Haircut for long hair. Long caret - timeless classic

Keeping up with fashion is hard. Yesterday, at the peak of popularity, there were long curls, today - ultra-short haircuts, and tomorrow, maybe everyone will begin to cut their hair. However, there is one hairstyle that has not lost its relevance for many millennia. This haircut is called a caret and is suitable for almost all women.

long haircut

Long square

There are a lot of varieties of this hairstyle. Under the influence of fashion trends, it is supplemented with new elements, but in general, the haircut technique remains unchanged. You have long curls, and you want to change something? If your plans do not include much experimenting with your image, then what haircut for long hair is suitable? A long square is just what you need. Such a hairstyle is almost universal: it makes the oval of the face almost perfect and allows you to constantly change your appearance. You can wear a bezel as a daytime option or stab your hair with a beautiful hair clip for an evening out.

What else is profitable with such a haircut for long hair? A long square can be with a bang, which gently emphasizes facial features and makes the image more spectacular. To perform such a haircut, it is necessary to take into account the direction of hair growth, their natural decay and structure. The fringe, as a rule, stands out from the crown in the shape of a triangle. The advantages of such a haircut include the fact that it makes it possible to do several types of styling. Bangs can be combed back or to the side, which allows you to constantly look in a new way. Elongated bob with a long bang is loved by such popular stars as Sandra Bullock, Ashley Simpson, Kate Moss and others.

long square with a long bang

Short square

Need a more radical haircut for long hair? A long square is, of course, the perfect hairstyle for every girl, but why not try something bold? For example, a short square. This haircut is done in the same way as a regular square, only the hair is cut so that the back of the head opens. Such a model looks very advantageous if a small number of strands on each side and behind are left a little longer. A small amount is made at the top so that the hairstyle is magnificent. It looks very nice square with elongated strands in front. This hairstyle emphasizes the contour of the face and hides wide cheekbones.

Another type of hairstyle is very popular - a square with a leg. This haircut vaguely resembles a mushroom cap, which is why it got its name. A square of this type is not suitable for all women, stylists usually advise its owners of a round, rectangular and oval face. A square on the leg can hide many of the appearance flaws, for example, visually lengthen the neck and give large features a little softness. Especially attractive looks such a hairstyle on dark hair.

Graduated caret

This variety can be of different lengths. But at the same time, the haircut method will always be the same - haircut in steps or graduation. Such a hairstyle is easy to care for and easy to style. A long graduated caret (the photo shows a visual version of this spectacular haircut) attractively frames the face and helps to adjust any of its shape.

long graduated square

We hope you have already decided which haircut for long hair you need. A long square, graduated or with long strands - all these hairstyles will allow any girl to look refined and luxurious every day, regardless of the weather and season.


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