Scythe with elastic bands. Weaving braids with rubber bands. Volumetric braids with elastic bands (photo)

How we are perceived always depends on how we look. This is an unbreakable rule. Arrived late for the first time? Now everyone will always think that you are not punctual. Went on a date not in the most successful outfit? Congratulations, now you will always be a person in the eyes of a person without taste and style. It is easy to fix all this, because you just need to plan your appearance in advance, your style. Many will say that it is impossible to prepare for force majeure situations, but to refute this fact is not difficult. If a person knows what to combine with, how to style hair quickly, then even at an unpredictable moment he will look amazing. That is why for a variety of cases or situations, it is worth not only considering the various options for hairstyles for hair of any length, but also to find out their main features and methods of implementation. Braids with elastic bands - this is one of the most popular options for braiding today. They have recently become a trend on the world platforms of fashion and style. What hairstyles with elastic are in demand and how to make them?

We make braids with rubber bands. Stylish options for every day

The peculiarity of this braiding is that it does not require shifting strands. If in a classic braid it is required to divide the hair into three parts, and in other exquisite versions, into five or six, then braids with elastic bands basically involve dividing into two strands. One of the most popular hairstyles that can be done with elastic bands is called a ponytail on the contrary for long hair. The peculiarity of such a hairstyle is precisely in the fact that you need to do this tail on the contrary several times. Braids with elastic bands of such a plan are very unusual and original, and they look very neat.

braids with rubber bands

Tail-based braid

How to make such a braid?

  1. Hair must be thoroughly washed.
  2. Comb the hair and collect on the crown or on the back of the head at the bottom of the tail and secure it with an elastic band, not tightly pressing it to the head.
  3. Then divide the hair to the elastic so that it gets a crack, and squeeze the tip of the tail into it so that it turns inside and a kind of eyelet is obtained.
  4. Using thin rubber bands, place the next one just below the tail (from 7 cm).
  5. Divide the hair above the elastic into two parts and also squeeze the tip of the tail into it.
  6. Thus, to do such manipulations to the end of the tail, and then you get a beautiful and very original braid.

Braids with elastic bands are made on the hair of any structure, whether it is straight, wavy or curly. The only requirement for weaving of this type is the same length of strands along the entire length. Owners of a ladder or cascade this option braids obviously will not work, so you should consider other options.

Lush braid without weaving

It would seem that getting a fluffy braid out of hair and not using cross-stitching strands at the same time is a paradox. Braids made with rubber bands, there are such, and their feature is precisely in the fact that they are very voluminous, wide and, most importantly, original. It will be very difficult to meet a girl with the same haircut at some event. Weaving looks very interesting and unusual, but how to make it?

braids with elastic bands

Lush braids

Instructions for their implementation are slightly different:

  1. Hair should be combed and straightened thoroughly.
  2. Collect hair in ponytail at the crown.
  3. Fasten the tail with an elastic band and then divide it into three strands.
  4. Take the right and left strands and make the tail over the middle about a few centimeters below the level of the elastic at the crown.
  5. The following rubber mount follows the same pattern: the one in the middle is again divided into two strands and mounted on top of the one that was now captured by the rubber.
  6. Thus the braid is made - wide and voluminous.
    weaving braids with elastic bands

Weaving braids with elastic bands of such a plan is very fast, and in principle, you can make such a hairstyle for yourself. The advantage will be for long-haired girls who like to experiment with hair, but do not want to damage them.

Braid of braided hair

But if you use not ten gum for weaving, but only a couple, then you can consider another very interesting option. Many girls often make flagella out of their hair, twist them into bundles, but this styling technique has a ton of other interesting options, and a braid made of bundles is a complete confirmation of this. Weaving braids with elastic bands of such a plan does not take more than two minutes, so the option is perfect for force majeure situations, when there is no time to curl or straighten hair. By the way, it is recommended to make such a braid only for girls with hair of the same length. Otherwise, the resulting bundles will simply disintegrate.

We make a braid from plaits

To do this, you need:

  1. To collect carefully combed hair on the crown of the head or below on the back of the head in the ponytail. The base should be rigid, so the gum should be scrolled to the maximum so that it fits snugly against the head.
  2. Divide the tail into exactly two parts.
  3. Both strands need to be twisted in opposite directions, like a tourniquet or spiral, but so that the tail does not bend.
  4. Then you need to twist one strand along the other and fix the end of the braid with an elastic band.
    braids with rubber bands photo

Evening hairstyle

To choose a stylish styling option for a festive event, it is worth paying special attention to the choice of weaving. It is hairstyles with such a detail that are most often chosen for festive evenings. Volumetric braids with elastic bands are ideal, and it is worth considering another way to create a beautiful styling that suits an evening dress.

volumetric braids with elastic bands
So, for this you need:

  • Thoroughly washed and dried hair comb.
  • Then take one strand from both temples and on the crown - this will be the basis of the braid.
  • To collect all these three locks in an elastic band and to pass through a hole in the middle part of hair, having turned a tail inward.
  • Now you need to straighten the hair so that it hangs slightly on the side - this will give the hairstyle a greater volume.
  • Right and left, you need to take on a new strand and act according to the same scheme as above. The only difference is that the middle strand does not need to be selected - this is the tail from the previous turn.
  • The more individual strands are pulled, the more attractive the weaving will be.
  • Having made such manipulations along the entire length of the hair, it remains to fix the end with an elastic band, and pin some accessory on the base. Naturally, you need to fix the position of the hair with the help of varnish.

Why are hairstyles with elastic bands very popular?

The characteristics of all hairstyles include their stability, reliability, clear shape, and therefore we try to choose the most stable hairstyle options. Braids with elastic bands are an ideal example of a reliable installation that will not lose its original appearance after the first blow of the wind or fast walking, inclines, and so on. The braid itself is a practical and comfortable hairstyle, but supplemented with elastic bands - and it turns out to be extremely durable.

hairstyles braids with elastic bands
But such styling gained its popularity not only due to practicality, but also due to originality, especially since there are a variety of braids with elastic bands. Photos clearly demonstrate this: there are voluminous, wide, and there are narrow, but interesting, there are holiday options and everyday ones. Any girl will be able to choose for herself a suitable braid based on rubber bands and make it yourself.


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