Unbearable - is it about weight or character?

No matter what feeling you feel, people have already come up with the most accurate definition for it. If a hooligan boy is upset, runs and screams, lifts up others - it is an unbearable child! Because the incredible burden on the soul from his presence makes you forget about your own needs and thoughts, constantly distracted by noise and annoying actions. What else will please the original term?

The whole burden of the world

The word was never used to estimate the weight of real objects. That is, when talking about a sausage stick or the size of a cow, one cannot say that they are too large, using "unbearable". The main emphasis is on natural phenomena, feelings and sensations. To something abstract that cannot be controlled or felt with your hands:

  • weather outside;

  • auditor requirements, etc.

A person finds himself in the grip of a natural or social element, which confronts him with unforeseen and invariably painful circumstances for awareness. They are difficult to endure, and if you lack patience, you can make mistakes or lose control of emotions. Simple heat or continuous nagging of inspectors is a fair test for nerves.

insufferable it

Intrusive environment

The second meaning of the word "intolerable" is transferred directly to a person, his inherent features. So you can say:

  • about the mother-in-law or neighbors;

  • about the nature of the boss;

  • about a sense of humor of a best friend, etc.

Such phrases indicate something harmful, annoying and painful. So nasty that I want to quickly curtail any discussion and run away to wash my hands. In most cases, we are talking about a situation from which you can’t distance yourself and have to endure. Contemporaries often turn to the adjective to indicate the situation at work or relationships in the family.

insufferable meaning of the word

Friendly communication

Is it possible to say this to a person in person? When you discuss abstract topics, “insufferable” is a literary alternative to popular curses. The word indicates the highest degree of discontent and readiness at any moment to get out of the circumstances, if the opportunity arises. Can be used in a joking manner. However, when it comes to a specific person, be careful.

It is necessary to take loved ones with all the shortcomings. If children, spouses or friends seem unbearable to you, this is an occasion to think about perceiving reality. Is it only the accumulated irritation, or deep down you realize the need to stop any communication? Perhaps it’s worth sitting down and talking, adding a bit of warmth to the relationship, spending time together to continue to enjoy life!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45536/

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