The course of the young fighter (KMB), what is it and who passes it?

When you first see the abbreviation KMB, you involuntarily think about its decoding. And there are fantasies where to go for a walk, because KMB is a very ambiguous concept. Small business lending. Copy and duplication bureau. Communist youth of Bolivia. And why not, it’s suitable. Or let it be an interdistrict clinical hospital, and as an example, the real-life Vsevolozhskaya KMB. For motorists, KMB means the bonus-malus coefficient, the class of which is calculated according to the CTP table. And the most severe decoding is the course of the young fighter. About it is discussed in this article.

Why do you need a young fighter course?

kmb what is it
When yesterday a boy enters an educational institution from the Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is drafted into the army, he finds himself in an unusual new environment. The measured free life is replaced by a strict routine, the study of the charter, the implementation of orders. To make it easier for a fighter to get used to harsh reality, he takes the course of a young fighter - a kind of soldier’s school with sparing conditions.

The course lasts 1 month. During this period, the sergeant staff is responsible for training and adapting recruits, who strictly control the newcomers, but show indulgence and patience to them, take care of them. Under the sensitive and tireless leadership of sergeants, soldiers master the skills of self-service, drill, life according to the charter. For a month, new recruits must complete the KMB and be ready to carry out the main combat service. It turns out that KMB is an opportunity to adapt to living conditions in the army for the shortest possible time. And to get the best result, it’s important to make an effort on both sides.

What is included in the course of a young fighter?

Vsevolozhskaya kmb
Since the school of getting used to army life is only the first stage, the main task of the KMB is to teach them the ability to perform assigned tasks in accordance with the internal routine of the military unit. So KMB is, first of all, overcoming the initial difficulties, the ability to build relationships in a new team, awareness of the requirements. Let's consider in more detail.

What is included in the KMB? What are its main tasks? The course includes the following:

  • Get used to the strict daily routine, life according to the regime. In the army there is no place for the concept of "I want, I do not want." Everything is subject to strict rules. Lifting, eating, hanging up at the same time. It is necessary to adapt to this.
  • Scrupulous study of the charter. The charter clearly spells out all aspects of army everyday life, relations with the command staff, in a word, the whole soldier's life. It is necessary to study it very carefully, but simply, to memorize it. After all, his knowledge can greatly facilitate life.
  • Physical training. Unfortunately, few of the guys called up for service have a good physical shape. Therefore, each new day of a soldier begins with morning exercises, continues with exercises on simulators, and fighters make march-throws 2-3 times a week. All this allows recruits to grow stronger physically, to become strong and hardy.
  • Drill. Pointless, at first glance, marching on the parade ground performs a number of important tasks. With her, new recruits learn the science of combat training, get used to army discipline, learn to follow rather than discuss orders. This tempers their fighting spirit, forms cohesion within the team. And that’s how soldiers prepare to take the oath.
  • Acquaintance with the weapon. The necessary minimum KMB implies the ability to disassemble and assemble the machine, shoot from it from different positions.
  • The basics of hand-to-hand combat. A soldier must be able to defend himself and his homeland even without weapons. Hand-to-hand combat training is an integral part of KMB.
  • Self-service skills. When a soldier begins "personal time", he can, with a clear conscience, sew on a white collar, clean his shoes, and then hang up. And you also need to get used to it.

KMB for girls

go kmb
Many films demonstrate the desire of girls to serve along with men. And these are far from fantastic stories, because girls, like guys, can serve in the army. With one exception: for women, this is not an obligation.

Assuming that female KMB is something other than in the case of the guys would be a mistake. The same combat, fire, tactical and combat training, the same fundamentals of hand-to-hand combat, the study of the charter, life in barracks, the orders of commanders. And no special women's units. The young fighter’s course for girls also lasts 1 month. But neither he nor the army service scares these brave ladies who choose the army for various reasons. Someone is full of patriotic feelings and continues the family dynasty of the military, while someone chooses the service because of social benefits or in the hope of meeting his soul mate. In total, about 50 thousand women serve in the Russian Federation, and this figure is growing steadily.

KMB for children

what is included in kmb
To raise courage, independence and ability to cope with difficulties in the child, patriotic health camps for children have been created. Before 9 years of age, they will not be accepted there, since the child must grow stronger not only physically, but also psychologically.

In such camps, the young fighter’s course is a developing interactive program for boys and girls. On it, the guys are introduced to the basics of self-defense skills, they are taught to navigate the terrain, including in the context of completing combat missions. Like real soldiers, they will receive knowledge of army service, study the charter, and take up arms. Of course, the guys live not in the barracks, but in comfortable comfortable rooms, and the military specifics are presented to them in the form of master classes. But the daily routine of future soldiers is painted literally in minutes. And distinguished, as expected, expect rewards and rewards.


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