Script error: how to remove it? Main methods

It happens that users of home computers or even terminals connected to a local (corporate) network, when visiting some Internet resources, encounter a script error popping up on the screen. How to remove such a message and how to fix the situation, we will now see.

What is a script error?

To begin with, modern Internet resources in the form of pages or multi-page sites contain rather complex structural forms in their structure. It is naive to believe that only text, images, or animation is displayed on the pages. There are many more forms created using systems such as VBScript and JavaScript.

script error how to remove

It is the errors in the codes of such add-ons that can cause conflicts with open HTML pages, which leads to the appearance of the corresponding message. Now we will consider the simplest methods to understand how to remove a script error. To date, there are two of them. The first is connected with the settings of the "native" browser of Windows OS, the second involves more complex actions and consists of two stages.

Script error: how to remove it in Internet Explorer?

Unfortunately, among all Internet browsers known today, Internet Explorer is most prone to such errors. Suppose a script error appears in a browser window. How to remove it in the simplest way? Yes, just refresh the page (F5 key). Perhaps the appearance of such a message is in no way connected with the loaded page, but simply at a certain moment a communication failure occurred.

how to remove a script error

On the other hand, refusing to use this browser might be a good option. Just install something else for yourself, say, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Browser 360 or the same Yandex Browser. There are a huge number of such programs on the Internet today.

But if you have firmly decided not to give up Internet Explorer, weโ€™ll see how to remove the โ€œScript Errorโ€ window using the built-in native browser tools and the Windows OS itself. Before starting an action, in the message window, click the No button to stop the script from continuing.

Now in the browser you need to use the service menu, where the property parameter is selected (access can be obtained through the standard "Control Panel"), and then the transition to additional options is carried out.

how to remove script error window

Here we are interested in three fields. We put checkmarks in front of the lines containing disabling script debugging for both Internet Explorer and other browsers. On the contrary, the fields for displaying notifications for each error uncheck the box. It remains to press the "OK" button to save the changes and restart the computer system.

Now let's look at a situation when a script error "flies" again. How to remove it using additional funds? Very simple. The fact is that conflicts can also be associated with incorrect security settings of the browser itself.

Here you have to use the security tab in the browser properties and set the default level. After carrying out such actions, it is strongly recommended that you completely clear your browsing history, delete cookies, temporary Internet files (clear the cache). But this, in general, is only an additional measure, and not the main way.

How to remove a script error when starting Windows using the registry

Sometimes errors of this kind can occur at startup of the operating system. Of course, itโ€™s impossible to say that this is some serious malfunction. The system will boot up sooner or later. But the constant occurrence of such messages, to put it mildly, gets on your nerves.

Assume that a script error actually appears when the system boots. How to remove it, you can understand if you use the registry. To do this, you can use either the command line or the Run menu, where regedit is written (by the way, if the system does not boot, the command is entered directly in the boot window after the message is issued).

script error pops up how to remove

In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch, we find the permissions section, and select the user groups in the context menu. In the new window from below, you need to set full access, and then use the button for additional parameters.

Here, for all subjects, a change in permissions is selected and the "Allow" type is set, as well as checkmarks are placed in front of the reading and full access lines. By pressing the โ€œOKโ€ button, we save the changes. A little difficult. True, this is not all.

Additional teams

Upon completion of work with the registry, it is necessary to reboot the system and again call the command line, where in turn you will have to register some commands. In its simplest form, it is regsvr32 msxml.dll. Next, with the unchanged first part of the command (regsvr32) through the space msxml2.dll, and then msxml3.dll.

script error how to remove

If this does not help, there will be more commands entered one by one (with the same immutable first part of regsvr32 with a space after it): atl.dll, corpol.dll, dispex.dll, jscript.dll, scrrun.dll, scrobj.dll , vbscript.dll, wshext.dll, msxml.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, ole32.dll and oleaut32.dll. It goes without saying that after each input command, the Enter key is pressed.


So we figured out the topic "Script error: how to remove it?" As for the proposed solutions, of course, using Internet Explorer settings is the easiest way, but it has its drawbacks. It may not work if you use other browsers, and even more so when errors appear when loading the system. So, for that matter, you will have to use a more complex technique with editing the system registry and entering specific commands, in case changes in the registry do not give a positive result.


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