - 4 meters.

Lake Lipovskoye Kingisepp district

The shape of Lake Lipovskoye (Leningrad Oblast) is similar to the estuaries located in the Krasnodar Territory. But the water in it, unlike them, is not standing. Here, salty and fresh water masses constantly circulate and mix.

Lake features

Due to the proximity of the Gulf of Finland in the pond, the water level rises and falls. It rises noticeably at the time of the tides, as well as when the western winds blow. During the east wind, on the contrary, there is a noticeable drop in the liquid level.

Sea water penetrating the lake gives it a certain brackishness. The concentration of salts in the "small sea" due to the influx of rain and melt water is not too high. In the water column of the lake, it is equally comfortable for marine and freshwater fish.

On the northern coast of the reservoir lies the small village of Kurgolovo. Along other coasts virgin lands stretch. Its east coast is covered with sand. In places boulders and pebble placers are found on it. There are small beaches and convenient fishing approaches. In addition, the east coast is swampy and dragged by water-loving vegetation.

Lipovskoe lake photo

The pond is framed by pine and deciduous forests. In places on its shores there are marshy swamps. In the vicinity wetlands are occasionally found. In the territories surrounding the reservoir, about a hundred species of animals live on the pages of the Red Book.

Ringed seals and gray seals have established rookeries in the place where the channel, like a straight arrow, connects the Gulf of Finland and Lake Lipovskoye. The photos taken in this virgin corner are amazing, they reflect the life of marine mammals.

The glacial lake, hiding in antiquity under the water column of the Litorin Sea, is fed mainly by thawed snow and precipitation. The bottom masses of the reservoir are mostly sandy. True, in some places, sand is interspersed with pebbles and boulders.


The distribution of animals is due to the habitat. The β€œsmall sea” with slightly salted water has an uncharacteristic ichthyofauna. The Gulf of Finland left a strong imprint on it. In the water column of the lake, perches, pikes, breams and pike perch are adjacent to ides and lampreys. Flounder and roach come here to spawn.

Lipovskoe lake reviews

The bridge is a favorite place for fishermen in the Lipovskaya channel. The river is most popular in the spring. Fishermen fish out pike, zander and perch with the help of circles and spinning rods. Perch is caught in the sand, where the depth is not less than 2-5 meters. The weight of fish reaches 1.5 kilograms. A giant roach is caught in the duct, individuals of which reach a weight of 500 kilograms.

Smelt is caught here in season. To catch her, they actively use spiders. Eel also enters Lake Lipovskoye. Reviews of fishermen say that it is well caught at night in coastal areas, the bottom of which is covered with sand. As bait for eel, anglers use live bait or bunches of worms.

A large bream weighing about 2 kilograms, according to fishermen, should be fed, otherwise it should not be caught. At night, bream stay closer to the shore, at the point of transition to depth. During the day, fish are cautious, preferring to be in deeper places of the lake, therefore they fish them out of the boat.

With the advent of spring, they begin fishing for ides, using worms and shitik for bait. Lamprey is mined using special nets or traps. The fish come across quite large, about 40 centimeters in length. On autumn fishing occasionally manages to catch Baltic salmon.

Pike perch fishing is arranged in June. For a rich catch, they are stocked with bait or bait. In the early morning, before dawn, zander is caught in relatively shallow zones, the depth of which is 2-4 meters. With the onset of the day, the fish departs to great depths and pecks on foam fish. Daytime biting is not as rich as morning. His strength is renewed when dense twilight descends.

Lake Lipovskoye, Leningrad Region

Rest on the lake

Among fishermen and travelers, Lake Lipovsky is incredibly popular. First, it beckons with a wealth of ichthyofauna. Vacationers are attracted by healing water formed by rain masses and sea salts.


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