Which hand is the etiquette watch on?

Etiquette dictates its own rules. Not obeying them, you automatically become uncultured. Even the dilemma on which hand you need to wear a watch also requires the observance of the general rules of etiquette. Few people know that watches are not only an ornament. They can also have a beneficial effect on our energy field.

How did a watch appear?

Today, for many, watches serve as a necessary accessory that emphasizes their individuality. The forerunner of modern watches is pocket watches.

what hand to wear a watch

Back in 1886 they were created in the form of a bracelet. However, at first they were used by women as jewelry. At that time, men did not sufficiently appreciate this chronometer. And only in World War I, representatives of the strong half turned their attention to this necessary accessory. For the first time, officers began to wear them, since their use was more convenient compared to conventional pocket watches.

Why wear a watch if everyone has a smartphone?

Indeed, a paradox: why wear a watch if a person practically does not let go of a smartphone? Today, watches have become more of an accessory. They reflect the business style of a person, often just complementing it. A creative, interesting watch strap, a feature of the model, LED display technology - all these elements only indirectly draw attention to the watch.

on which hand do you need to wear a watch

Few people think about which hand to wear a watch on. Therefore, they are worn as conveniently in accordance with the clothes. However, it is worth knowing that there are specific rules for wearing watches for both men and women. But in order not to miscalculate and not fall into a trap in an intelligent society, you should know on which hand the clock on etiquette is worn.

Amazing theories

There are several theories about wearing a watch.

1. The utilitarian theory studies the issue of convenience when wearing a watch. According to its "axioms", the accessory must be worn on a "free" hand, which would not create inconvenience to a person during work. By the way, if you put the watch on the "working" hand, then there is a big risk of doing any damage to it. Therefore, the right-hander must wear a watch on his left hand, and the left-handed one on his right.

In ancient times, lefties were mistaken for nonhumans. It was believed that such people are the heirs of the devil. And in Soviet times, children were retrained at school and forced to write only with their right hands. That is why Soviet watch manufacturers focused on the right-handed population, while providing for the location of the crown on the right.

Today, statistics show that left-handers are about 35% of the total population. However, out of habit, watches continue to produce on the right side.

2. The mystical theory is based on the teachings of Fukuri. It claims that on the wrists of both hands are located energetically important points: cun, guan and chi. These points are directly related to human health. The tsun point is directly connected with the heart, in men it is located on the left, and in women - on the right. Believe it or not this theory, but there is another mystical connection related to the question on which hand to wear a watch.

on which hand do watch etiquette wear

Many forensics notice quite frequent supernatural coincidences. If the owner of the watch passes away, then they stop. True or accidental is unknown. Therefore, if you are superstitious, then think about which hand to wear the watch on. About this later in the article.

On which hand do men wear watches?

Almost all representatives of the stronger sex are quite condescending to various accessories, considering this a female occupation. Although today this fact has already become stereotypical. Almost every man can see a watch on his hand. And they wear them for various reasons, mainly associating with professional activities, where it is necessary to emphasize social status.

on which hand do men wear watches

Men who engage in physical labor put a watch on the hand that is least involved in work. The office employee usually doesn’t care what hand the watch is on. But if you follow the rules of business etiquette, then a man should wear a watch on his left hand. And those who prefer to emphasize their position in society usually put them on the right ..

On which hand do women watch?

Watches on a female thin pen also emphasize not only personal business qualities, but also femininity.

on which hand do women watch

Many stylists believe that this is an integral attribute of style and elegance. Preferring etiquette, a woman should wear a watch on her right hand.

Energy and watches: what is the connection?

Ancient Chinese medicine says that a woman needs to make every effort to increase the energy points that are located on the wrist of her right hand. Accordingly, the question of which hand to wear the watch on automatically disappears. Of course, on the right. By the way, strong energy points are ways to influence the work of internal organs.


Of course, nobody canceled the rules of business etiquette. Therefore, it is necessary to take them into account in the question: “On which hand do the girls and men watch?” Usually women do not attach much importance to this issue, submitting only to their own desire to look excellent.

By the way, if the woman’s right hand is already “cluttered” with rings, then the watch should be worn on the left hand. So outwardly the effect of a “stylish dump” will not be created. This rule also applies when wearing bracelets.

From the point of view of psychology, if a woman seeks to demonstrate her independence, she should wear a watch on her active hand. This will only emphasize efficiency and professionalism. Many girls put a watch on their right hand subconsciously, as they strive to show purposefulness to everyone, without giving any significance to their past.

As for men, they must not forget that the clock should be changed every five years. Very expensive accessories should be worn at formal events. When buying such an expensive thing, you should make sure that the brand is original.

In the women's wardrobe there must necessarily be different styles of clothing, respectively, and several watch models. So, for a business meeting it is better to choose an accessory of classic design, but for a party or meeting with friends - a more vivid creative design.

what hand do the girls wear

Another rule: watch case - no more than a wrist. Since a huge watch looks rather ridiculous on a thin female hand, and, conversely, a watch with a small dial cannot be worn on a large hand.

Importantly, remember that a watch should be convenient for you and not provide any discomfort. They should fully reflect your inner content and emphasize individuality, helping to form an opinion of others about you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45550/

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