Alexey Garber - one of the richest bachelors of Moscow

The tale of Cinderella in childhood was read by everyone. However, only for some girls, especially from insolvent families, the plot of this story in the future becomes a cherished dream. And many of them dream, having matured, to meet a rich young man (prince), to marry him and live happily, and most importantly - in abundance. One of such enviable suitors in Russia today is the son of oil tycoon Alexei Garber. Despite the fact that he continually appears in the secular chronicle with some new passion, many metropolitan and provincial beauties do not lose hope of someday becoming the bride of this 31-year-old womanizer.

Alexey Garber

Alexey Garber: biography and origin

All Moscow speaks about Alyosha Garber, about the parties at which he acts as the main person. However, there is almost no information about his childhood and youth. Of course, his belonging to the Garber family is already evidence in his favor. Alexey was born in 1983 in Moscow. His father, Mark Garber (born 1958), is today a well-known entrepreneur, dollar billionaire, banker, senior partner of Fleming Family & Partners, writer and philanthropist, in those distant Soviet years he worked as a psychiatrist-narcologist in one of the drug treatment hospitals in Moscow. And Alyosha’s mother, Irina, was a fifth-year student. The childhood of Alyosha and his younger brother passed in the usual atmosphere for all Soviet children: kindergarten, school, in the summer - a camp, etc. In the late eighties, Mark Rafailovich, together with Leonid Lebedev and three Alexandra - Zhukov, Kutikov and Becker - created a “cooperative”, which was called “Synthesis”.

Alexey Garber biography
From that moment, the life of all these newly-made businessmen went in a different direction, and they began to climb the social ladder. The lifestyle of their families immediately changed, in particular the boys of the Garber family: an English special school, higher education abroad , etc. His father believed that the greatest wealth he could give his sons was a quality education. Today, Alexei Garber, who so far only managed to distinguish himself as a womanizer and an avid party-goer, is nevertheless considered a very erudite and intellectually developed young man. However, in the yellow press he is most often represented as a nearby and “obsessed” socialite, who is not shy about using the name of his father.

What does Alyosha Garber do

This young man spent his student years abroad. Returning to Russia, he began working for Rosneft Corporation. He then became senior vice president of GHP Group, a company owned by his father. In February this year, Alexei Garber, together with the beautiful Georgian woman Yulia Rusadze, founded the oyster Oyster bar, which soon turned into one of the most fashionable places in Moscow. On the opening day of this ultramodern institution located in TsPKiO them. Gorky, eminent guests from all over the world gathered. Among them are his former and current passions, friends and business partners. However, Alexei Garber today is known in society, rather as a lover of parties, and not as a businessman and restaurateur. He tries not to miss a single social event, whether in the Alps, on the coasts of Brazil, in the French Riviera or even in Africa. In Moscow, his favorite places are fashion clubs “Diaghilev” or “On the Roof”.

Alexey Garber photo

Alexey Garber. Personal life and interesting facts

In 2007, the name of the son of oil magnate and Russia's largest businessman Mark Garber appeared on the list of the most enviable grooms of the capital. Evil tongues whispered that, in addition to the billions of his father, Alexei does not have any virtues. However, the capital's brides did not share this opinion. Firstly, the young man, having more than a pretty appearance and excellent manners, enjoys great female love. Girls just dream of being in his company. In addition, he is distinguished by great generosity and is a ladies man. For a while, his girlfriend was considered the daughter of one of his father’s partners, Leonid Lebedev, Yana. Then, next to him, various pretty long-legged beauties appeared, mostly models. One of them even involved him in a scandal. Alexey barely escaped the rape trial. However, in the absence of strong evidence, the “victim” voluntarily withdrew her statement.

Lisa Grenden - Alexey Garber's new girlfriend

This bright brown-haired woman comes from Brazil. It seems that Alexey Garber (a photo from Liz) confirms that he was seriously carried away. She is the owner of a fashionable Brazilian brand. The girl lives in two countries - Brazil and the UK, but lately, sometimes she visits Russia. Alexei, in turn, goes to her either in London or in Rio de Janeiro over the weekend. Young people communicate, of course, in English, but Liz began to study the Russian language diligently and even calls her lover “Alyosha”. By the way, the beautiful Brazilian woman came to celebrate the birthday of her lover last year and made him a very expensive present - an exclusive Rolex watch model.

Alexey Garber personal life


Despite the fact that Alexei Garber today is almost engaged to Lisa Grendene, nevertheless he continues to be considered one of the richest bachelors of Russia. And this means that Russian beauties still have a chance to win the heart of a young businessman.


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