Cat tray: classic

A cat tray is required in any apartment or house where this pet is. Otherwise, after a short time, the amber from the products of his life will fill the entire airspace of the house. For the same reason, when buying a cat tray, you need to start from the fact that it should be liked by an animal, not a person, so the product must be selected for the pet, and not for the aesthetic delights of its owner. In addition to choosing a toilet model, its future location is important. To the place where the animal will relieve the need to teach him from the earliest periods of his life. Moreover, after the pet has chosen a corner in the apartment where the cat tray will be installed, it will be almost impossible to change the place.

cat tray

Today, the choice of toilets for these animals is so wide that they can get confused. A cat tray is the simplest and most classic option. In addition to it, for their pets, people can buy toilets: bio, a house, self-cleaning, closed (mink) and even robotic with a special compartment for excrement. Also on the market there are many products that can not be called standard. They are designed for those owners who do not like ordinary plastic. For example, you can find a toilet built into an ottoman, a bedside table or a flower pot, a wicker tray, a wooden house, etc. Some of these exotic animals really like animals, and some products are quite impractical. However, despite all this diversity, most hosts prefer a conventional tray. In order to choose it correctly, you need to know a few simple things.

metal tray

Firstly, the product must be chosen with high sides. The reason for this is the cat's habits of rummaging through the filler. A tray with low sides is a temporary toilet for small kittens, because if it is inconvenient for them to climb into it, then accustoming to it will occur with great difficulty or even fail. Secondly, the size of the product depends on the composition of the pets and their number. The largest trays, as a rule, are chosen if there are several cats in the apartment. If the animal is one, then we must choose not the maximum option, but one that is optimally suited. When a pet, in addition to the space allocated to him, begins to visit another one, it is worth considering the purchase of a second toilet.

For those cats who do not like filler, you need to choose a product with a grill. Do not experiment with the material of the toilet, enough high-quality plastic. The metal tray can adversely affect the health of the animal due to the chemical reaction that occurs when the product comes into contact with urine.

wicker tray

The manufacturer of the cat’s toilet also matters, nameless, it’s not known where the things made are better to buy. The reason for this is that the product can be made of unsafe material for animals and humans. In addition, goods from trusted manufacturers last much longer, and the owner will not have to throw out a thing that has become unusable and re-select the toilet for the pet. But he might not like the new tray.


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