Angelica officinalis: medicinal properties and description

Nature is rich in herbs that have beneficial effects on the human body. Some of them are well-known, but few have heard of others. The article will focus on a plant whose beneficial properties were known to our distant ancestors. They believed that this grass was sent to the earth by the gods in order to save people from the plague. This plant is angelica officinalis, and how it is useful in our time and how to use it, you will learn by reading the article.

Plant description

Angelica has been known for its healing properties for thousands of years and during this time acquired various names: angelica, angelica, sweet trunk, border, wolf pipe, angelica. And the botanical name for the herb is Angelica archangelica.

Angelica is a biennial or perennial plant growing up to 2 meters. Belongs to the Umbrella family. The stem is hollow inside, rounded, has a sticky coating. Covered with brown or red grooves. The root is powerful and thick, weighs about 300 g. The rhizome contains milky juice of white or yellowish color.

Angelica leaves are pinnate, divided into 2-3 segments, up to 80 cm long. The flowers are located on top, the inflorescence reaches 20 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts all summer. At the end of August, flat fruits containing seeds appear in angelica flowers.

Angelica bush

How to distinguish from hogweed?

Inexperienced herbalists can confuse angelica officinalis with hogweed. To avoid this, pay attention to the differences:

  • In angelica, the stem is smooth, while in hogweed it is covered with hairs.
  • If you rub the angelica leaf, you will feel a pleasant aroma, while the hogweed has a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • Hogweed inflorescences are covered with hairs.

In order not to make a mistake when collecting herbs yourself, take a good look at the photo below of angelica officinalis.

Angelica trunk and inflorescence

Angelica composition

To understand what explains the beneficial properties of angelica officinalis, let's get acquainted with the chemical composition:

  1. The root is rich in acids, and also contains essential oils, carotene, wax, volatile, coumarins, starch and tannins.
  2. The trunk and seeds contain essential and fatty oils, volatile products.
  3. The flowers and leaves of angelica contain volatile, quartzetine, vitamin C.

How to harvest angelica?

For treatment, angelica root is used, less often - the aerial part (grass, leaves, seeds). Angelica is dug up in the fall (for first year plants) or in the spring (for second year plants). It is important to consider that the rhizomes of the second year old are richer than annuals with useful substances. From the dug up roots, they clean the earth and wash it. If the root is large, then cut into pieces of 8-10 cm. Then it is dried either in the open air, or an electric dryer is used, which is set at 35 ° C.

For eating, angelica leaves are harvested in the spring before the plant blooms, for flowering for medicinal purposes, flowering is expected to end. Leaves and seeds are dried before storage. Seeds are harvested after full ripening in mid-autumn.

Dried Angelica Root

Beneficial features

Due to its unique composition, the herb has found application in traditional medicine recipes, as well as in the modern pharmaceutical industry. The healing properties of angelica officinalis are extensive:

  1. The plant is used as a diuretic and antispasmodic.
  2. Tannins in the composition of angelica have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
  3. It has a tonic effect.
  4. An excellent choleretic agent, stimulates appetite, helps relieve stomach cramps.
  5. Helps with colds as a diaphoretic.
  6. It has expectorant properties, therefore it is used for bronchitis.
  7. Beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. The wax and resins that make up the grass contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.
  9. Coumarins in angelica have an astringent effect, dilate blood vessels.

Diseases in which the use of angelica is indicated:

  • disruption of the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • kidney disease
  • colds and flu;
  • skin diseases;
  • female diseases (PMS, mastopathy, infertility).

Angelica benefits for women

Let us dwell on the healing properties for the female body. The use of angelica officinalis for women is based on the body-strengthening action. If a woman cannot become pregnant due to anemia or circulatory disorders, the use of angelica will help in solving this problem. Angelica to women who have given birth will be useful in restoring menstruation and gaining strength. In addition, the plant has a beneficial effect on the skin, which becomes healthy, dryness disappears.

Angelica benefits for women

Traditional medicine recipes

In alternative medicine, including homeopathy, angelica officinalis is used to make anti-inflammatory, diuretics, and expectorant drugs. Tinctures from different parts of the plant are used for radiculitis, gout, joint problems. Let us consider in more detail the recipes for the preparation of folk remedies from angelica officinalis.

Root infusion

It is used to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in inflammatory processes in gynecology. To prepare the infusion, 20 g of dry crushed angelica root is poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 8 hours. After filtering and applying 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Herbal infusion

This infusion is indicated for problems with the intestines (spasms, fermentation, gas), colds, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. For cooking, take one tablespoon of the root, leaves and seeds. All components are crushed. 3 glasses of water are boiled and all dry components are poured. Allow to infuse for 6 hours. Filter and apply 0.5 cups 3 times a day. With the same infusion, baths are taken for arthritis, radiculitis, gout.

Angelica Herb Infusion

Vodka tincture

The medicine will be useful for the digestive system if there are colitis and increased acidity in gastritis. And also for the treatment of heart and respiratory diseases. To prepare the tincture take 200 g of dry chopped angelica root and half a liter of good quality vodka. Pour vodka into a jar of raw materials and insist 2 weeks in the sun. After which they are filtered and taken orally 20 drops 3 times a day. Tincture spend grinding of diseased joints.

Angelica root broth

A decoction of rhizomes treats the liver and gall bladder. It is used for colds and bronchitis. It has strong analgesic properties. To prepare the broth, take 3 tablespoons of chopped dry root and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. Allow to cool a little and filter. The resulting volume was adjusted to 250 ml with boiled water. Take a hot broth of 130 ml 2 times a day after meals.

Preparation of angelica infusion

Angelica Juice

Fresh juice is used to make juice. It is grated and squeezed through cheesecloth. For pain in the ears, 2-3 drops are instilled into each ear 2 times a day. Inside take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The course is 3 weeks. It helps with pancreatitis and jaundice.

Useful properties of honey

Angelica is also an excellent honey plant. The product has a greenish color, a special aroma, does not crystallize for a long time. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, and is indicated for cardiovascular diseases. Honey lowers blood pressure, cleanses the blood, gives strength and strengthens the immune system.

How to apply angelica oil?

For the manufacture of oil, roots and seeds are used. In cosmetology, only angelica seed oil is used. It treats acne, inflammation, rejuvenates the skin. Just add a few drops of oil to a cream or lotion for daily use.

With a runny nose and sore throat, inhalations are made by adding 2-3 drops of oil to hot water. To treat cough or sputum stagnation, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with a few drops of angelica oil. Rub the mixture with the chest.

Do not overuse angelica essential oil, because it has an exciting effect. In addition, the product is a strong allergen.


A plant that has a huge number of useful properties has contraindications. Angelica officinalis, first of all, can not be taken to people with allergies to any component of the plant. Pregnant women can cause significant harm to the grass . And before pregnancy and to restore strength after childbirth, there are no restrictions on taking angelica. In the presence of some diseases, preparations with angelica are not recommended. It:

  • diabetes;
  • tachycardia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • bleeding.

The plant can be harmful if you exceed the dosage in the recipe. In this case, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and in some cases, fainting and paralysis are possible.

Angelica allergy

Angelica in cooking

If we recall the well-known saying that food should be medicine, and not medicine, food, it becomes clear the use of angelica in cooking. Possessing many useful substances, the plant will enrich any dish with useful substances, trace elements and vitamins. It is only necessary to take into account the specific taste and aroma of the grass. Rhizomes are used as food, adding to salads and hot dishes. Fresh root has a bitter taste. Dried root is used for cooking meat dishes, sauces, side dishes.

Prepared from angelica and sweets. To make jam, the roots are crushed and covered with sugar. When the plant gives the juice, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. To dilute a specific taste, apples are added to such a jam. In addition, angelica is used for making candied fruits and pastille. From the stems of the plant, crushed and covered with sugar, make a filling for pies. It turns out a tasty and healthy treat.

Reviews on the use of angelica

On the Internet, you can find a large number of positive reviews about angelica officinalis. Women praise drugs based on this herb for eliminating the symptoms of menopause, alleviating the course of PMS, and normalizing the cycle. Drugs help someone already in the second week of admission, and someone advises to drink for a long time in order to feel the effect, because the drug does not act quickly.

Modern life has alienated man from nature and from its gifts. Now few people have the opportunity to independently collect and harvest medicinal herbs. Owners of cottages and gardens can grow some medicinal plants on the site, while the rest will come to the aid of herbal pharmacy products. When looking for a remedy for treating a disease or strengthening the body, pay attention to the modest herb Angelica officinalis, whose medicinal properties and contraindications were considered in the article.


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