Bodyflex for beginners: a 15-minute home complex

If you are in search of physical activity for beginners, body flex is the set of exercises that you should pay attention to. This is an optimal physical activity, which helps to improve health, reduce weight and improves appearance, especially positively affecting the condition of the skin.

How it works

How can a 15-minute bodyflex beginner complex help you get rid of extra pounds? This may seem surprising and implausible until you figure out how this technique works. Bodyflex is an exercise combined with deep diaphragmatic breathing technique. This type of breathing allows much more oxygen to enter the body than usual. Due to the holding of the breath when performing exercises, our body directs most of this volume to the tense muscles, which leads to easy oxidation, that is, destruction of nearby fatty tissues.

An interesting feature and great advantage of bodyflex is not only the ability to affect weight, but also fight the deposition of fats in specific problem areas.

Before applying the full complex of bodyflex for beginners, you need to master the breathing technique. It consists of four stages:

  • full exhalation through the mouth;
  • a sharp nose breath using the abdomen;
  • exhalation by the diaphragm;
  • breath holding, retraction of the abdomen.

Exercises are performed on holding the breath. We will analyze in detail all the stages of the breathing technique.

Exhale through the mouth

lips tube

Having made the decision to engage in body flex for beginners, it is important to master all stages of breathing. Practice breathing without doing exercises until you can complete all the steps in sequence and without delay.

On exhalation, we try to completely remove all air from the lungs. To do this, fold your lips with a tube and calmly and slowly exhale until there is a feeling that there is nothing more to exhale. At this point, you may feel lightly dizzy.

An important point! Keep your back level while breathing out. The anterior abdominal muscle is actively working, pulling it to the spine. Do not help yourself with shoulders, do not round them.

Sharp breath through nose


Immediately after exhalation, we close our lips and take a sharp breath through the nose. When inhaling, we abruptly inflate the stomach. The breath should be powerful and noisy. Again, you need to watch your shoulders. Raising our shoulders, we direct the air only to the upper part of the lungs, and we need a lot of oxygen, which we get when breathing through the stomach and diaphragm. It is very important to understand this even in the first classes of body flex for beginners.

For some people with such a breath, a problem arises in the form of strongly narrowing nostrils. To avoid this, you can accompany the breath with a wide smile. Just make sure that the lips remain tightly pressed and all the air enters through the nose.

Expiratory diaphragm

exhale diaphragm

During diaphragmatic exhalation, the air is pushed out with force through tightly closed lips, the stomach is pulled to the spine. Exhaling the diaphragm, we pronounce a loud sound similar to β€œgroin”, leaving our mouth open, exhale all the air from the lungs with the help of the abdomen. If you exhale correctly, at the end you will hear a sound like a hiss. We close our mouth and do not inhale the nose.

Tummy Tuck

inverted belly

Due to the vacuum formed with a correctly performed exhalation, we tighten the stomach. He must go under the ribs. Then we start the exercise and count down the breath holding.

Breath hold

The body hold breath for beginners at home is between four and ten seconds. Be careful not to take small breaths through your mouth or nose.

Be sure to exercise separately from breathing exercises. You can start training after the full development of the breathing technique.

Bodyflex lessons for beginners: 15-minute complex

Is 15 minutes a day enough to get the result? Yes, the optimal time for bodyflex training for beginners is from fifteen to twenty minutes. Small breaks between sets are allowed. Five repetitions are performed for each exercise.

  1. Raising legs from a supine position. Lie on your back, straight arms lie palms down under the buttocks - this is done to reduce the load on the lower back. Having completed all the stages of breathing and pulling up the stomach, raise straight legs up and lower them a little forward. Do not create an angle between the legs and the floor less than 45 degrees. After ten seconds, return to the starting position and inhale. During the exercise, the head and shoulders remain pressed to the floor.
  2. Raising bent legs from a prone position. Stay on your back, arms extended along the torso. Bend the legs at the knees, the distance between the feet is 20-25 centimeters. We repeat the respiratory cycle and pull the stomach under the ribs. Raise the head and shoulder blades above the floor. Hands raised and stretched forward. Look straight. Do not press your chin to your chest. After holding the posture, return the upper body to the floor and take a calm breath. When performing the exercise, it is important not to tilt your head back, because this does not affect the cervical spine in the best way.
  3. Raising legs from a sitting position. Now we sit on the floor, the body is slightly tilted back, we rely on straight arms. Bend your knees, perform a breathing technique and tighten your stomach. Raise your legs so that your lower legs are parallel to the floor. Hold the pose. During the exercise, make sure that the back remains straight. The closer you bring your legs to your stomach, the lower the load on your lower back. With the abduction of the legs from the abdomen, the load on the press increases.
  4. Slopes. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a breathing exercise and tighten your stomach. Extend your right hand up and lean to the left until you feel stretched in the opposite side. Make sure that the arm above does not relax, stretch diagonally without moving the pelvis. After ten seconds, take your starting position and inhale calmly. Be sure to breathe in in a relaxed position. Repeat the exercise five times for each side.
  5. Rinsing. In the bodyflex lessons for beginners, they are sure to do this useful and effective exercise. It is called rinsing and perfectly trains the abdominal muscles, and also gently massages the abdominal organs. Starting position - standing on all fours. Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, do not draw in your stomach, but rather, relax your muscles. The stomach should fall. Using the muscles, pull it to the spine and release it again. When you learn the technique, do the exercise at a fast pace. Do not help yourself with your back, it remains straight and motionless.

Class time

early morning

For beginners, bodyflex for weight loss, class time plays a big role. Best of all, the body breaks down fats in the morning. If you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach, weight loss is guaranteed.

You can have breakfast one hour after class. Do not be discouraged by the prospect of exercising in the morning on an empty stomach. This will not only allow you to lose weight, but also energize you for the whole day. The morning will be really peppy, and an accelerated metabolism will help burn calories all day.

If an early rise is not possible for you, it is allowed to postpone classes for the evening. After eating, 2-3 hours must pass.


stop signs

Unfortunately, even bodyflex for beginners is contraindicated for some people. Be sure to consider the conditions in which you can not deal with it.

  • pregnancy at any time;
  • coagulation disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • do not deal with ARVI;
  • contraindications are any diseases of the spine;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • cardiovascular pathologies of severe forms.

The beginning of a body flex, like any other breathing technique, is health care, and not the desire to lose weight in any way.

The benefits of bodyflex training

Despite the presence of contraindications, bodyflex has a number of significant advantages:

  • People of any age and physique can be engaged, the technique is available even to very complete people.
  • For classes you do not need a special place and additional equipment.
  • Very fast and visible results. In the first week of classes, you can lose from 5 to 15 centimeters at the waist. We also note that the abdomen is considered the most difficult to lose weight, with most diets, fat is the last to go. In bodyflex, on the contrary, the first thing you get is a slender waist and a tucked up belly.
  • Bodyflex helps to quickly and easily get rid of such a problem as cellulite. Thanks to aerobic respiration, fats are quickly burned, and the skin is smoothed.


For best results, try to adhere to these rules:

  1. Provide yourself fresh air. The ideal option is outdoor activities. But if this is not possible, ventilate the room well before class. If warm, leave the window open.
  2. Work out in the morning on an empty stomach. Do not transfer classes to the evening because of laziness.
  3. Regular classes are the key to success. 15 minutes a day is quite a bit. The first months to achieve the result you need to deal with every day. And only when you decide to support the achieved result, you can go to 2-3 lessons per week. If you like body flex, make it your lifestyle.

Results that can be achieved

good result

The main result is an improvement in overall well-being. Exercising daily, you will forget about drowsiness and increased fatigue. Remember what a tired person does automatically? He yawns. This is nothing more than an attempt by the body to get more oxygen to cheer up.

Oxygen is the basis of life and health. Especially its quantity affects the condition of the skin. An excellent bonus to weight loss when using the bodyflex technique is the absence of skin problems. Your weight is reduced, and the skin is tightened and remains supple.

All losing weight are interested in the question of how quickly and how much weight can be lost. The results are not long in coming. Weight decreases from the first week, but the volumes melt especially strongly. Be sure to follow the results not only on the scales, but also on the table of measurements of body volumes.

Bodyflex breathing practice has a very strong effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. People involved in it experience a decrease in nervous tension, they find peace and become more cheerful.

Being engaged in a body-flex, you will gain good flexibility and a beautiful posture.


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