Model Agency HELLO: reviews, features of training and representation in Russian cities

Probably, all parents dream that their children will grow up and become successful, famous and rich. Especially colorful dreams flash in the heads of mothers of charming daughters who can claim a role in a movie or count on a career as a model. These professions are now very popular, in addition, in many cities there are various modeling agencies and companies conducting castings for work in films and television shows. It is hard not to be seduced by their promises and the opportunities that they promise to parents and their children.

However, along with worthy companies working in good faith and fulfilling all obligations assumed under the contract, there are scammers who plan to collect as much money from gullible parents as possible. The topic of our article today was the model agency Hello, reviews of which on the Internet are so polar that they raise more questions than give the necessary answers. Let's try to figure out whether you can trust this company and what to expect after training here.

modeling agency hello reviews

The official information about the modeling agency Hello

Reviews about this company do not provide complete information about its leaders and work experience in the model market. Therefore, we decided to collect all the data that parents may need before concluding a contract with a modeling agency (MA).

The company has existed for four years, and its head office is considered to be an office in Samara. All the years of its existence, the Director General is Alla Romanova. She often personally attends the auditions and talks with the girls' parents.

Every year, throughout Russia, a set of talented girls is conducted for training and further work in various projects in our country and abroad. For those who want to get into the modeling agency Hello, reviews will be an excellent guide to action. It is worth confessing - quite simple and understandable. During a set for casting (it is carried out quite often), those who wish should come to MA and submit their documents. Agency staff will conduct an interview, ask a couple of questions, and possibly take some pictures. After that, the girls you like will be called back and invited to study.

The agency also has a special program for children. Groups are conducted with children aged four to seven years and eight to twelve years old. They are taught the same disciplines as adult girls:

  • fashion show;
  • acting skills;
  • choreography;
  • work on the camera and the like.

Parents should know that all classes are conducted for a fee, and in the process of working out the girls get a portfolio that will be useful to them in their future careers.

modeling agency hello stavropol reviews

Tuition fees in MA

In all branches of the agency, the cost of training is the same. This is a huge plus in favor of the modeling agency Hello. Reviews of parents of children who studied at this company contain information that on average four months of study have to give about twenty thousand rubles. This price includes a portfolio, work in various projects at the city and Russia levels, teaching all the disciplines specified in the contract and placing model information in the MA database. This further guarantees the girl work and contracts in our country, Europe, the USA and Asia.

Before starting work with the agency, parents must conclude an agreement where all the nuances of cooperation will be indicated. Moreover, MA does not guarantee that the girl will become very popular and famous, she only undertakes to work honestly and create all conditions for the development and professional growth of models.

Despite the fact that everything is spelled out in the contract very clearly, many parents are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the Hello agency. But there are also those who are very grateful to the employees for the chance to become a model and the opportunity to work with the best specialists in the modeling business. In order not to be unfounded, we tried to analyze the reviews for each of the branches of this MA. Perhaps among them you will find your own, where you plan to apply for training.

modeling agency hello ryazan reviews

Model agency Hello, reviews: Nizhny Novgorod

In this city there are about a dozen modeling agencies that have been working in business for several years. Hello MA opened a branch here recently and has just begun to select girls at castings. If you are interested in training in this company, then keep in mind that it is located in Svetlogorsk Lane in the house of thirteen.

As for the reviews about this branch, they are in most cases positive. The girls claim that already during the training they got quite extensive experience and managed to work in different projects. They were constantly invited to shoot, many of which were paid. It is interesting that immediately after graduation from young models that have shown their best side, a flurry of job offers collapses. Particular cases are already known when models from this agency worked out several contracts in Asia and China, where they received new offers with an amount an order of magnitude higher than the previous one.

Girls themselves often write in reviews that they were struck by the good attitude of the leadership and attention to their person. Without proposals, there are only those girls who clearly did not fit the model parameters and did not want to work on themselves. It is they who write angry comments and crucify the leadership of MA Hello for failure to fulfill their obligations, although for their part the employees consider all the clauses of the contract to be fulfilled.

MA Hello in Stavropol

About the modeling agency Hello in Stavropol, we searched for reviews the longest. This branch rarely advertises itself, most often information about it is located in social networks. There are published reports from the filming, photos of girls participating in various projects, and their thesis. Judging by the abundance of reports, the agency is busy, and the girls receive very interesting offers. Of course, most of them are projects at the city level, but some of the "stars" are still breaking out for all-Russian projects. You can read about them on the MA page on social networks.

However, we cannot say that only positive comments are found in reviews of the agency. Many parents write that their children were not able to get a single job offer. Although the company’s money was paid in full, the girls weren’t even given the captured portfolio. Other angry reviews concern the quality of the photos themselves, because most of them do not reach the status of professional ones. It is difficult to judge how true such comments are. If you want to get training at the MA Hello branch in Stavropol, then look at the reports on their work. Perhaps they will pleasantly surprise you.

modeling agency hello reviews belgorod

Reviews about MA in Ryazan

The branch of the modeling agency Hello in Ryazan has practically no reviews. From short messages on the Web, we learned that MA opened recently and has not yet managed to release a single set of girls. At the moment, it is only recruiting staff and future students.

However, it is known that at this stage certain difficulties arise in the work. Here and there, information about underpayments for photographers and organizers of the casting is slipping, the parents of the girls themselves, who paid for their studies, are already beginning to seriously worry about whether it will actually start. Alla Romanova herself claims that all problems are the responsibility of the branch manager, and they should be resolved soon. Well, let's hope that this information turns out to be true.

MA in Belgorod

If you analyze the model agency Hello reviews, Belgorod looks most advantageous compared to other Russian branches. Despite the fact that the agency works in the same way as the others, it posts a lot of reports on interesting and profitable projects on the Internet. Moreover, they are all distinguished by high professionalism and an unusual approach to the implementation of tasks.

Agency employees correctly understand their main goal - the discovery and development of talents. Young people also study at MA, they also become very popular as models and receive numerous offers from large companies in Belgorod, as well as from other Russian cities.

A professional and responsible approach to their duties provides MA with a stable income and excellent reviews on the Internet. Many girls recommend this company to anyone who dreams of a modeling career and fame.

modeling agency hello reviews nizhny novgorod

Model Agency in Omsk

If you decide to become a student of the Hello modeling agency in Omsk, the reviews will tell you how to correctly fill out the form posted on social networks. You need to attach some photos and information about your parameters to it. According to the girls in the comments, just a few days later the casting employee will call you back and invite you to a meeting. Many future models are embarrassed that in correspondence and telephone conversation it is quite difficult to obtain information about how training will take place in MA. Therefore, girls are forced to look for answers on the Internet and, unfortunately, do not always find them.

It is worth noting that the fact of the need to pay for tuition is hidden in the Omsk branch until the last. Only after the girls have bright prospects outlined, they are informed about the cost of training. This approach repels many future models, beginning to doubt their physical data and financial capabilities.

Tomsk: Hello agency

Numerous positive reviews on the Internet are caused by the Hello model agency in Tomsk. The reviews of models and their parents allow us to form an opinion that decent and serious people work here, who completely give themselves to work.

MA office is located on Lenin Avenue, ninety-seven. Interestingly, the branch operates all seven days a week from eleven in the morning until five in the evening. An application for training can be submitted in person at the office or through social networks. If you still plan to come to the agency in person, then make an appointment in advance.

Particularly successful, MA has been working with young models until the age of fifteen. These girls get very good experience and earn pretty good money, despite their young age. A significant disadvantage is that all parents of girls consider the high cost of training. For Tomsk, the amount of twenty thousand rubles is significant, so not all fathers and mothers are ready to give it away for four months of study at the agency.

modeling agency hello omsk reviews

St. Petersburg: reviews of the work of MA

It’s rather difficult to find reviews about the branch of the Hello modeling agency in St. Petersburg. To date, his pages on social networks have not been updated for a whole year. Therefore, we can conclude that MA curtailed its work in the northern capital.

However, it is worth noting that the work of the agency’s photo artists was quite professional, as well as the models that took part in the projects. Therefore, it is difficult to say what made the leadership of MA Hello close its branch.

modeling agency hello spb reviews

A few words in conclusion

Based on everything voiced by us, it becomes clear that you should not judge the work of the Hello brand, based on the impression of the employees of one single branch. You need to look at enough information to decide whether to work with a particular agency. Therefore, if you want to be trained at the modeling agency Hello, be careful and soberly assess your abilities so that you do not write angry reviews because you did not become a "star".


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