Narrative sentence in Russian

The Russian language is a complex, multifaceted, multi-structural phenomenon. Each section of linguistics studies a separate section of the language using a scientific systems approach. The syntax deals with the study of sentences as the main language unit .

The sentence in Russian is characterized by a number of features. By the number of grammatical foundations, it can be simple and complex. By the presence of predicative units it is considered complete (there is both subject and predicate) and incomplete (one of the main members of the sentence is omitted, but is easily restored from the context of the sentence). In composition, a simple sentence can be two-part (both main members of the sentence are present) and one-part (in the presence of only the subject or only the predicate). Single-component sentences, in turn, are divided into nominal (the main member is the subject) and verbal - certain personal, indefinite personal, generalized personal and impersonal (with one main member - predicate).

For the purpose of utterance, it is customary to distinguish between a narrative sentence, interrogative, incentive.

A narrative sentence is a sentence which contains a message about someone or something: about some fact, event, phenomenon, object or living creature, for example: "Outside the window today the whole sun shone so rare in the local latitudes today." This message may be negative or affirmative: “As much as we did not expect our father, today he never arrived

"." It poured rain in the early morning, as promised by the weather forecasters. "

A narrative sentence is the most common type of sentence in Russian. They are characterized by the multifaceted nature of their content and structure; such proposals always express a complete thought. In oral speech, this is conveyed by special shades of narrative intonation - the tone rises on the keyword or phrase, the most significant fragment is logically highlighted, then the tone drops to calm, the intonation of the end of the sentence follows.

A narrative sentence includes all the main types of sentences:

  • simple: "Mom came home from work";
  • difficult: "I looked out into the street and saw that a huge cloud was covering the sky";
  • full: "The blizzard was not in earnest";
  • incomplete: "A false friend will betray you at the first danger, a real one - never!"
  • two-part: "He left without looking back";
  • monosyllabic - call out: "A quiet spring night outside the window"; verbs: "I dream of you"; "They knock on my door"; "Sweet smells of blooming linden"; "Climb up the hill and take a nice ride on the first rolled snow."

Suggestions for intonation in Russian are exclamatory, i.e. emotionally colored and non-exclamatory - emotionally neutral: Ah, how wonderful in the summer in the forest! The sun gently bakes, the birds sing about something, the midge flutters fussyly in the grass.

Non-exclamatory sentences do not express emotions - anger, joy, anger, despair, etc. In terms of content, they are either narrative or interrogative: A hungry puppy wandered dejectedly along a dark street; Can you tell me what time it is?

Exclamation sentences express the widest range of emotions - joy, anger, surprise, amazement, etc. In oral speech, exclamation is expressed by a special intonation, tone increase. In writing - with the help of an exclamation mark.

Exclamations may include sentences such as:

  • narrative sentences, for example: "So she came, mother winter!"
  • motivational sentences: "Be careful, do not make mistakes in the composition!"
  • interrogative sentences: "And what are we silent about ?! What are we thinking about ?!"

In addition to intonation, an exclamation can be expressed by such service parts of speech as interjection and particles: which, oh, well, well, and what other things:

ABOUT! How glad I am to see you!

What a charm this snow!

Well, you made a joke!

Hey! Owners, open the gate!

Well, you made a joke!

Hey! Owners, open the gate!


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